Monday, November 17, 2014

Neocon agenda pushing to increase US involvement in Mideast: Journalist 

Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:38PM GMT
“The neocon agenda is pushing very hard for an escalation of US involvement in the Middle East, says Susane Lindauer.

The newly elected US Congress that begins in January has a “neoconservative agenda” that will pressure President Barack Obama’s administration to escalate the war in Syria to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad, an American journalist and antiwar activist says.“The new neocon Senate which is coming into power in January is demanding that Obama increase funding and increase bombardments in Syria that will target Assad’s government,” Susane Lindauer told Press TV on Sunday.

“The neocon agenda is pushing very hard for an escalation of US involvement in the region, this is very dangerous,” Lindauer said.

The US government is refusing to acknowledge the major role that it played in financing and helping to create the ISIL terrorist group, Lindauer added.

“The United States is in denial over its role in financing, training and providing weapons for Syrian radicals who have become ISIL,” she noted. “In fact, we made ISIL, the United States created ISIL with our own money and our own weapons and military training.”

“It is a disgrace that is lost in America’s corporate media but smart activists recognize that we’re to blame for this crisis, we did this ourselves.”

On Sunday, Obama rejected any alliance with the Syrian government as the US military intensifies its operations against ISIL. He claimed that President Bashar al-Assad has lost legitimacy to lead Syria and any cooperation with him in battling the Takfiri terrorists would backfire.

The United States and its regional allies - especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey - have been supporting the militants fighting to oust President Assad since the beginning of the crisis.

AHT/DDB source: 

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