Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Russia's Middle Eastern Frontier

Nikolai MALISHEVSKI | 17.10.2013 | 00:00

The U.S., overloaded with colossal internal problems, is once again planning to get out of trouble by beating Russia in the global competition on the oil and gas fronts. On the oil front with the help of Saudi Arabia, and on the gas front (and to some extent on the potassium front) with the help of Qatar. In this economic war, Syria is one of Russia’s most significant frontiers.
Saudi Arabia is America's tool for controlling oil supplies and putting pressure on Iran and Russia by threatening to displace their oil in all the biggest importers on the planet. This is done using a scheme worked out back in the 1980s, when by agreement with Washington the Saudis dropped the price of oil to 10 dollars a barrel, reducing the main revenue item of the USSR's budget to nothing and hastening the end of the Soviet superpower. While Washington lacks such a mechanism with regard to natural gas, it realizes quite well that Russia, which possesses approximately one third of world gas reserves, can become a world leader in this sphere. And these days the stability of a country's geopolitical positions is more dependent on control of gas fields and transport routes than oil fields and transport routes. 
Since the beginning of the Arab spring and the aggression against Syria, Qatar has begun to play a key role in America's anti-Russian plans, as it has: a) colossal gas reserves, in which respect this small country has already surpassed Gazprom, b) a huge fleet of 54 special Q-max and Q-flex ships for transporting liquefied gas, and c) the largest gas field in the world, the Northern field, for which the moratorium on development ends in 2014. Most likely, that is when the deciding battle for Syria will take place and the all-out «gas» attack on Russia will begin…
The monarchies of the Persian Gulf, which along with the United States support «democratic changes» in several Middle Eastern countries, themselves remain dictatorial regimes. Thus the «Arab spring» boomerang they have thrown will inevitably return to them. The only way for them to divert the energy of the revolutionary explosion away from themselves is to try to redirect this energy outward. The Saudis' and Qataris' efforts are directed to the northeast, and their targets are Syria and Iran, and in the later stage, the Caucasus and the Volga region. 
Qatar is not only a tool for controlling gas supplies and squeezing Russia out of the European market. It is expected that the loss of the gas market in the European Union would be catastrophic for Russia's budget. Strictly speaking, Qatar as a political entity is a British creation, buttressed by the U.S. army. At the same time it is a branch of Western transnational corporations. Like Saudi Arabia, Qatar has long been a center of international terrorism, sending fighters to Libya, Syria, Egypt, Algeria and the Caucasus. At one time the Qataris, who have an army of 12,000, sent 5,000 special operations troops into the deciding battle for the Libyan capital, Tripoli.
Ideological support for Qatar's policy is provided by the television channel Al Jazeera and several influential Islamist figures like Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chairman of the World Council of Islamic Theologians, who took an active anti-Russian position back in the years of the first Chechen campaign. The Qataris openly welcome Chechen terrorist leaders like Zelmikhan Yandarbiev and finance Syrian «rebels», to whom Qatari aviation sends a huge amount of weapons via Turkey and Jordan. However, the main direction of attack for Qatar and its Western patrons is connected not with military actions, but with economic ones.
Qatar is already waging a price war against Russia. The Qataris are working in Belarus under Gazprom's nose, regasification terminals are under construction in the south and north of Europe, and the possibility of building terminals in England, the Netherlands, Turkey, Greece, etc. is being probed. The Qataris would think nothing of openly beating up a Russian diplomat at the ambassadorial level. The Emir of Qatar, sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, whose main office is located in London, has already eliminated or neutralized all Russian oil and gas projects in Qatar: 5 large billion-dollar projects like Yamal-LNG and 18 projects estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars. The same thing was done with gold mining projects.
Qatar owns 30% of the Rockefellers' Exxon Mobil Corporation, an energy monster which has become the main beneficiary of the occupation of Iraq and is one of the main lobbyists for the war against Syria. It is to this corporation that the puppet regime in Baghdad gave a 50-year monopoly on the development of Iraq's oil reserves after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. As the main consumer of Russian gas is Europe, Exxon is trying to implement an alternative Qatar - Europe gas pipeline project. The White House also has an interest in this project. 
If the American-Qatari alliance is able to shut out Gazprom, it would lead to a drop in hydrocarbon prices with all the ensuing consequences. It only remains to destroy Syria and all Middle Eastern infrastructure related to Russian energy projects, first of all pipeline infrastructure, as was done after post-Nasser Egypt was swung about from Moscow toward Washington in the 1970s; this was accompanied by the destruction of infrastructure the Egyptians had built on Moscow's money and the transformation of Egypt from a leader of the Arab world to a third-class state. 
They want to destroy Syria in order to:
1) Take control not only of the recently discovered Syrian gas fields between Damascus and Homs, but of the entire territory of the country, which is seen as an important Middle Eastern geoeconomic crossroads and an alternative to the sea route for transporting hydrocarbons. The oil and gas monarchies of the Gulf are critically dependent on the transport route through the Strait of Hormuz. If that route were to be blocked for several months, an economic crisis would be inevitable for the Saudis, the Qataris and the Europeans.
2) Replace gas supplies to Europe from the north (from Russia) with supplies from the south (from U.S. vassals on the Gulf), as after the fall of Asad, even if Iran blocks the Strait of Hormuz, it will be possible to lay a gas pipeline through the territory of occupied Syria, allowing Qatar to displace Gazprom.
For now the Americans and Saudis are hastening to deprive Syria of chemical weapons and develop Libyan oil. The Qataris, who have already quietly drawn away 6% of the European Union market (as a result of which Gazprom's share has decreased by 2%), are moving in on Libya's gas sphere and setting their sights on yet another gas state, Algeria, which for now retains its sovereignty in the gas extraction field (Qatar is already sending weapons and jihadist thugs to Algeria at full tilt).
The approaching year 2014 will be decisive in the fate of Syria as Russia's Middle Eastern frontier. It is next year that a) it will become impossible to further postpone the resolution of internal problems in the U.S., b) chemical weapons in Syria will be destroyed, c) the moratorium on the development of the largest gas field in the world, the Northern field on the border between Qatar and Iran, will end, and d) Qatar will finish building its fleet, create infrastructure for delivering LNG (a port on the coast, a series of super gas tankers, and regasification terminals in the EU), and gain a stake in European gas transport systems.
The main task for Russia's foreign policy in the Middle East in 2014 will be not to allow the destruction of Syria or the «democratization» of Algeria in a similar scenario.
Tags: Al Qaeda Middle East Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Syria

Alleged soldier brutally slaughtered by alQaeda linked terrorists

Posted on 10/17/13 at 23:30

Alleged soldier brutally slaughtered by alQaeda linked terrorists
Deir ez-Zor, Syria – Dozens of executions are being carried out in the 6th largest city of Syria, Deir ez-Zor. Terrorist groups who are directly linked to al-Qaida like Jabhat al-Nusra or other anti-Islamic Wahhabi groups like the Ahfad Muhammad Brigade are very active and holding strategically non-important areas in the city of Deir ez-Zor. This beheading took place on the 15th of August 2013, which could be connected to the unsuccessful August 2013 offensive in Deir ez-Zor by extremist groups. According to the cameraman, a Syrian soldier was captured. The executer is using a medium-sized knife to behead the man, whose hands are tied behind his back. During the video, the executor is telling the cameraman two times to put the mobile phone away, since he suspects that he is filming. It’s obvious that the estimated number of unknown cases regarding beheading/executions is very high – they don’t want to be filmed. The crowd accuses the man to be a “Nusayri”, an Alawite. It is disgusting how sectarian these Wahhabi terrorists are thinking. The Koran forbids such crimes principally. During their slaughtering, everyone tries to shout as loud as he can “Allahu Akbar” – this has absolutely nothing to do with God. At the end of the video, the cameraman says from 02:37: “Allahu Akbar, 08/15/2013. Slaughtering of a sniper by the lions of Jabhat al-Nusra“. Jabhat al-Nusra in Deir ez-Zor is led by Abu Salam Tabsah, who might be among the extremists. In the video you can also see a lot of children, children in the ... Read More »

Call to Saveguard Peace in the Middle East and Geneva II Now!

Call to Saveguard Peace in the Middle East and for a Meaningful Geneva II Conference Now!

Arms down. There is no alternative to a diplomatic solution.

