Saturday, July 6, 2013

Alarmbläser wie Snowden, Assange, Manning und Vanunu sind Vorbilder, tun wir es ihnen gleich!

Menschen, die wenn Not am Mann ist, Alarm blasen und  rechtzeitige Abhilfe  ermöglichen, sind Retter, freiwilligen Feuerwehreinsatzleuten zu vergleichen.

Am Beispiel des staatsoffiziellen Umgangs mit dem jungen Hinweisgeber Edward Snowden erkennen wir Tugenden, die lange als veraltet galten.  Snowden, Assange,  Manning und auch der  zu unrech fast vergessene Israeli Morderchai Vanunu sind moderne Helden. Ihre Intelligenz führte sie an sicherheitsempfindliche Bereiche der Machtapparate. Sie haben Dinge gesehen und Zusammenhänge erkannt, die uns gewöhnlichen Sterblichen  in dieser Konkretion verborgen bleiben müssen.  Sie haben dem Grauen in den Rachen geschaut und wenden sich mit ihrem Wissen an die einzig zur Abhilfe befähigte Öffentlichkeit.  Ihr Gewissen und ihr Mut  führte sie herab von der Karriereleiter an die Seite ihrer Mitbürger, an die Seite der Völker.  Sie geben  uns allen  neue Hoffnung und  den Sinn des Begriffes Demokratie zurück. Sie  stärken  unser aller Rückgrat. Sie lassen uns erkennen, dass Imperien empfindlich sind, dass deren Macht Grenzen hat. Sie vermitteln uns die Einsicht, dass wir einfachen Bürger mit den nötigen Kenntnissen  und Einblicken ausgestattet,  Imperien wie  ein Kartenhaus zum Einsturz bringen können.
Die Menschen an der Spitze des Imperiums wissen um deren Schwächen.  Deswegen laufen ihre Beauftragten  derzeit Amok gegen einen einzelnen jungen  Mann, der zuviel gesehen hat. Wir sind alle aufgerufen diesen mutigen Jungen zu schützen. Stellen wir uns argumentativ vor ihn, bieten wir ihm geistig Asyl, fordern wir seine Immunität, machen wir einen Helden aus ihm, dem es nachzueifern gilt. 

Seien wir mutig wie Snowden, Assange, Manning und Vanunu und fordern wir  ein, was uns zu steht:

- Angemessen bezahlte Arbeitsplätze!
- Löhne, von den man  würdig Leben und eine Familie gründen kann !
- Gut ausgestattete öffentliche  Schulen  frei von Militär!
- Renten, die unsere Lebensleistung honorieren!
- Öffentliche Haushaltskontrollen und  Budgets, die dem Frieden dienen!
 - Achtung des Friedensgebots unseres Grundgesetzes! 
-  Ein endliches Ende der Rüstungsexporte in Krisengebiete!
- Einen Verzicht  auf Drohnenproduktion!
 - Ein Verbot der Produktion und des  Exports  nuklearfähiger U-Boote!
  - Einen Abzug von Patriot-Raketen, die fremde Lande bedrohen!
- Abzug der immer noch als  Besatzungsmacht  auftretenden US-Streitkräfte samt ihrer Basen-Einrichtungen und Atomwaffen  in unserem Land!
- Bewegen wir die nurmehr noch  Pseudo-Friedensbewegung dazu, endlich  Farbe zu bekennen indem wir die Aggressionspolitik gegen Syrien ohne Wenn und Aber verurteilen.
- Bieten wir dem Um-sich-greifenden-Rechtsnihilismus Einhalt !

- Schließen wir unsere Reihen gegen die Kriegs-Profiteure fest zusammen!

 - Fordern wir Arbeit, Brot und Frieden!

Wir sind viele, wir sind die 99%. Unsere Sache ist gerecht.
Sie aber stehen auf verlorenem Posten.  Machen wir das deutlich.

Beherzigung wider das Sich-Ducken/ Read in Case of Fear and Procastination


Language: German by Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Feiger Gedanken
bängliches Schwanken,
weibisches Zagen,
ängstliches Klagen
wendet kein Elend,
macht dich nicht frei.

Allen Gewalten
zum Trutz sich erhalten,
nimmer sich beugen,
kräftig sich zeigen,
rufet die Arme
der Götter herbei!


Cowardly thoughts,
timid shaking,
womanish hesitation,
fearful lamentation -
they ward off no misery,
they do not make you free.

Gathering all your forces
for the offensive
never to give way,
showing yourself powerful:
this calls the arms
of the Gods to your side!

Empire Running Amok must be stopped!

The way the Empire is chasing defector  Edward Snowdon reflects how the emperors men feel. Their death  struggle has begun. People's movements all over the planet signal that  neoliberal politics have arrived in an impasse. There is only one way out: turn round.
Their massive military and policing strategies will lead nowhere. They can only create chaos, diversion, destruction. In order to help prevent more casualties we must build up strength by joining hands and by focusing on positive strategies.
Most urgently needed  are programs that help unite people and build up organized resistance.  Primary goal: Fund must be redirected to social needs. Austerity needs to be ended. Public investment into rebuilding peaceful infrastructure is  key to jobs with peace. People united will find the leading personel  that will help develop solutions to all the problems ahead, peaceful solutions, ways  to over coming brutality and violence  in their respective societies and in people's minds.

Let's work together to build up organized forms of resistance in order to stop the eve  of  destruction. Let us develop forward looking strategies now. Let us in our ways and at our place be courageous like Snowden, Assange and let us not forget personalities like Mordechai Vanunu.

