Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Superintendent von Cantebury
Hewlett Johnson
Hewlett Johnson, 78, der "rote Dekan" von Canterbury, der nach seiner Rückkehr von einer Informationsreise durch Rot-China Pressevertretern in England in chinesischer Schrift abgefaßte angebliche Beweise für eine Bakterien-Kriegführung der Amerikaner in Korea vorlegte, wiederholte in einer Rede vor über eintausend wild jubelnden Mitgliedern der Vereinigung für britisch-chinesische Freundschaft in London erneut die absurde Beschuldigung, die amerikanische Luftwaffe verwende in Korea bakteriologische Kampfmittel. Abgeordnete des britischen Unterhauses haben gefordert, den "roten Dekan" aus seinem Amt zu entfernen.
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Pity, Mercy, Goodness, Kindness, Love
" A believe in the essential dignity of man, of all men, whatever their color, race or language. ...
Surely common Christianity. In my view it is. And this is why this new, Fascist Germany directs its warfare against Christianity itself. ... Hitlers book "My Struggle" approaches a sale of a million copies a year , the Bible of Germany reveals anti-humanitarian thought", says Hewlett Johnson, dean of Canterbury 1939 in his pamphlet "Act Now" edited by Victor Gollancz in London
And what about the prevailing philosophy of today? What about the down to core every day message of the mainstream media of the Western World, what about Art, Culture?
"Fascism sees more clearly than many Christians see, and its authoritative leaders say so plainly, that freedom,liberty, democracy, and socialism spring inevitably from the Jewish and Christian faiths with their 'outrageous' doctrine of the fatherhood of God and the essential dignity and brotherhood of man.
Fascists declare their hostility to these ideas and act accordingly. They exterminate Jews with revolting barbarity and then attack the Christian faith..." Hewlett Johnson s.a.
Time for a turn around. We need to get down to the essentials and we must understand how those in power have developed since new twist of ideological patterns to blinden us and split our popular movements. But their time is running out. There has been an alternative and there will be. New generations grow up and will eventually build for a new future.
Surely common Christianity. In my view it is. And this is why this new, Fascist Germany directs its warfare against Christianity itself. ... Hitlers book "My Struggle" approaches a sale of a million copies a year , the Bible of Germany reveals anti-humanitarian thought", says Hewlett Johnson, dean of Canterbury 1939 in his pamphlet "Act Now" edited by Victor Gollancz in London
And what about the prevailing philosophy of today? What about the down to core every day message of the mainstream media of the Western World, what about Art, Culture?
"Fascism sees more clearly than many Christians see, and its authoritative leaders say so plainly, that freedom,liberty, democracy, and socialism spring inevitably from the Jewish and Christian faiths with their 'outrageous' doctrine of the fatherhood of God and the essential dignity and brotherhood of man.
Fascists declare their hostility to these ideas and act accordingly. They exterminate Jews with revolting barbarity and then attack the Christian faith..." Hewlett Johnson s.a.
Time for a turn around. We need to get down to the essentials and we must understand how those in power have developed since new twist of ideological patterns to blinden us and split our popular movements. But their time is running out. There has been an alternative and there will be. New generations grow up and will eventually build for a new future.
Die wahren Adoptiveltern arabischer Pseudo-Revolutionen
" »Adopt a Revolution«, das von allen guten Geistern verlassene Linke erfunden zu haben glauben, ist längst Praxis der imperialistischen Warlords. Sie haben den libyschen Aufstand adoptiert, der ohne die westliche Militärintervention keinerlei Erfolgsschancen gehabt hätte.
Als nächstes knöpften sich die Adoptiveltern der »arabischen Revolution« Syrien vor. Auch hier galt es, eine Staatsmacht zu beseitigen, die bei aller Anpassungsbereitschaft an das neoliberale Globalisierungsregime nicht ausschließlich nach der Pfeife der modernen Kolonialherren tanzen will und gemeinsam mit der Hisbollah und dem Iran eine »Achse des Widerstandes« bildet." Werner Pirker, 'Das Elend der 'Arabellion' '' JW 09. 01. 13
Hewlett Johnson: Term "National Socialism" A Farce
"Herr Hitler, in his directions as to education in 'My Struggle" says for what purpose the NAZI is there: "Education in a general way is to be the preparation for the later army service" (Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', German edition p. 459)
Hitler, on coming to power, an in order to come to power, made a bargain with the armament capitalists. ... The armament capitalists are the Dominant partners. It was they who financed the Hitler movement. It is they who support the Hitler Government, which they put into power because it is the expression of their own policy and because it is able to keep the masses down with the help of the State
Hitler and every other individual member of the Nationals Socialist Party is lost without the backing from the armament industry. The armament industry itself, on the other hand, can maintain itself without the individual called Hitler whose death would not in itself overthrow Fascism. ...
