Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lafontaine: Stopp Ramstein

Lafontaine: „Oligarchen-USA“ wollen Russland einkreisen

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Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten haben aus Sicht des Ex-Bundesfinanzministers Oskar Lafontaine keinesfalls die gleichen Interessen: Während die USA Russland einkreisen wollen, ist Deutschland an einem Sicherheitssystem unter Einbeziehung Moskaus interessiert, sagte der Politiker auf der Stopp-Ramstein-Kundgebung in Kaiserslautern.

„Die Vereinigten Staaten sind ein Oligarchen-System, das weltweit auf Rohstoff und Absatzmärkte aus ist, die eben noch militärisch gewonnen werden sollen. Und letztendlich wollen die Vereinigten Staaten Russland einkreisen, das ist nun für jeden, der auf die Landkarte schaut, offensichtlich“, so Lafontaine, der heutige Linksfraktionschef im saarländischen Landtag, in einem Interview für KenFM am Set.
Oskar Lafontaine
Denn Russland habe ja keine Raketen auf Kuba oder irgendwelche Stationen in Kanada oder Mexiko. Eine solche Politik der USA sei nicht im Interesse Deutschlands oder Europas. Die Deutschen wollen, so Lafontaine weiter, Frieden und einen Ausgleich zwischen den Ländern.
„Wir wollen natürlich ein Sicherheitssystem unter Einbeziehung Russlands und nicht die Konfrontation, die die Vereinigten Staaten seit vielen Jahren suchen“, betonte der Linkspolitiker.
Tausende Friedensaktivisten haben am Samstag trotz regnerischen Wetters um die US-Airbase Ramstein gegen den Kriegseinsatz von Drohnen demonstriert. Sie bildeten eine Menschenkette von der Ortsgemeinde Kindsbach im Kreis Kaiserslautern über Landstuhl an der Airbase bis nach Ramstein-Miesenbach.


Syria: Russia to issue final demand for ending farce of a «peaceful settlement»

Russia's Aerospace Defense Forces Will Return to Syria

Russia's Aerospace Defense Forces Will Return to Syria


After most of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces were withdrawn from Syria, the situation in the country began to change rapidly. The «New Syrian Army» was created on the Jordanian border, consisting of Kurds and Arabs under the command of American instructors. This is a fairly powerful, well-equipped group, tasked with laying siege to Raqqa, the «capital of the Islamic State», from the east.

Another Kurdish-Arab army, the Lions of Rojava, is advancing on Raqqa from the Turkish border in the north. It is led by Americans wearing Kurdish military uniforms.
At almost the same time, Turkish army tanks crossed the Syrian border and embedded themselves in those regions through which ammunition, food, and fresh manpower travel on their way to the IS raiders lodged in Aleppo. According to the Russian General Staff, trucks are bringing weapons and ammunition from Turkey to the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group, and this influx of supplies is continuing.
This is why the Syrian army, fatigued by war, is losing the offensive edge that could be seen when it was conducting joint operations with Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces. There has been no expansion of the boundaries of the area around Palmyra that is under government control, and there are no longer any immediate plans to take the city of Deir ez-Zor, which was to have followed Palmyra. The previous delicate balance is beginning to tip against Damascus, due to the influx of fresh forces from Turkey.
It is starting to seem like American diplomacy in Syria is trying to draw Russia into the next round of negotiations about what turned out to be a sham ceasefire, because anti-government forces continue to regroup, and the armed gangs that allegedly belong to the moderate opposition continue to launch ceaseless attacks on government troop positions.
Sergey Lavrov spoke by telephone with US Secretary of State John Kerry and demanded in no uncertain terms that the Turkish-Syrian border be closed. In addition, the minister insisted that Washington fulfill its promise that the Syrian opposition groups backed by the Americans would disassociate themselves from the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists. But these negotiations are unlikely to change anything. The Americans will not cooperate with Russia’s goals. But even if the Americans wanted to, how could they force Turkey to alter its military policy?
There has not been the slightest indication that Washington really wants to join efforts with Moscow in the battle against IS. The Americans are only happy that the Syrian army has been weakened, and they are once again emphasizing the «unacceptability of Bashar al-Assad».
With the assistance of the Kurds, the US continues to construct a stronghold from which they can later begin to redraw Syria’s borders. The emergence in northern Syria of an independent Kurdish republic under American protectorate will set the perfect stage for a policy of «divide and rule», and then we can all forget about any hope for a peaceful political solution. The reality will be quite the opposite – the people of Syria will be assured a never-ending war. Erdogan will never accept independence for the Kurds under any conditions, and this will precipitate bloody new confrontations.
Washington is calculating that once a large part of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces pull out of Syria, Damascus will not be able to withstand a drawn-out military campaign. US policymakers imagine that once Assad’s army has been weakened, the «moderate opposition» backed by Washington will be able to bring about regime change in Syria. However, this is only possible if the Aerospace Defense Forces do not return to the Syrian theater of war. Otherwise their plan will fall flat.
The Americans are now doing all they can to ensure that this does not happen. Endless promises and assurances pass through diplomatic channels, and every effort is being made to keep Moscow from taking decisive action and to prevent a repeat of last year, when the defeat of the IS terrorists seemed near at hand.
Moscow, for its part, is acting in accordance with formal diplomatic procedures, but very soon Russia will issue its final demand to end this farce of a «peaceful settlement». And when this demand gets no response, the Aerospace Defense Forces will return to Syria. President Putin mentioned this possibility when he greeted Russian pilots after the completion of the first phase of the Syrian operation.
It looks like a second phase is inevitable.
One can only guess what will happen to the Turkish soldiers who have already entrenched themselves inside Syria and who definitely should not be there if the Russian bombardment resumes. 

