Thursday, December 3, 2015

Frauenliga Petition: Wider Deutsche Kriegsbeteiligung in Syrien


Am Freitag entscheidet der Deutsche Bundestag über den Bundeswehreinsatz in Syrien. Unterschreibt heute noch die Online-Petition “Kein Krieg in meinem Namen” gegen den Kriegseintritt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Syrien: Viele Grüße, Ana Werkstetter Caravaca Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit Berlin Gruppe  
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Exposing Lies of the Empire Andre Vltchek's latest book:

Red Rhino is Marching!
This is my interview for Pan-Arab news channel Al-Mayadeen, in English with Arabic subtitles. Great Lebanese host and my friend, Zeinab al-Saffar.



Andre Vltchek's latest book: Exposing Lies of the Empire 

Also the book he and Tony Christini edited: Liberation Lit
And his book with Christopher Black and Peter Koenig: The World Order and Revolution!

Please support these books!

Links to order:


Andre Vltchek's website: and twitter: @AndreVltchek and blog at teleSUR

Badak Merah is an independent progressive publishing house that publishes, among others, Andre Vltchek books: Liberation LitTan Malaka's Naar de 'Republiek Indonesia' - A Commentary & TranslationThe World Order and Revolution!,  Exposing Lies of the EmpireFighting Against Western ImperialismIndonesia: Untaian ketakutan di Nusantara (translation of 'Indonesia: Archipelago of Fear' in Indonesian language) and Plays: 'Ghosts of Valparaiso' and 'Conversations with James'. 

Other books by Andre Vltchek: a novel Point of No Return, a comprehensive book about Indonesia post-Suharto Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear