Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Samantha Power lehnt Russlands ‘Unterstützung’ für Assad ab, spielt Bedrohung durch ISIS herunter
Daniel McAdams  

Der heutige Ausbruch der Botschafterin der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika bei den Vereinten Nationen Samantha Power – der Einspritzpumpe der „Regimewechsel“maschine der Neokonservativen - liefert einen weiteren Beweis dafür, dass es sich bei dem laufenden „Russland ist in Syrien einmarschiert“-Medienblutrausch um eine von Washington inszenierte psychologische Kampagne handelt, die einen Deckmantel für einen endgültigen Schlag der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gegen Bashar al-Assad liefern soll.
Während die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im vergangenen Jahr in Syrien mehr als 2.500 Luftangriffe mit sehr wenig Wirkung gegen ISIS durchgeführt haben, warnt Power Russland, dass dessen behaupteter „militärischer Einsatz“ in Syrien „keine Strategie mit Gewinnaussicht“ ist. 
Man kann sich nur vorstellen, welches Gelächter in Moskau über die Architektin der Fiaskos der Interventionen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Libyen und Syrien ausgebrochen ist, die gute Ratschläge erteilt, wie man eine siegreiche politische Strategie erstellt. Aber Power, die offenkundig völlig unfähig ist, die Welt so zu sehen, wie die von uns in der realitätsbezogenen Gemeinschaft sie sehen, greift zur Geschichtsverdrehung, um „Beweise“ für ihren Ratschlag an Russland zu liefern. 
Power wiederholt heute auf CNN die alte diskreditierte Behauptung, dass Assad 2013 „seine eigenen Leute vergaste“ – eine Behauptung, die so fadenscheinig ist, dass Obama gezwungen war, sein Versprechen, das Land als Vergeltung zu bombardieren, zurückzuziehen. Anders gesagt, in der Stellungnahme gegenüber CNN log die Botschafterin der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika bei der UNO, und sie wusste, dass sie log, als sie Russland warnte, dass: 
Nachdoppeln bei einem Regime, das seine Menschen vergast, das Fassbomben auf seine Menschen wirft, das Menschen foltert, die es einfach verhaftet, weil sie protestieren und ihre Rechte fordern – nicht funktionieren wird. 
Inzwischen spielt Power die Gefahr herunter, die ISIS gegenüber Assad darstellt, indem sie behauptet, es sei „macchiavellistisch,“ sich zu sehr über die Möglichkeit eines Sieges von ISIS in Syrien aufzuregen: Sogar wenn man Macchiavelli wäre und sich nur um ISIL kümmerte, brächte die Unterstützung eines Regimes wie dieses und die Nicht-Berücksichtigung der Ansichten der weit überwiegenden Mehrheit der Menschen in Syrien, die in eine andere Richtung gehen wollen, weder Frieden noch einen Erfolg bei der Bewältigung des Terrorismus, was Präsident Putins Hauptanliegen ist, wie er sagt.
Natürlich kann Power nicht wissen, was die Mehrheit der Menschen in Syrien lieber haben will. Wir wissen aber, dass sie eindeutig lieber Assad haben wollen als ISIS, wenn sie gefragt werden. Sie hat also ein weiteres Mal gelogen. 
Während die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ihre Alliierten – Saudiarabien, Türkei und die anderen Golfstaaten – offen radikale Jihadisten ausgebildet, finanziert und ausgerüstet haben, um ihre Politik des Regimewechsels in Syrien voranzutreiben, stellt Power ihre erstaunliche Chuzpe zur Schau, indem sie die Schuld am nachfolgenden Ansteigen des Terrorismus Russland und dem Iran zuschiebt!
Russland und der Iran sind wohl wirklich der Ort, wo man viel von dieser Kritik an der Unterstützung eines Regimes erheben sollte, das diese monströsen Attacken gegen Zivilisten durchführt und dadurch – wissentlich oder unwissentlich – das Ansteigen des Terrorismus fördert. 
Aber die „humanitäre“ Power „schaut nur auf das, was die Lage im Hier und Jetzt“ in Syrien verbessern kann. Für sie gehört dazu offenbar, Russland für seine Gegnerschaft zu al-Qaeda und ISIS in Syrien zu verdammen und diese Gruppen weiterhin zu fördern.
Powers Chuzpe hört hier noch nicht auf – in der Tat ist diese scheinbar grenzenlos. Während die Intervention und Politik des Regimewechsels der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika direkt zum massiven Exodus aus dem Land und zur daraus resultierenden Flüchtlingskrise in Europa geführt hat, gibt die Diplomatin der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika die Schuld daran ... dem nicht ausreichenden Interventionismus der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika! 
Man kann nicht zusehen, wie 12 Millionen Menschen aus ihren Wohnungen vertrieben werden, und wie verzweifelte Familien an Strände angetrieben werden, und damit zufrieden sein, wo wir stehen. Ich denke die Herausforderung besteht darin herauszufinden, was für eine Politik geeignet ist, die Dinge besser zu machen. 
Hier ist ein Vorschlag: lasst Syrien in Ruhe! Lasst Nachbarn wie den Iran und Russland sich um das Problem mit den Jihadisten kümmern! Je mehr die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika den Syrern „helfen,“ desto mehr Syrer sterben. 
     erschienen am 14. September 2015 auf > Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Artikel  Archiv > Artikel von Daniel McAdams auf

