Friday, April 7, 2017


Donald Trump shares his shame with his former opponents

Where are the anti-Trump protesters today?

Today, Donald Trump has shamed himself, his movement and his nation. But he does not bear this shame singularly. There are others who are puzzle-pieces in this grim jigsaw puzzle.Almost from the moment that Donald Trump declared his intention to run for President of the United States, he faced a barrage of criticism and almost all of it was for the wrong reasons.
–He was criticised for wanting peace and cooperation with Russia rather than hostility and war.
–He was criticised for saying America first rather than intervention and meddling first.
–He was criticised for being ‘too hard’ on President Obama, even though Obama’s Presidency was an abject disaster.
–He was criticised for his fun, colloquial, frank style, even though it resonated with ordinary voters.
–He was criticised for being un-intellectual, although this hardly makes one a good leader let alone a good person.
–He was criticised for embracing alternative media, even though alternative media is the future.
–He was criticised for being a conservative, even though America has a silent conservative majority.
–He was criticised for having a particularly strident sense of humour, even though many found it amusing and harmless.
What was the effect of these criticism? It served as a distraction from Trump’s former virtues and indeed many of his virtues are listed above, along with frivolous things which do not effect anyone in any meaningful or objective way.
The first and one of the last roles of any government is to protect its people and preserve the peace. This generally involves avoiding unnecessary war at all costs.
Trump has violated these principles, which used to be his principles. But even more grim than this reality is that he is being applauded for doing so by many of the same people who criticised him for calling a fat woman fat, or joking about ‘grabbing pussy’, two ‘scandals’ which will be of no solace to the families of the individuals who died in America’s illegal act of aggression wrought upon Syria, a country which did not, could not and would not threaten America or Americans anywhere.
The Trump protesters who hated his humour and his manner of speech are not filling the streets today. They have no desire to protest the war and people like George Soros are not paying them to do so. When such protesters should be agitated, they have instead become comfortably numb, indifferent or even happy.
The anti-war movement of today is in great part, confined to the people who are less keen to go out in the street than they are to read articles on websites like The Duran and debate others on social media. They are the conservatives, they are the moderates, they are the honest old left, they are those who would vote for an anti-war candidate no matter which party he or she  belonged to.
These are the people who either didn’t care or happily overlooked the nonsense criticisms that the mainstream media and political elite levelled at Trump form the moment he declared his candidacy up untill the moment he attacked a sovereign state.
These are the people, like me, who have real priorities in politics. We want peace and not war, security rather than instability, prosperity rather than poverty. We want nothing more and nothing less.
We have not changed but Donald Trump has. So too have his erstwhile opponents. They are not calling him hateful even though today he is.
They are not calling him a fear-monger, though today he has put fear into the hearts of every Syrian man, woman and child.
They are not calling him a sexist, although he has weakened one of the only armed forces in the world that is heroically fighting terrorists who use women as salves.
They are no longer calling him a racist, though he is now in league with a Turkish dictator who sees Arabs as inferior subjects to be once again ruled over by the Turkish overlord.
The misplaced priorities are what allowed Donald Trump to get away with this atrocity.
He has shut up his opponents who will still oppose him during the next election cycle. But he has lost his friends who would have stood by him, so long as he stood by his principles.
Congratulations Mr. Trump, in the eyes of the elite you claimed to hate, you have officially become the President of the United States. In the eyes of many, if not most of your former supporters, you are no longer an honourable man.

Syrien: Videos, gegen die Mainstream Politiker und Media

Interessante Videos, gegen die Mainstream Politiker und Media.   Ernest Far  Dank an Dietrich Hyprath

 Dr. Daniele Ganser in Köln: Hinter den Kulissen - Was in Syrien wirklich passiert veröffentlicht 03.04.2017

Karin Leukefeld aus Damaskus zu mutmaßlicher Giftgasaatacke in Syrien

Die Wahrheit über Giftgas, Assad, Syrien, Michael Lüders bei Markus Lanz 05.04.2017

Did Assad Gas Civillians in Idlib? The Truth.

Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn´t behind the chemical attack

False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

What Trump isn´t Telling You About Syria


Kein Verständnis für den völkerrechtswidrigen US-Raketenangriff auf syrisches Territorium

Guten Abend, Sigmar Gabriel und Martin Schulz!

Es ist in unseren Augen eine Ungeheuerlichkeit, dass, wie aus Mitteilungen von Reuters hervorgeht, Sie beide Verständnis für den völkerrechtswidrigen US-Raketenangriff auf syrisches Territorium bekunden.
Wir unterstützen vollinhaltlich die unten ungefügte Pressemitteilung des Aachener Antikriegsbündnisses zu diesem Vorfall!

Besorgte Grüße 
Helene+Ansgar Klein

Sprecher der 'Würselener Initiative für den Frieden' und Co-Sprecher der Aachener Aktiongemeinschaft "Frieden jetzt!"
Rosengarten 11, 52146 Würselen
Tel: +49240572112

"Wenn Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht!" Bert Brecht zugeschrieben


PM des Antikriegsbündnisses:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

gegen den US-Raketenangriff auf eine syrische Luftwaffenbasis ruft das
Antikriegsbündnis Aachen zu einer Protestkundgebung auf.

Die Kundgebung findet morgen, Samstag den 8.4.2017 um 12 Uhr am
Willy-Brandt-Platz in Aachen statt.

Statt eine Untersuchung des Giftgaseinsatzes mit über 80 Toten
abzuwarten, haben die USA Syrien angegriffen, ohne Belege für die Schuld
Syriens vorzulegen. Dabei erscheint es auch völlig unplausibel, wieso
die syrische Regierung einen Giftgaseinsatz durchführen sollte, wenige
Tage nachdem US Aussenminister Tillerson erklärt hatte, die USA
bestünden nicht mehr auf einem Rückzug Assads als Bedingung für eine
politische Lösung.
"Wem nützt der Giftgasangriff? Das ist die zentrale Frage die wir
stellen müssen" meinte so auch Prof. Günter Meyer, Leiter des Zentrums
für Forschung zur Arabischen Welt an der Universität Mainz in einem
Interview in WDR 5 am 6.4.2017 und weiter: " es nützt nicht dem Regime,
es spricht alles dagegen, dass ein absichtlicher Giftgasangriff von
seiten der Regierung durchgeführt wurde..."

Die Aachener Nachrichten hatten in einem Artikel vom 5.4.2017 eine
Parallele gezogen zum Giftgasangriff in Damaskus 2013 mit mehr als 1400
Toten, der der syrischen Regierung angelastet worden war. Der damalige
US-Präsident Obama hatte eine angekündigte Vergeltungsoffensive
völlig überraschend gestoppt, nachdem vom britischen Geheimdienst
untersuchte Bodenproben ergeben hatten, dass das bei Damaskus
eingesetzte Sarin nicht aus Beständen der syrischen Armee stammte.
Drei Monate später wurde dann allerdings Sarin bei 13 Mitgliedern der
Al-Nusra Front im türkischen Adana gefunden...eine Aufklärung des
Skandals wurde durch den türkischen Geheimdienst verhindert...

Das Antikriegsbündnis will mit dem Protest davor warnen, dass durch das
von Präsident Trump angekündigte verstärkte Eingreifen der USA gegen
Syrien eine weitere schlimme Eskalation des Syrien-Krieges mit dem
Risiko eines Zusammenstoßes zwischen den USA und Russland eintreten kann.

"In Syrien wird ein Stellvertreterkrieg geführt zwischen den USA, der
Türkei und den Golfstaaten auf der einen Seite und Russland, Iran und
China auf der anderen Seite... Es geht um Machtpolitik. Es geht darum,
Russland und den Iran kleinzuhalten. Und Syrien ist das Schlachtfeld,
auf dem dieser Kampf jetzt ausgetragen wird. " erklärte am 7.4.17 der
Nahostexperte Michael Lüders im NDR-Radio. "Ein solcher Angriff kann
sehr schnell eskalieren... Wenn man nicht sehr genau aufpasst, dann
besteht die Gefahr, dass sich die beiden Nuklearmächte USA und Russland
bald in einer ernsthaften Konfrontation befinden" .

