(new)Italian Communist Party
rue Lénine BP3 93451 Ile St Denis (France)
44/12-December 17, 2012 ( commented excerpts)
Newtown bell sounds for us too!
It asks us which future we're building!
human kind from a little over a hundred years has the knowledge and
the means to liberate every human being from the daily hassle of
procuring food and protecting themselves against the cold and bad
weather, but the life of a large part of mankind is still dogged and
dominated by the lack of food, housing, clothing and other essential
means we are not saying to live with dignity but even just to
survive. The human kind won the fight which for millennia it
had to lead against the rest of nature to snatch what was
indispensable to live and reproduce itself. But for most of the human
kind that struggle became the struggle that it must lead every day
against the system of relations which society is based on, a system
that excludes them from civil life conditions. This is the gangrene
that corrodes the current society.
... men are capable of overcoming this system of social relations
and access en masse to the specifically human activities, those that
distinguish the human kind from the other animal kinds ...
workers, the laborers who produce goods for the capitalists, can
organize themselves and win the class struggle that opposes them
daily against the capitalists. ...
first socialist countries demonstrated that under the direction of
the working class and its Communist party it is possible to entrust
to public agencies, the production of goods and services ...
is possible, but it is also necessary. The society based on the
production of goods and services as commodities, has arrived at the
most it could give and ended in an impasse. It has been an instrument
of development of civilization, but now the capitalist production of
commodities has become a machine that destroys the planet and
pollutes the environment, in each country, even in the richest and
advanced ones, condemns a part of the population to exclusion, and
produces monsters on the individual level: Newtown events remind us
and confirm it and are just the latest in a long list of similar
events that have marked the news of imperialist countries in recent
is a remedy for all the ills of the present society. The synthesis of
the remedies, the basis which individual remedies need to grow, is
that the production of goods and services must be decided by the
society with its institutions and procedures and must be entrusted to
public agencies that the company creates and manages: it can no
longer be an appendage of individual interests, entrusted to the
individual economic initiative. The division of humanity into social
classes of exploited and exploiters, oppressed and oppressor has had
its run...
then has the Communist movement been defeated, after the great
successes gained in the early part of the last century, in the latter
part of the twentieth century? (…)
(If humanity is to strive for socialism again and for a better future, it needs to study scientifically the root causes for the failure of the first socialist experience, bloggers comment)
the heroism of millions of fighters, the communist movement has lost
his first general war, the first wave of the proletarian revolution
developed in the early part of the twentieth century, due to the
limitations in understanding it had as regards this aspect of the
fight it was leading.
new birth of the communist movement is a need demonstrated and
claimed by the materials relations that humanity is living. But the
new birth implies a growth of spiritual activity (?) that starting from
the communist vanguard would spread to advanced workers, to the
working class, to the rest of the popular masses who are increasingly
organizing themselves to take on their new responsibilities and their
new role in society.
( What is needed is to study the classical texts and to have a closer, unbiased look at the first socialist state that emerged in history and study the reasons for its eventual collaps.)
communist organization is not only an instrument of political
struggle and economic struggle. It is and must increasingly become an
instrument of theoretical struggle, of moral training for
transformation of consciousness!