FM says Xi's visit to bolster China-U.S. trust, cooperation

News | 16.09.2015 | 23:10
President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to the United States will hammer home his view that peace will bring mutual benefit, while conflict will harm both sides, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Wednesday.
Xi will pay a state visit to the United States from Sept. 22 to 25, the Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday morning.
President Xi's visit will focus on boosting trust, and try to resolve U.S. worries that China and the United States contradict each other when dealing with issues such as international relations and the Asia-Pacific order, Wang said at the Lanting Forum held by the ministry.
"This visit is in the interest of friendly cooperation between China and the United States, and is also in the interest of world peace and development. It will surely be a milestone for China-U.S. relations," Wang said.
"Warming up to American people will be a feature for Xi's upcoming visit," Wang said, adding that Xi will talk with entrepreneurs, teachers and students.
A series of measures to promote civilian exchanges between the two countries will be announced during Xi's trip, Wang said.
Extensive cooperation agreements will be reached in the fields of finance and trade, energy, climate change, environmental protection, science and technology, agriculture, law enforcement, aviation and infrastructure.
"We hope that the two sides will reaffirm each one's own development direction and strategic view, increasing common interest and responsibility to safeguard world peace, stability and development," Wang said.
The minister stressed that both countries have the resources and necessity to realize positive exchange and cooperation concerning the Asia-Pacific region.
He noted that the country's Belt and Road Initiative aims to offer new opportunities for the common development of various countries while the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is expected to improve the current financial system and overcome financial bottlenecks.
Xi will also visit the UN headquarters in New York to attend summits commemorating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations from Sept. 26 to 28.

Refugees Crisis Splits European Countries (I)

