Wednesday, April 23, 2014

US NGOs in Ukraine – Washington’s Foreign Policy Tools or Biden Visits Kiev (I) by Nikolai BOBKIN 23.04.2014 | 00:00

Vice-President John Biden came to Kiev to see with his own eyes how the events unfold in the country. The second part of the article will be devoted to the results of the visit. Here it’s important to state the fact that Ukraine serves as an irritant for Moscow which may turn into its enemy and that’s the only thing Washington needs Ukraine for. The situation in the country has deteriorated to the point of bringing it to the brink of civil war, but Washington does not care. The main thing is to keep the puppet regime in power. Biden is an author of «color revolutions» policy and the person responsible for staging unrest in other countries, for him Ukraine is just another testing ground no different from North Africa… 
Americans are not fantasy prone people, they always have a pattern to follow and they gauge all other nations with their own «democratic criterion» ignoring racial and religious specific features. The same thing is repeated in Kiev. The White House says that Biden will meet leaders of civil society to discuss their role in strengthening democratic institutions. 
It’s not an occasion that NGOs are in the focus of his attention, billions of dollars are spent to keep them afloat and they are expected to produce the pre-programmed results. The Ukraine’s government has been using every occasion to stress its independence while it is quite docile and submissive towards all kinds of NGOs and foreign special agencies operatives acting on the Ukraine’s territory. No matter US NGOs always emphasize how open, democratic and transparent they are, in reality they act as close clubs with the criteria for personnel enlistment normally practiced by the CIA when it chooses the agents for the mission of strengthening American influence. As a rule, the leading positions are held by specially selected persons ready to represent the US interests in other countries, Ukraine in the given case, for financial remuneration. They try to involve Ukrainian experts and elite into their activities while discussions and seminars are used to collect information on the country, its politics, military potential, economy, as well as religious and social life. Then the data is sent to corresponding centers of information processing and analysis in the USA. 
The Unites States accounts for the major part of foreign NGOs in Ukraine, including such well-known ones as: NDI (the National Democratic Institute), IRI (the International Republican Institute), and NED (the National Endowment for Democracy). The US embassy in Ukraine is actively involved in the process of external funding or grants distribution. The international «Vozrozhdenie» is held in special esteem responsible for 500-600 US-sponsored projects. The organization is a brainchild of financial magnate George Soros. The outstanding merits taken into account, «Vozrozhdenie» is made responsible for funds allocated to media, health care, sociology and other needs. 
Poland has remembered recently that some Ukraine’s territories belonged to it in the past, so it launched active propaganda activities in border areas. It does not carry out these activities independently; the United States uses the Polish NGOs as tools of US foreign policy. The Poland’s role is limited by facilitating the expansion of US NGOs presence in Ukraine. The mission is the same – to collect information and sent it to the US, as well as the creation of information space to meet the United States interests in the region. 
Subject to Russophobia, Poland and the United States are ready to instigate and provoke hostility of Ukrainians towards Russia. Polish NGOs have spread around a network of branches formally operating to create civil society. The Pravy Sector nationalist radicals have their hand in their activities. Poland is constantly working to penetrate state and public structures of Ukraine. 
Take the Foundation Aid to Poles in the East (Fundacja Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie) founded in 1992 with the help of Polish Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Senate and the Ministry of Culture. The formally declared goals envision providing aid to Kresy ("Eastern Borderlands) diaspora, the development of Polish language and culture, national spirit and self-consciousness, creating favorable conditions for political projects, cooperating with Polish organizations abroad to make them interconnected with Polish groups. But it’s enough to have a look at those who head the Foundation to understand it has close connection with the state: its special services and propaganda apparatus. Now Warsaw has a free hand to expand its influence in Ukraine while the Ukrainian government has forgotten that it rules an independent country allowing the United States and Poland to do what they want on Ukrainian soil. 
Ukraine has become a safe haven for NGOs that propagate extremism, separatism, and nationalism and are involved in manipulation of people’s consciousness going as far as outright meddling into internal affairs. According to different estimates, there are over 500 international NGOs which use Internet as the main instrument of operation. Quite often they assume the role of judges on state politics and public views. They act according to what the United States tells them to do becoming a force to bolster radicals. There are special interagency groups in US intelligence community which coordinate the NGO’s activities in Ukraine. For instance, the National Intelligence Council (NIC) has the National Intelligence for Russia and Eurasia within its structure. The unit is under the Director of National Intelligence and is responsible for National Intelligence Estimate, the report prepared on the basis of open sources information and regularly submitted to the President of the United States. Along with other services operatives it takes part in guiding the activities of Western and pro-Western NGOs in Eastern Europe and the former USSR creating a multi-echelon network of influence. 
Ukrainians are to go through hard times being imposed the foreign pattern of democracy as Washington grossly meddles into the internal affairs of the state situated thousands of miles away from CONUS. The White House has assumed the role of the Kiev regime’s tutor, thus making itself responsible for the crimes committed by the Ukrainian interim rulers against their own people. It tries to distract the attention away from the Ukrainian regime’s failure by inciting hatred against Russians. The history of the two brotherly nations is distorted, the Russian speakers are oppressed while the Russian language is being squeezed out, Russians are declared to be a national minority and the Ukrainian patriots in the South-East hitting the streets in protest along with their families are called separatists. The putschists came to power as a result of coup and have their hands soaked in blood of their compatriots. But everyone who refuses to kneel before them are declared to be outlaws. There are millions of them - the people presumed to breach the law, they account for a large part of the country’s population. Many thousands of Ukrainian young people are at a loss in the contemporary world having lost moral orientation. Spiritual revival and break-up with the ideology imposed from outside is what the Ukraine of today needs most of all. US-funded NGOs have no role to play. Vice-President Biden calls these organizations the «civil society leaders» while discussing their role aimed at strengthening the regime which is fighting its own people.
Tags: Middle East Ukraine US Biden

The Aggressive Feminine Face of U.S. Diplomacy by Nikolai BOBKIN

18.04.2014 | 00:00

The United States is represented in the UN by Samantha Power, who recently has been shocking diplomats with her hysterical retorts, unpredictable behavior and invective from the podium of the world's main international organization. The lady who has been nicknamed Obama's «humanitarian hawk» is in such a rage over the impotence of the U.S. in Ukraine that occasionally she spouts total nonsense: that Russia has no right to forget that it is the loser, not the winner, that Moscow's behavior is outrageous because by blackmailing the U.S. with nuclear weapons, Moscow is humiliating America, etc. 
In general, one of the most outstanding drama queens of recent years in the American establishment is Hillary Clinton. Under Obama, she ran America, and not the president; Obama just echoed her. That was how it was when they killed Gadhafi, and when they started the war in Syria, and when they introduced paralyzing sanctions against Iran. There's no denying that Hillary is a strong-willed woman who admits that she does not want to «stay home and bake cookies and have teas». But could Obama not have known that during the presidency of her husband Bill, many matters were decided by his frenetic wife? Hillary never concealed this: «If I didn’t kick his (Bill's) ass every morning, he’d never amount to anything». Now no one would say that President Clinton achieved much for America in foreign policy. In the end, Hillary's kicks only led to President Clinton being best known for the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.
During the 2006 presidential primaries, Samantha Power called Hillary Clinton a «monster», after which she was forced to leave Obama's election staff. Not for long, however; she soon returned as a Special Assistant to the president and a member of the National Security Council. Obama's passion for working on military issues in meetings with women is surprising. Power went from supporting General Wesley Clark's presidential campaign in 2004 to participating as a volunteer in the Washington office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama. Why he gave her the job of reviewing the U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual, associated with the name of General David Petraeus, is still a mystery to American military personnel. There is not now and never has been any hint that she is competent in military questions. There is an implacable hatred toward everything which does not coincide with her journalistic conception of American ideals. «The United States must also be prepared to risk the lives of its soldiers» to stop the threat of genocide, Power wrote. It is one thing to write, but another to represent the U.S. at the UN. 
Power started as an independent journalist during the Bosnian War when she was just over twenty. She ardently welcomed American intervention and the air war which followed. Even then Power advocated the dispatch of American troops to fight against the Serbs, while fiercely attacking Russia. Having become a staunch supporter of American and NATO military interventions, she began to see war as the best means for achieving the ends of U.S. foreign policy. The blood and suffering of civilians do not disturb her. Power is a politician with the delusional idea of upholding human rights and democracy using bombs and missiles. This ideology has no geographical boundaries: that's how it was in Yugoslavia, that is how the Americans are behaving in the Middle East, and that is how they are planning to act in Ukraine. Samantha Power is prepared to go to war with the people of Ukraine.
If there was ever a time when the United States should have been concerned about human rights violations in Ukraine, it is now. The head of Russia's Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, warned U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that if Kiev uses force against the residents of southeast Ukraine, the prospects for further cooperation with Washington on Ukraine will be undermined. The U.S. must immediately cease making insulting remarks about Russia and subdue its unruly UN representative, who during the Security Council discussion on Ukraine and the Crimea could not sit still and was literally running around the room. The diplomat ran up to the Russian UN ambassador and began to shout at him. Vitaly Churkin took the lady by the arm and asked her to step away from him and not spit. The hysterical Power had to be calmed by support personnel. Such excesses are the reason for Vitaly Churkin's statement that Russia does not intend to tolerate the rude behavior of the American administration any longer.
The fact that the tone in the anti-Russian campaign is being set by American women bureaucrats does not reduce the responsibility of the U.S. leadership. For example, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki cannot be considered a political figure; her job is merely to make public the official position of the foreign policy agency. However, she takes the liberty of drawing personal inferences and conclusions which, like Samantha Power's behavior in the UN, are simply shocking. The official State Department representative does not bother with proof. Psaki's answers to journalists' questions sometimes cause indignation. Female logic is no excuse in this case.
If spokeswoman Psaki shapes U.S. foreign policy, then what is Secretary of State John Kerry there for? After all, she often contradicts his statements, making her boss a laughing stock.
Kerry's assistant Victoria Nuland does not care much about his authority either. Judging by her latest statements on Ukraine, she has her own position which differs from the official position of Washington. «Next week during the four-party talks on the situation in Ukraine, the United States will support the sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as its right to make its own choice. We will push the Russian Federation to demonstrate in word and deed that they are a good neighbor», said Victoria Nuland. She has already decided for both Obama and Kerry that «the involvement of the Russian Federation in the process of amending the Constitution of Ukraine is impermissible». In such cases one usually inquires into the mental state of the patient; here there are clear signs that Ms. Nuland is out of touch with reality. 
Moscow has not announced any of the concessions to which Victoria Nuland intends to «push» Moscow. The Kremlin does not intend to recognize those who carried out the coup in Kiev as the lawful government of Ukraine, and it has not withdrawn its proposal to discuss the issue of federalizing Ukraine.

Russia still retains the diplomatic initiative in Ukrainian affairs, and Washington, having accepted the fact that Sevastopol will never be a U.S. military base, has taken the Crimean question off its international agenda once and for all.
Tags: UN Russia US