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und die Minister Gabriel und von der Leyen haben
ihr Verständnis und ihre Zustimmung zum US-amerikanischen Angriff auf
Syrien erklärt.
Der Aachener Bundestagsabgeordnete der Andrej Hunko hat hingegen wie
mehrere Mitglieder seiner Partei 'die Linke' vor einer Zuspitzung des
Krieges gewarnt, den Angriff verurteilt und darauf hingewiesen, dass er
gegen einen souveränen Staat geführt wurde, was gegen internationales
Recht verstoße.

Herr Hunko wird auf der Protestkundgebung am morgigen Samstag um 12 Uhr
am Willy-Brandt-Platz sprechen.

Wir bitten Sie darum, Ihre Leser auf die Kundgebung hinzuweisen und
einen/eine Berichterstatter/in zu entsenden.

Freundliche Grüße
Rudolf Gottfried
Für das Antikriegsbündnis Aachen

Too Late: Last Minute Open Letter to Pres. Trump to Resist Calls To Go To War

Dear President Trump,
I want to address this letter to you personally. Even if you do not see it, I can assure you that many of your supporters, well wishers and admirers will see it.
I supported your campaign for a number of reasons, but first and foremost, it was your honest, straight forward and pragmatic anti-war/anti-interventionist message that struck a chord with me.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to make America great again and to let the world prosper or fail according to its own virtues, faults and abilities? You said this throughout the campaign and during your beautiful inauguration speech.
I am well aware that you have many political enemies. Not since the Civil War, did an American President face so much, pugnacious, vicious and mean spirited opposition. It is unfair to you, your supporters, the essence of democracy and to the US Constitution.
I realise that at this very moment you may be making the most difficult decision any leader has to make, whether or not to go to war with another nation.
I realise you were distraught  by pictures of wounded children in Syria. I was too. But the people responsible for this atrocity were not those wearing uniforms of the Syrian Arab Republic, they are the same barbarous terrorists that wish the same kind of death and torture to all Americans and to the wider civilised world. The people who committed this terrible act are the same terrorists you spoke so forcefully about crushing during your campaign and in that you had my full support and still do.
If you resist the calls to go to war, you will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents in modern American history. If you do the opposite, you will be no different than your failed, loser recent predecessors and I don’t want that to happen.
You encouraged people like me to dream big during your inspirational campaign and dream big I did. I dreamed of an America leading by example rather than by force, I dreamed of renewed values, renewed economic growth and good will towards mankind. It is as powerful as a message as I’ve ever heard from any political leader in any country.
Please sir, do not betray this message, do not betray your supporters, do not betray yourself and do not betray your country that you love so.
Say no to a messy, useless, tragic war in a Middle East that your rightly said America should have never got involved in.
If you do this you will not only make America great again, you will make the world safe again.
Adam Garrie, The Duran

"Deutschland muss US-Angriff auf Syrien verurteilen Heike Hänsel

Deutschland muss US-Angriff auf Syrien verurteilen, Haltung von Außenminister Gabriel inakzeptabel

„Der US-Angriff auf syrische Stellungen ist verheerend, bricht das Völkerrecht und muss international verurteilt werden“, sagte heute Heike Hänsel, stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Fraktion DIE LINKE im Bundestag: „Zugleich muss der barbarische Giftgasangriff auf Zivilisten in Syrien international aufgeklärt und die Verantwortlichen als Kriegsverbrecher verurteilt werden.“ Hänsel weiter:
„Beweise, dass die syrische Regierung dafür verantwortlich ist, gibt es nicht. Der US-Angriff trägt nicht zur Aufklärung bei, sondern im Gegenteil, eskaliert die Situation in Syrien und birgt die Gefahr einer direkten Konfrontation mit Russland. Dies ist eine neue Dimension im Syrienkonflikt. Die Bundesregierung muss diesen Angriff verurteilen und sich für einen neuen Waffenstillstand einsetzen.

Die Vorwürfe von Merkel und Gabriel bezüglich des Giftgasangriffes sind haltlos, mit ihrem Verweis auf die Blockade im Sicherheitsrat soll der Bruch des Völkerrechts legitimiert werden. Die logistische Basis in Deutschland für weitere US-Angriffe auf Syrien muss sofort gestoppt werden.“

Russian Defence Ministry: Most issiles missed target. Russia to boost Syrian air defences

The Kremlin further stated that Trump's war crime de-facto aids terrorists like ISIS. 

The transparency, forthright and frank nature of the Russian Defence Ministry was on full display today.Major General Igor Konashenkov has briefed the press on the facts of America’s criminal attack on the Syrian Arab Republic.
Konashenkov explained that the majority of the missiles launched from American war ships missed the target. The stray missiles remain unaccounted for.
“On April 7, at the time between 3:42 and 3:56 a.m. Moscow time, a massive missile attack by 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles was carried out from two destroyers of the US Navy (Ross and Porter), from the Mediterranean Sea, near the island of Crete, targeting Syrian airfield Ash Sha’irat. According to the Russian data recording technology, only 23 cruise missiles reached the Syrian airbase. It is not clear where the other 36 cruise missiles landed”.
The Major General went on to talk about the way in which America conducts its geo-political and military policy, stating,
“The administrations of the United States are changing, but the methods of unleashing wars have remained the same since Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya. And again, the pretext of aggression is not an objective investigation, but allegations, fact manipulation, shaking photos and pseudo-tubes at international organisations”.
He went on to explain that the supposed spontaneity of the attack was a deeply unlikely scenario saying,
“It is evident that the US cruise missile strikes against a Syrian airbase have been prepared long before today’s events. A large system of measures of reconnaissance, planning, preparation of flight tasks and bringing the missiles to launch readiness needs to be carried out to prepare such an attack”.
Russia made a statement which sounded like a threat to shoot down any further missiles attacking Syrian territory.  Konashenkov declared,
“In order to protect the most sensitive objects of the Syrian infrastructure, a system of measures to bolster and increase the effectiveness of the Syrian armed forces’ air defence systems”.
This comes as Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said,
“The fact is that we no longer know what goals Washington pursued when deciding to carry out these strikes, but it is unequivocal that they are launched de facto in the interests of Daesh, al-Nusra Front and other terrorists. In this connection, we can only express regret”.

Marine Le Pen Joines Chorus of Trump Critics

Marine Le Pen joines chorus of Trump critics

Her principles are intact. 

Marine Le Pen has proved herself to be a woman of principle. It looks increasingly likely that Le Pen may shortly become the next President of France and in that capacity she would ideally want a good relationship with Donald Trump. She has said so. But Le Pen who has consistently supported the democratic freedoms of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk has now come out to condemn Donald Trump’s illegal and aggressive missile launch on Syria.
Le Pen has said,
“I am a little bit surprised because Mr Trump has said on numerous occasions that the US would no longer be policing the world, and yet, that is exactly what he is doing right now.
Is it too much to ask that we wait for the chemical weapons attack inquiry findings before launching such airstrikes?”
She continued,
“I would like for us to avoid a repetition of the situation in Iraq and Libya in Syria, because what happened there  led to chaos, and both countries have since become hotbeds of Islamic fundamentalism”.
She also expressed her views in Tweets to her supporters,“What happened in Syria is awful, and I strongly condemn it….It is necessary to let democracy and the Syrian people to speak out. It is they who must choose their leader”.
Trump has lost his biggest supporters both domestically and internationally. He has traded them for deep state apparatchiks who will Lilly chew him up before spitting him out.

Heike Hänsel, stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Fraktion DIE LINKE im Bundestag zum US-Angriff auf Syrien

“...Die Vorwürfe von Merkel und Gabriel bezüglich des Giftgasangriffes sind haltlos, mit ihrem Verweis auf die Blockade im Sicherheitsrat soll der Bruch des Völkerrechts legitimiert werden. Die logistische Basis in Deutschland für weitere US-Angriffe auf Syrien muss sofort gestoppt werden.“

US-revemge"-attack on Syria 'This is not humanitarianism, it is aggression and it is terrorism.'

EXCLUSIVE: Act of Revenge. Observations from Syrian

Act of Revenge. Observations from Syrian political commentator Afra’a Dagher

It would be completely naive to accept American allegations about the supposed chemical attacks on Idlib which occurred three days ago. It was an obvious and odious lie which America then passed on as fact, without allowing a full independent investigation.  Yet America believed it, or at least pretended to believe it and their response was to launch 59 American Tomahawk missiles on Syrian airfield Al- Sha’ayrat in Homs province.
The Al-Sha’ayrat airbase was the place from which Syria fired anti-missile Sam rockets at attacking Israeli warplanes, two weeks ago. Syria  downed one of the four warplanes, hit another and  forced the remaining two fighter jets to quickly fly  out of Syrian airspace.
This sent a strong message to Israel, a state which continues to illegally occupy Syrian territory, in addition to the decades long occupation of Palestine.
Syria’s message to Israel and the wider world was that the equation had changed, the regional balance of power was being re-shaped. Syrian missile systems were now able to counter the consistent illegal aggression of Israel against Syria. Additionally, it showed Israel and the wider world that Israel could not so easily thwart Syrian advances against terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda/Nusrea Front and the so-called Islamic State (ISIS).
The Al-Sha’ayrat airbase is one of the most important military bases in Syria and has played a vital role in the war against the terrorism of Al-Qaeda and Islamic State, which rages both in Syria, Iraq and beyond.
The base has or at least had advanced missiles such as MIG , Sam, SU..etc. It also had  Radar stations and an advanced air-defence system. It is important to remember that the airbase was developed by Iran.
The illegal US airstrikes killed Syrians officers, and some civilians from the Sha’ayrat countryside.
This is an American message to Israel; it is the good news Israel has been waiting for!
The chemical weapons allegation is just another silly excuse for military action. No one could honestly believe that it took only three days to prepare for such an atrocity.
This atrocity is one of many illegal American acts of aggression against Syria.
In September of last year, there was another airstrike by the US led coalition on the Syrian airbase in Deir Al Zoir. This helped  to strengthen the position of the so–called Islamist Sate in the region.
In 2o13, a spy drone of the US led coalition was flying over the Presidential Palace in Lattakia, before being shot down by Syrian air-defence systems .
It is not a secret that the US and its allies have been bombing and destroying important Syrian infrastructure since 2013.
Less than month ago, the same coalition killed 300 Syrian refugees in airstrikes on a school in Raqqa which was  used as a refuge for civilians. And now the US claims to care about protecting civilians? The hypocrisy is disgusting.
The idea that the false flag chemical attack was a US red line is a joke. The only red line in question was that of the US insuring the safety of al-Qaeda terrorists and the state policies of Israel. To do this, they had to thwart the advances of the Syrian Arab Army. This was the primary motive for this morning’s attack.
Countries, like France, Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain and the UK, welcomed this aggression aginst Syria. They too are guilty parties.
This American act of aggression should face a firm response from Syria’s allies including Russia and Iran. This aggression effects not only the safety of Syria but also of Iran and the wider region. A response however, would be unacceptable for Israel.
Turkey is the main player in this war. Ankara has opened the gates for terrorists to enter Syria, Erdogan has welcomed the American act aggression and aims to create an occupational buffer zone in Syria in order to prevent the Syrian Arab Army from advancing against the terrorist forces trained in and funded by Turkey.
Syrians are tired of the mainstream media lies. Syrians are sickened by this devilish propaganda using al-Qaeda/White Helmets sourced information and calling it news or intelligence. Their conclusion is that the only way to save Syrians is by bombing them and killing them. This is not humanitarianism, it is aggression and it is terrorism.
The opinions of this author may or may not reflect the position of The DRN Media PLC.