Pyotr ISKENDEROV | 17.09.2015 | 00:13

Inside the European Union the discords are growing between Germany allied with Austria and the states of Central and Eastern Europe. The latter have grounds to believe that Berlin and Vienna – tacitly supported by Brussels – try to shift the heavy financial, political, social and cultural burden on their shoulders.
Hungary is a good example. The government of Victor Orban plans to stop the free flow of refugees across its territory to Germany and Austria. Zoltán Kovács, the government spokesperson, assured that Hungary will comply with its obligations, defend its borders and try to register all coming migrants. He said, German and Austrian leaders encourage migration and make them believe they are welcome. As a result, they refuse to cooperate with authorities and register. Austria has let in thousands without identification. He said the governments of these countries don’t even know whom they allow to enter.
Later, Victor Orban called on Germany and Austria to close their borders to migrants. Budapest says that the Dublin agreement makes the first country asylum seekers enter inside the EU responsible for their fate. In other words, the majority of refugees go to Germany or Austria but Hungary is in hot water because it is the first EU country on their route.
Besides, Orban reiterated his opposition to European Commission’s plans to introduce refugee quotas: “Without providing strict border control, just to speak about a quota system, it's an invitation for those who will come, who would like to come. That's a problem."
Germany – a decisive member of the European Commission on problems related to Central Europe – is trying to do its best to ease own refugee burden while positioning itself as a “friend of migrants” and an attractive island of stability and well-being. Obviously, these are two contradictory goals. According to the estimates of German experts, all in all Germany will have to allocate around 10 billion euros to accommodate migrants, which is 4 times the sum it spent last year. Back then around 200 thousand asylum seekers entered the country. This year Germany plans to receive a total of 800 thousand people. Annual cost per refugee stands at between 12,000 and 13,000 euros, which covers accommodation, meals, pocket money, health costs and administrative expenses.
There is another aspect of the problem. Neither the European Commission, nor Germany can undertake resolute measures to cope with the situation without damage to their political image, which is, to great extent, built on so called multiculturalism. Increasing radicalization of Central Europe and Germany is obvious. Chancellor Angela Merkel had to rush to Saxony and reduce tensions there. And suddenly it springs to mind that it was Germany who gave birth to National Socialism…
Despite that, the European Commission and the German government prefer to live in the world of illusions. Besides, the Brussels bureaucracy cannot influence the events in the countries where refugees come from.
Wars are raging in the vicinity of safe and rich Europe and people have no choice but to flee and save their lives. Refugee flows will continue.
Polish media argues that the flows would stop only if there were no wars or if asylum seeking became an equally dangerous endeavor. In other words, it’s either Europe intervenes into the conflicts that result in refugee flows, or stops the migration by force... It’s hard to imagine any of these scenarios. If the government estimates are right and 800 thousand people do really come to Germany, the public reaction will change in the long run and the Schengen agreement will be doomed…
The Brussels bureaucracy is mired in unprecedentedly cynical and, at the same time, listless haggling: should national governments be temporarily allowed to “buy out” from complying with the refugee quotas? For instance, the European Commission is considering the possibility of substituting compulsory quotas for some EU members with financial contributions. It is painted as taking into consideration the concerns of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other states that display discontent with the policy of Brussels accusing it of trying to solve the refugees’ related problems at their expense.
Even here the European Commission implements an ambiguous policy. Brussels says the payments to a special fund will allow some states to avoid the compliance with extended compulsory quotas, but only temporarily.
In other words, Slovakia or Hungary will have to pay for preserving its demographic, social, economic, cultural and national balances. But it will not last forever. After a while it is going to start all over again, or may be new payments to the European Commission will be introduced.
Besides, Brussels insists that any refusal to comply with quotas should be substantiated by “objective reasons”. And it will be up to European commissars and Mrs Angela Merkel to decide if the reasons are objective enough.
(To be continued)
Tags: European Union

Syria's Assad blames West for refugee crisis

News | 16.09.2015 | 23:11
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has blamed Europe's refugee crisis on Western support for "terrorists", as people fleeing his country's civil war stream towards the European Union.
In his first public comments on the mass migration, broadcast on Wednesday, Assad said Europe could expect more refugees.
Countries including the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia want to see Assad gone from power and have supported the opposition to his rule during the four-year-old war, including some of the armed groups fighting him.
Assad said Turkish support had been crucial to the growth of two of the biggest insurgent groups in Syria, Islamic State and the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, and aerial bombing by a U.S.-led coalition had failed to stop Islamic State. Turkey denies the accusation.
The Syrian president dismissed Western suggestions that his government's actions in the war had fueled the spread of such groups.
"As long as they follow this propaganda, they will have more refugees," Assad said in an interview with Russian media. "If you are worried about them, stop supporting terrorists."
The Syrian government describes all the armed groups fighting it as terrorists. The insurgents in Syria range from the hardline Islamist Islamic State to nationalists viewed as moderate by the West.
Assad has been buoyed in recent weeks by signs of increased military support from his ally Russia. In his comments he made no mention of reports of Russian military activity in Syria.
The White House said on Tuesday it wanted to see Russia engage constructively with the international coalition fighting Islamic State, rather than build up its own military presence.
Moscow says the Syrian government should be part of a broad coalition to fight Islamic State.
Assad said there was no coordination between his government and the United States, even indirectly, apparently backing away from comments earlier this year suggesting there had been some contact. 
"There's not a single coordination or contact between the Syrian government and the United States government or between the Syrian army and the U.S. army ... Not even any third party including the Iraqis," he said.
He played down proposals for a peace initiative that Assad ally Iran has said it presented to Syrian officials.
"There is currently no Iranian initiative, but rather there are ideas, or principles, for an Iranian initiative which are based principally on the subject of Syria's sovereignty ... and are based on fighting terrorism," Assad said.
Tags: Syria