"Militarization of Use Outer Space outrageous" says Kiruna Conference in Sweden

The International Conference on the High North and International Security was held in the city of Kiruna, Sweden, on 28-30th June 2013. Representatives from a wide spectrum of civil societies and public movements from a number of Scandinavian, European, Asian and Latin American countries, Russia and the United States of America attended and agreed the following:
Conference members recognize:
that we are facing major threats to our survival through the continued pretence that security can be obtained through aggressive foreign policies and military action;
that the ultimate consequences of these policies is the continued development and threatened use of nuclear weapons and the exploitation and militarization of environments that should be protected for the benefit of all humankind - such as the Arctic and outer space;
that the High North is being used by an expanding NATO as a military practice ground in which to rehearse future war fighting strategies and to test and develop new killing technologies;
that the US has established a satellite ground station in the Svalbard islands in Norway which is used by the military and therefore violates the Svalbard or Spitzbergen Treaty that requires that the archipelago is not used for military purposes;
the rapidly increasing deployment of space based military systems and the global network of ground based stations (including radars, downlink and surveillance facilities) that support and supplement them;
that the uncontrolled and irresponsible use of outer space has resulted in that environment being littered with debris that could eventually render it impenetrable;
the destabilizing effects that the deployment of space based, ground based and sea based missile defense systems have on undermining international stability and that they are risking the possibility of reaching further agreements on nuclear disarmament;
that all states who have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty should honour its Article VI and “pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control”;
the negative consequences stemming from the stationing of US tactical nuclear weapons in a number of European nations;
that US President Obama’s focus on his “pivot to Asia”, the sending of missiles and warships to the region and the encouragement of the construction of support bases in the region (such as the one threatening the lives of the Gangjeong villagers on Jeju Island, South Korea), is aimed at containing China and is increasing international tension.
We therefore call on all governments, political parties, members of civil societies and public movements all over the world to share these concerns and urgently request them to call upon:
the leaders of the Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to arrange an urgent meeting on the revival of stalled arms control processes and to embrace all key areas, including nuclear weapons, missile defense and conventional weapons stationed on the ground, at sea, in the air and in outer space;
the members of the United Nations to firmly work towards the adoption of a Nuclear Weapons Convention, leading to nuclear disarmament,  and we call upon the nuclear weapon states not to obstruct the discussion of the Nuclear Weapons Convention in the General Assembly of the UN;
all nations possessing or about to possess missile defense components should recognize their destabilizing nature and seek instead, through diplomatic processes, to reduce international tensions and work towards a situation where cooperation, mutual trust and understanding;
all space-faring nations should engage immediately in high level talks on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space and the adoption of outer space as a de-militarized zone;
all states to respect and renew their commitment to protect the unique and vitally important regions of the Earth, such as the Arctic and Antarctic, and reconfirm that they are not the property of any one nation, and never should be, but are to be protected as a common heritage for all humankind and never used for military purposes.
The money and material assets that will be gained from the above steps and other arms control and disarmament measures should not then be redirected to other military projects but used instead to help convert our militarized societies to peaceful ones that work for the betterment of the social and economic wellbeing of all people – for human rather than state security – and for dealing with our common problem of climate change.
As declared at the conference in Kiruna, Sweden, 29th June 2013.
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502  (blog)

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.  ~Henry David Thoreau 

Outrage at the International Crime Committed by the U.S. Imperialist Government and its NATO Allies in Europe

International Action Center Statement:

US/NATO endanger Bolivian
President Morales jet
The International Action Center expresses its outrage at the international crime committed by the U.S. imperialist government and its NATO allies in Europe in denying a refueling stop to the plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales home from an energy conference in Moscow.This plane was refused overflight permission by France, Spain, Italy and Portugal on July 2 while in the air.  It couldn’t land to refuel before crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The plane finally had to touch down in Vienna, Austria, where it sat for 13 hours, until the Indigenous President Morales allowed an Austrian official on board.

That the countries involved gave only technical reasons for refusing to allow the plane to fly over and land on their territory is a clear sign that they were aware that the forcing down of Morales’ plane is a violation of international law: Aircraft carrying government leaders have diplomatic immunity.

Behind this unprecedented and criminal action was Washington's panic that whistleblower Edward Snowden would receive asylum in Bolivia or some other Latin American country. Snowden was not on board Morales' plane. Snowden is the contract worker for the National Security Agency who sacrificed his career, risked his freedom and safety by releasing to the world documents showing the vast extent of U.S. electronic spying on scores of countries. The NSA uses this same electronic spying on people in the U.S. too, many of whom consider him a hero for exposing "Big Brother."

Snowden, like Pvt. B. Manning and other whistle blowers who are enmeshed in the vast bureaucratic and repressive state apparatus, discovered in their work that the government they identified with was engaged in criminal and often murderous activity in the interest of a tiny few billionaires and multi-millionaires at the pinnacle of wealth in the United States. They rebelled against being used for these ends. Their exposure of U.S. imperialist crimes is a contribution to the freedom of the people of the world and to the working class inside the United States, who have no interest in protecting and extending the wealth of a tiny few.

It is nothing new for the United States to infringe on the sovereignty of nations south of the U.S. What distinguishes this case is that the leaders of Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador and other Latin American countries are attending an extraordinary meeting of the Union of South American Nations on July 4 in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba to demand respect from the imperialists and to show solidarity with Morales.

We too, as anti-imperialists in the United States, want to express our solidarity with the Bolivian leader and his regional allies in the defense of their sovereignty, and to defend Snowden, Manning, Julian Assange and all others who expose the truth about the repressive international U.S. spy and murder machine.

 International Action Center
c/o Solidarity Center
New Address:
147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl.
New York, NY 10011
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