Armament capitalism has been rendered secure and holds the Socialist menace at bay. Feder, Hitler's oldest comrade and the builder of official programs, definitely condemns the re-distribution of great estates, and the necessity of any part-ownership by the workers in the factories. He dismissed Nationalization. The adoption of the name National Socialism was a farce, though a clever one.
Capitalism, in its final and most terrible form, has been rendered secure. ...
Hence the frantic military preparations. Hence the popular infatuation.
'In eternal war,' says Hitler, in 'My Struggle', mankind has become great. In eternal peace mankind would be ruined.'
Youth taught to glory in war must be protected against the 'corrupting ideas of Judaism and Christianity'. The teaching by these religions of right and wrong conflicts with duty to the German state.
The brotherhood they teach is utterly incompatible with ideas of dominant class and dominant race."
Hewlett Johnson, the dean of Canterbury, 1939, "Act Now..." p. 36ff)
Hitler, on coming to power, an in order to come to power, made a bargain with the armament capitalists. ... The armament capitalists are the Dominant partners. It was they who financed the Hitler movement. It is they who support the Hitler Government, which they put into power because it is the expression of their own policy and because it is able to keep the masses down with the help of the State
Hitler and every other individual member of the Nationals Socialist Party is lost without the backing from the armament industry. The armament industry itself, on the other hand, can maintain itself without the individual called Hitler whose death would not in itself overthrow Fascism. ...
Armament capitalism has been rendered secure and holds the Socialist menace at bay. Feder, Hitler's oldest comrade and the builder of official programs, definitely condemns the re-distribution of great estates, and the necessity of any part-ownership by the workers in the factories. He dismissed Nationalization. The adoption of the name National Socialism was a farce, though a clever one.
Capitalism, in its final and most terrible form, has been rendered secure. ...
Hence the frantic military preparations. Hence the popular infatuation.
'In eternal war,' says Hitler, in 'My Struggle', mankind has become great. In eternal peace mankind would be ruined.'
Youth taught to glory in war must be protected against the 'corrupting ideas of Judaism and Christianity'. The teaching by these religions of right and wrong conflicts with duty to the German state.
The brotherhood they teach is utterly incompatible with ideas of dominant class and dominant race."
Hewlett Johnson, the dean of Canterbury, 1939, "Act Now..." p. 36ff)
"Something must be done by you and me" Hewlett Johnson 1939
Hewlett Johnson, engineer and theologian, the very Dean of Canterbury calls to action for Justice, Liberty, Planned Production for Plenty, Security and Peace:
"We cannot stand still. We shall be swept down the stream if we refuse to stem it. Liberties on every hand are at stake. The fate of every Liberal principle in Fascist lands is our warning. Efforts will be made, are in the making to lower our standards of living and lengthen hours of work ... monied interests mass themselves against the common man.
Something must be done by you and me, common men and done at once. Raise then your voice on behalf of the common man and demand a government which shall consider his interests and liberties. ...
if pity for appalling needless poverty moves you, if common sense and sense are outraged by destruction and restriction of goods, and the thwarting of science which could produce more ... demand a government which will give you a planned production in the interest of the plenty and not of scarcity, a planned production to abolish poverty ...
Don't delay a day. Speak immediately to a friend ... become a student of real affairs. Educate yoursewlf. Educate others. Seek help...
Let no sense of personal insignificance paralyze you. Of course you are weak if you stand alone ...
You are one of a million. Act at once. By the pains of the past we won our present liberities, by our vigilance alone shall we enjoy them and by our own struggles hand them on enlarged and enriched t our children and our children's children.
... Unity of some sort against fascism is essential...
- ask for a government that will ...end the policy that abandoned Spaniards, Chinese and Czechs of Fascist aggression and organize peace alliance with France and Russia that will rally the support of the United States
- safeguard common people against air attack and starvation in times of war
- lay the foundation of social justice between nations and end exploitation of subject races
- control armament and vital industries, agriculture, mining and finance in the interests of the people
- plan for plenty, employ the unemployed on useful work for the common good and ensure a higher standard of life, leisure and education for old and young."
( Act Now! - An Appeal to the Mind and Heart of Britain,1939)
"We cannot stand still. We shall be swept down the stream if we refuse to stem it. Liberties on every hand are at stake. The fate of every Liberal principle in Fascist lands is our warning. Efforts will be made, are in the making to lower our standards of living and lengthen hours of work ... monied interests mass themselves against the common man.