Assad: Aleppo Grave of Butcher Erdogan’s Dreams

Assad: Aleppo Is the Grave of Butcher Erdogan’s Dreams
EDITOR'S CHOICE | 11.06.2016

Brandon Turbeville – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. 
In a recent address to the Syrian Parliament, Bashar al-Assad delivered one of his most powerful speeches to date. Tackling the issues of elections, democracy, Turkish ambitions, and the battle against the Western-backed jihadist invasion, Assad’s words have garnered attention from Syrians and, of course, Western governments and their propaganda outlets (more commonly called “news organizations” in the West).
This is because, five years on into a Western-backed invasion of jihadists and terrorists, Assad is standing defiantly in the face of the world’s greatest military power and refusing to back down to imperialist demands and the Anglo-American agenda for his country.
In the speech, Assad touted Syrian democracy by pointing out that an unprecedented number of voters turned out to vote despite the widespread warfare and the dangers of participation due to targeting of voters and polling stations by Western-backed terrorists.
Addressing the Syrian military’s push toward Raqqa, Assad stated that “Just like we liberated Palmyra and many other areas before it, we are going to liberate each and every inch of Syria from their hands because we have no other choice but to win.”
The Syrian president paid tribute to the many Syrian military soldiers who have fought bravely and those who have lost their lives in the battle against the Western proxy invasion. Assad also gave praise to Syria’s allies in the war – Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, and China – for their sacrifices.
Yet Assad’s statement was not all praise. He saved particularly harsh words for those powers that have funded the terrorists currently doing their best to destroy his country. For Recep Erdogan, whose government Assad labeled a “fascist regime,” the Syrian President issued a warning: “Aleppo will be the grave where all the dreams and hopes of that butcher will be buried,” he said.
Assad also addressed the failure of the Geneva peace talks and the recent failure of the ceasefire agreement which ended after “opposition” negotiator and leader of Jaish al-Islam, “Mohammad Alloush,” abandoned the talks. Assad said that, at no point, were the talks ever genuine on the part of the so-called opposition and that, after these groups failed to get what they wanted in Geneva, “their response was an open declaration of supporting terrorism and withdrawing from the cessation of hostilities agreement… this was what we saw of targeting civilians and hospitals in Aleppo.”
Lastly, Assad addressed the domestic issue and the question of corruption, nepotism, and Syrian governance as well as the possibility of reforms. He said,
“If restoring security to Syria, achieving victory over terrorism, bringing back the homeland and reconstructing it is the outcome that stops the martyr’s blood from being spilt in vain, then fighting the harmful phenomena of corruption, nepotism and disregard for the law are the second part of that.”
Notably, the reform process was already taking place in Syria before the 2011 Western-backed destabilization, albeit in a much slower manner than many Syrians had hoped.
Regardless, Assad’s speech represents a defiance of Western aims in Syria and a growing confidence that the terrorists’ days are numbered.