"For seven and a half decades we did not hear a single American President speak of putting an end to the foreign intervention policy until Donald Trump did just a few days ago."
"Whether or not Trump will keep this promise is something to be seen, but what is mind boggling, and I dare say sinister, is that not a single peace activist seems to have made any positive comment.
Where have all the flowers gone?"
The silence of all of those who allegedly promote peace is dubious to say the least. If there was a shred of truth to their love for peace, they would have an obligation to promote and praise, or at the very least acknowledge whoever pledges to end wars. Their silence speaks volumes and reveals hidden true colours.
Today’s so-called peace activists are mostly and unwittingly pawns in the hands of Soros and other magnates. They move them and keep them under control, because in controlling them, they control the masses.
This is where all the flowers have gone.
Quotes from Ghassan Kadi for more :
The first firm indications of the line up of President elect Trump’s foreign policy team emerged last night, and if they are correct – which they almost certainly are – then they show once again Donald Trump’s unexpectedly sure touch, and his commitment to a rapprochement with Russia
To the dismay of many people, including especially the US’s European allies and the UN Secretariat, the terrifying hardliner John Bolton is to be Deputy Secretary of State.
Nikki Haley has already been chosen for US ambassador to the UN in place of the truly dreadful Samantha Power.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, the preferred choice for Secretary of State of those people anxious for a rapprochement between the US and Russia, is to be US ambassador to Moscow.
These are shrewd choices if they are Trump’s actual choices.
The fundamental problem Donald Trump would have faced had he nominated as Secretary of State people like Dana Rohrabacher and Tulsi Gabbard is that they would have had no chance of being confirmed by the Senate. By contrast this line-up does have such a chance.
To be clear, Rex Tillerson knows Russia a great deal better than either Rohrabacher or Gabbard do, and he has had a record of meetings with Russia’s President Putin and with important people in Russia like Rosneft’s CEO Igor Sechin. Shortly before the imposition of the sanctions Exxon had forged an alliance to develop Russia’s Arctic oil fields with Rosneft, though because of the sanctions this deal had to be put on ice, causing Exxon heavy losses.
Appointing Tillerson to the post of Secretary of State gives Trump a colleague who shares his views about Russia, has strong contacts there, and who is presumably as unhappy about the sanctions as Trump is. In addition as a businessman Tillerson is well positioned to forge the sort of commercial relations between the US and Russia which Trump is said to want, and which up to now have been the key part of the relationship which has been missing.
More to the point, as a top businessman heading the US’s biggest oil company, it will be far more difficult for people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to mobilise opposition to Tillerson amongst Republicans in the Senate, with talk of Exxon’s CEO not being an American patriot and being a stooge of the Kremlin probably just too ridiculous to gain traction with most people.
As for claims Tillerson has no background in government service or in international diplomacy, as CEO of the world’s biggest oil company he probably has more international experience than most diplomats do.
By contrast, having seen Rohrabacher in a television interview and hearing his pungent comments on Russia – he called allegations of human rights abuses in Russia “baloney” – I am sorry to say that I am sure that if Trump had nominated him Secretary of State he would have stood absolutely no chance of being confirmed by the Senate.
In the far more low profile (but still critically important) post of ambassador to Russia he does have such a chance, though I suspect it will still be a hard struggle.
As for John Bolton’s appointment, though it will dismay many people, Trump is being careful to keep him away from positions that relate to Russia. His appointment not only ‘balances the ticket’ but gives Trump a heavy hitter with whom he can terrify the Europeans. Presumably Bolton will take over Victoria Nuland’s job.
They also show something else. Trump clearly does believe in reaching out to Russia. He is carefully crafting a foreign policy team that like him shares this objective, and which can be relied upon to pursue it.
This is in sharp contrast to Barack Obama, whose famous “reset” with Russia failed in large part because he surrounded himself with anti-Russian neocons – Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice – who all opposed it.
Les soldats syriens reprennent le contrôle de la vieille ville d’Alep dans le nord de la Syrie. Les derniers rebelles sont encerclés. Il existe quelques poches de résistance autour de la citadelle d’Alep. Selon Frédéric Pichon, docteur en Histoire contemporaine, spécialiste de la Syrie où il vient d'effectuer un séjour, cette victoire de l'armée syrienne sur l'est d'Alep constitue "un tournant" dans la guerre.
Il a également estimé jeudi 8 décembre sur franceinfo qu'une "grande partie"des rebelles " a déposé les armes". De plus, "la plupart des habitants d'Alep-Est est allé à Alep-Ouest, c’est-à-dire les zones gouvernementales". Il estime que la "poche de rébellion" d'Alep-Est ne représente pas les civils.
franceinfo : Bachar Al-Assad prétend qu’une victoire à Alep serait une étape cruciale pour la fin de guerre en Syrie, serait-ce en effet un tournant ?
Frédéric Pichon : Oui, c’est un tournant car la partie est d’Alep qui avait été investie très tôt en 2012 par la rébellion aurait pu constituer un point d’appui pour un gouvernement bis ou en tout cas un gouvernement rebelle. Cet espoir est absolument ruiné aujourd’hui. Par ailleurs, sur la question de la réalité de la rébellion à l'est d'Alep, on a sans doute été beaucoup intoxiqué en Europe et en Occident en général. Par exemple, on nous a annoncé il y a quelques jours que la vieille ville avait été totalement reprise par l’armée. Or, l’armée syrienne ne l’a jamais confirmé. Cette reprise très rapide des quartiers est d’Alep correspond à une réalité géopolitique. Les derniers soutiens à cette rébellion, les Turcs notamment et les Américains ont décidé de tenir compte du rapport de force et d’arrêter de soutenir cette rébellion.
Que vont devenir ces rebelles ?
Une grande partie a déjà déposé les armes. À travers des négociations secrètes, ces rebelles ont obtenu un sauf-conduit. Et ce en négociant avec les Russes et non avec les Syriens. Depuis deux ans, les Russes sont à la manœuvre sur l’ensemble du territoire et négocient des trêves. Pour une grande partie, cette rébellion va soit rendre des armes, soit s’intégrer dans des unités de l’armée syrienne, soit partir pour Idleb, qui va rester la dernière zone que l’armée de Bachar Al-Assad n’a pas réussi à réduire. L’offensive à Idleb a d’ailleurs déjà commencé avec l’aide de l’aviation américaine.
Les rebelles syriens de l'est d'Alep ont-ils un représentant ?
On nous a vendu une rébellion. Vous savez le maire ne représente personne. Alep-Est n’a jamais été doté d’une mairie. De plus, le narratif de certains médias occidentaux a beaucoup gonflé les choses. Il est même vraisemblable que cette poche de la rébellion n’a jamais groupé autant d’habitants qu’on a bien voulu nous dire. On a parlé de 250 000 habitants, il est probable que ce soit plutôt 100 000 à peine. Pour le moment, la plupart des habitants d’Alep-Est sont tous allés à Alep-Ouest, c’est-à-dire les zones gouvernementales. Je crois que cette rébellion ne représentait personne.