Syria is already „correctly“ obiding by the UNSCR resolution 2118 and in the process of destroying its chemical arsenal. However, this is far from being sufficient to saveguard peace in the country.
Thugs equipped with the most sophisticated arms and electronic surveillance machinery are still infiltrating the country and continue to destabilize it. Saudi Arabia and Katar make no secret of their massive military assistance. Israel has bombed Damascus sveral times, has been militarily threatening Iran even with a nuclear threat. Israel contiues to bomb Gaza at will. It has covered Lebanon with war. If there is to be a lasting Peace in the Greater Middle East, all parties need to be rid of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDS) now. The „rebells“ in Syria are to supervised too and their arms supply needs to be stopped immediatelly. The entire region must be rid of Weaopns of Mass Decustructions as has been called for a long time. Now it is time to mount public pressure.
It is well known that the Syrian chemical arsenal was but a „cheap“ response to the Israel nuclear capacity no matter that it „officially“ denied. The nuclear power Israel continues to threaten world peace with its occupational policy, its expansion of settlements and its frequent bombarding of neighbouring nations.

-As peace loving people we must call for a diplomatic solution. Peace is not secure as long there are weapons of mass destruction in a region that is powder keg.

-We must put pressure on our policy makers to convene in Geneva this year.
We must pressure for stopping the financing of arms supply to nations and individuals who continue to break international law.
-We must call for an interational solution which obliges all sides involved to stop their aggressions and to begin dismantle their arsenal of WMDs now.

We must not allow that one country is being singled out. General disarmament is the need of the day. Balanced and internationally supervised dismantelling of WMDs be a first step.

Let us unite voices for a joint call on our policy makers:

Go to Geneva and work work an ABC-free zone in the Middle East.
Help to stop terrorists and thugs who destabilize the region and threaten world peace.

Let us recall  German UN-embassador Werner Hoyer's speech at the UN Assembly on nuclear disarmament and take him by his words:

„Deutschland sieht Abrüstung und Rüstungskontrolle als zentralen Baustein einer globalen Sicherheitsarchitektur. Wir haben viel Zeit verloren. Wir brauchen ein neues Jahrzehnt der Abrüstung, und zwar jetzt. Dafür muss der Nichtverbreitungsvertrag bewahrt und heute hier in New York gestärkt werden. An dieser Konferenz liegt es deshalb, durch vorwärtsschauende Vereinbarungen und Empfehlungen die nötigen konkreten Impulse zu setzen. Ich rufe daher alle Vertragsstaaten dazu auf, ihrer hohen gemeinsamen Verantwortung gemäß auf dieser wichtigen Konferenz zu handeln, um unsere Welt zu einem sichereren und friedlicheren Ort zu machen!

Vielen Dank.“

Dr. Werner Hoyer (FDP) vertrat Deutschland in der UN-Vollversammlung zu atomarer Abrüstung.05.05.2010

AKF-Entschließung: Frieden in Syrien, ABC-waffenfreie Zone im Nahen Osten! Für Genf II

Arbeitskreis für Friedenspolitik (AKF) Atomwaffenfreies Europa – e.V.
Rudolf Andreas Palmer, Heide Reich,
Prof. em. Dr. Roland Reich, Irene Eckert

Rudolf Andreas Palmer Gardeschützenweg 27/29, 12203 Berlin
(030) 834 44 37

Irene.Eckert@ Blog:

Der Arbeitskreis für Friedenspolitik begrüsst alle diplomatischen Bemühungen, die zur UN- Sicherheitsresolution 2118 geführt haben. Dieser Entschluss fordert die Vernichtung aller chemischen Waffen in Syrien. Seitens der Regierung wird bereits tatkräftig an der Umsetzung gearbeitet. Wir sehen in diesem Prozess einen Meilenstein für die friedliche Beilegung des Konflikts. Die Wiederherstellung des Friedens in Syrien eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für die Konfliktlösung in der ganzen Region.
Wir unterstützen nun alle Bemühungen für das zeitnahe Zustandekommen von Genf II.* Diese Konferenz muss alle betroffenen Staaten einbeziehen und sie hat all jene Beteiligte aus Syrien an einen Tisch zu bringen, die sich für die Wiederherstellung des Friedens einsetzen.
Alle UN-Entschließungen mit Bezug zur Konfliktlösung in Nahost sollten die Grundlage für die Verhandlungen bilden.
Vorschläge und Resolutionen, die schon lange innerhalb der Völkergemeinschaft debatiert werden, dürfen dabei nicht beiseite gelassen werden. Damit muss auch der ursprünglich von Ägypten schon in den 60iger Jahren eingebrachte Vorschlag für eine ABC-waffenfreie Zone im Nahen Osten** Berücksichtigung finden.
* Die erste Syrien-Konferenz der fünf UN-Vetomächte und mehrerer Nahost-Staaten in Genf fand im Juni 2012 statt
** Im Zusammenhang mit der Debatte um das iranische Atomprogramm sagten die europäischen Mächte bereits 2005 zu, - „...Bemühungen um eine ABC-waffenfreie Zone Nahost zu unterstützen“, so Oliver Thränert von der SWP (siehe auch Trt_ES_0308_ks.pdf)
Clemens Ronnefeldt, Referent für Friedensfragen beim deutschen Zweig des Int. Versöhnungsbundes, der unter dem Stichwort "Lösungsansätze" 2006 meint, der erste Schritt für eine zivile, diplomatische Lösung des gegenwärtigen Streites um das iranische Atomprogramm bestünde im Anerkennen des atomaren Ungleichgewichtes in der Region Naher und Mittlerer Osten durch die USA und die EU. Zur Beseitigung dieser grundlegenden Konfliktursache wäre die Einberufung einer Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Mittleren und Nahen Osten (KSZMNO) geeignet, die auf eine ABC- waffenfreie Zone von Israel bis Iran hinarbeiten könnte.
Forderungen nach der Umsetzung einer solchen ABC-waffenfreien Zone finden sich bereits in mehreren UN- Resolutionen bezüglich Iraks, wurden allerdings bisher noch nie ernsthaft aufgegriffen. Von iranischer Seite wurde in den bisherigen Verhandlungen mit der EU betont, die EU-3 mögen die Initiative zum Start einer regionalen ABC-waffenfreien Zone ergreifen. " iran_konflikt.pdf
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Vernichtung aller ABC-Waffen voranbringen – neue Katastrophe verhindern helfen!

Vernichtung aller ABC-Waffen voranbringen – neue Katastrophe verhindern helfen!

heute ist Syrien der Chemiewaffenkonvention beigetreten – ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Vernichtung des gesamten syrischen Chemiewaffenarsenals. Gleichzeitig ist das auch ein wichtiger Erfolg im Kampf gegen alle Massenvernichtungswaffen. Wir müssen diesen Moment nutzen und den politischen Druck auf alle Staaten verstärken, die Vernichtung aller biologischen, chemischen und nuklearen Waffen weiter voranzubringen – bevor eine neue Katastrophe geschieht:
Die schrecklichen Bilder des Chemiewaffeneinsatzes sind immer noch in unseren Köpfen. Und auch wie sich die Lage dramatisch zuspitzte und ein militärisches Eingreifen immer wahrscheinlich wurde. Aber auch das Maß an öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit wurde größer und die politische Bereitschaft für eine diplomatische Lösung wurde stärker. In der letzten Minute vereinbarten der amerikanische Außenminister John Kerry und der russische Außenminister Sergei Lawrow, dass die Vereinten Nationen Syriens Chemiewaffenarsenal vernichten soll.
Und zwar nicht nur einen Teil des Arsenals, sondern das gesamte Chemiewaffenarsenal. Und nicht innerhalb von Jahren, sondern von Monaten. Mitten in einem Bürgerkrieg. Die diplomatische Lösung wurde innerhalb von nur 30 Stunden erreicht. Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hat nur wenige Tage gebraucht, um den Plan anzunehmen und umzusetzen: Syriens Massenvernichtungswaffen werden vernichtet.
Wir dürfen jetzt jedoch nicht eine weitere chemische, biologische oder nukleare Katastrophe abwarten, um wieder mit der gleichen Entschlossenheit zu handeln. 
Deswegen rufe jetzt als Teil der Global Zero Bewegung den UN-Sicherheitsrat auf, die entscheidenden Staaten an den Verhandlungstisch zu bringen, um handfeste Pläne für die Eliminierung von allen Massenvernichtungswaffen – chemischen, biologischen und nuklearen Waffen - auszuarbeiten.
Syriens Chemiewaffenarsenal wird vernichtet, weil hunderte von Menschen vergiftet wurden und die Welt eine diplomatische Lösung verlangt hat. Wir können nicht warten, bis eine Atomwaffe eingesetzt wird und hunderttausende Menschen getötet werden, bevor wir mit der gleichen Entschlossenheit handeln. 
Deswegen lasst uns gemeinsam die internationale Staatengemeinschaft auffordern, endlich handfeste Pläne für die Abschaffung aller Massenvernichtungswaffen vorzulegen.
Global Zero ist die internationale Bewegung für die weltweite Eliminierung von Atomwaffen.