Something must be done by you and me, common men and done at once. Raise then your voice on behalf of the common man and demand a government which shall consider his interests and liberties. ...
if pity for appalling needless poverty moves you, if common sense and sense are outraged by destruction and restriction of goods, and the thwarting of science which could produce more ... demand a government which will give you a planned production in the interest of the plenty and not of scarcity, a planned production to abolish poverty ...
Don't delay a day. Speak immediately to a friend ... become a student of real affairs. Educate yoursewlf. Educate others. Seek help...
Let no sense of personal insignificance paralyze you. Of course you are weak if you stand alone ...
You are one of a million. Act at once. By the pains of the past we won our present liberities, by our vigilance alone shall we enjoy them and by our own struggles hand them on enlarged and enriched t our children and our children's children.
... Unity of some sort against fascism is essential...
- ask for a government that will ...end the policy that abandoned Spaniards, Chinese and Czechs of Fascist aggression and organize peace alliance with France and Russia that will rally the support of the United States
- safeguard common people against air attack and starvation in times of war
- lay the foundation of social justice between nations and end exploitation of subject races
- control armament and vital industries, agriculture, mining and finance in the interests of the people
- plan for plenty, employ the unemployed on useful work for the common good and ensure a higher standard of life, leisure and education for old and young."
( Act Now! - An Appeal to the Mind and Heart of Britain,1939)
"Der Krieg wird nicht mehr geführt, sondern fortgesetzt" I. Bachmann
„Die Wiedererkennung
des ursprünglichen Sinns ist die landläufigste Form der Ketzerei.“
"Die Wahrheit muss im Kampf mit der Unwahrheit geschrieben werden" B.B.
Wir sind im Krieg und „das erste
Opfer des Krieges ist bekanntlich die Wahrheit“,
Frühjahr 1999, Frankfurter Rundschau.
Frühjahr 1999, Frankfurter Rundschau.
"Pressefreiheit ist die
Freiheit von zweihundert reichen Leuten, ihre Meinung zu verbreiten", Paul Sethe, Gründungsmitherausgeber der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung,
Harold Pinter, jüdisch-britischer Dramatiker, meint: "Das Lügengespinst der Medien“
sei nahezu undurchdringlich geworden. Wörtlich betonte er in seiner Rede zur Verleihung des Literaturnobelpreises 2006 „Es gibt umgibt uns ein weitverzweigtes
Lügengespinst, von dem wir uns nähren.“ Er fordert daher seine
Schriftstellerkollegen dazu auf, den Spiegel, durch den sie zu
gucken pflegen zu zerschlagen, „denn von der anderen Seite des
Spiegels blickt uns die Wahrheit ins Auge.“
Bertolt Brecht spricht 71 Jahre früher schon in gleicher aufklärerischer Absicht wie folgt:
„Der Gewalt der einzelnen, wie der
privilegierten Klasse, muss die Gewalt , die volle zerschmetternde
Gewalt des Volkes entgegengesetzt werden. Denn ihre Kriege hören ja
schon nicht mehr auf. Die italienischen Flugzeuggeschwader, die sich
auf das unglückliche Abessinien gestürzt hatten, erhoben sich mit
noch heißem Öl in die Luft und vereinigten sich mit den deutschen
Geschwadern, um sich mit ihnen gemeinsam auf das spanische Volk
stürzen. Die Schlacht ist nicht ausgekämpft, und schon erheben sich
über China die Flugzeuggeschwader des imperialistischen Japan.
Diesen Kriegen wie jenen anderen
Kriegen von denen wir sprachen, muss der Krieg erklärt werden .“
(1937 auf dem 2. Internationalen Schriftstellerkongress zur Verteidigung der Kultur)
(1937 auf dem 2. Internationalen Schriftstellerkongress zur Verteidigung der Kultur)
Es ist der derselbe Dichter, der 1938 in seiner Ballade „ von der Entstehung des Buches Taoteking auf dem Weg des
Laotse in die Emigration“ das weiche Wasser lobt, das in Bewegung
mit der Zeit den harten Stein besiegt.
Voraussetzung für einen schließlichen
Sieg der Güte ist aber, dass es gelingt, den nackten
Tatsachen ins Auge zu sehen, die Wahrheit anzuerkennen, die wahre
Beschaffenheit der uns umgebenden Situation zu begreifen.
Denn, „ein zu Jahren gekommenes Unrecht wird ganz unangreifbar“ B. Brecht. Werke Bd. 18 a.a.0. über Film S. 184Machen wir uns also an die Arbeit und tragen den Schutt der jahrzehntelangen Ablagerungen beiseite.
Das Jubiläumsjahr 2013 ist ein gutes Jahr für solche Arbeit
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