Friday, June 12, 2020

Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen

Schier unfassliches Leid erschüttert seit Jahresbeginn die Erdbewohner und trifft sie mit unterschiedlicher Härte. Noch machen sich bei uns im Lande die Schläge zwar bei vielen bemerkbar, aber wenige nur merken, was wirklich vorgeht. „Sag es niemand, nur den Weisen, weil die Menge gleich verhöhnet“ formulierte einst der große Goethe in seiner Gedichtsammlung Öst-Westlicher Diwan. Noch einmal scheint heute die Welt verdüstert und nachhaltig aus den Fugen geraten. Jenen mutigen, aufmüpfigen Köpfe aber, die sich bemühen, sie wieder einzurenken, wird - wie eh und je - das modern gewendete Stigma des Ketzers oder Wahrheitsverdrehers angeheftet. Um Aufklärung bemühte Gedanken müssen wieder einmal chiffriert werden oder können nur hinter vorgehaltener Hand geäußert werden. Allerdings auch dann nur, wenn das Smartphone im Kühlfach liegt und der Laptop weit weg und verschlossen untergebracht ist. Angstauslösende Abwehrmechanismen wirken so stark, dass abweichende Einschätzungen selbst dann viele Gehörgänge verstopfen.

Über 400 Jahre sind vergangen seit William Shakespeare den Prinzen Hamlet von Dänemark sagen ließ: „Time is out of joint. O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right“. Schon damals, im Goldenen Elisabethanischen Zeitalter, schienen ähnlich kolossal empfundene Vorgänge die bekannte Welt erschüttert zu haben. Die sinnverquerende Umstülpung aller bis dato gültigen Begriffe setzt der großartige Dramatiker mit einem antithetischen Chiasmus nachhaltig ins Bild, wenn er drei Hexen leitmotivisch zu Beginn seines Macbeth skandieren lässt: „Foul is fair and fair is foul. Hover through the fog and filthy air.“ (Schön ist wüst und wüst ist schön, wirbelt durch Wüsten und Wolkenhöhn.) Schlecht ist gerecht und gerecht ist schlecht. Gut und Böse scheinen kreuzweise vertauscht und dem wahrheitssuchenden Forscher werden die Sinne vernebelt. 'Fake News' und 'Verschwörungstheorie' schimpfen gekaufte Medien die kritischen, die nichtkonformen Stimmen. Wer soll sich da noch zurechtfinden? Shakespeare wählt grandiose Metaphern um Wahrheiten aufdecken zu können. Die Mächtigen wussten Bescheid, die Eingeweihten verstanden die Anspielungen. Im Hamlet-Drama nutzt er 'das Spiel im Spiel' um seinen Widersacher bloßzustellen und zu entlarven. 

Welchen Weg können wir Heutigen gehen, wenn selbst renommierte Wissenschaftler, Nobelpreisträger gar, ausgebootet werden, sofern sie nicht willfährig dem vorgegebenen Narrativ folgen? Den Zweifel sähen? Die totalitär anmutende Einigkeit in Frage stellen? Den Finger prüfend in die Rechnung legen und die Faktenlage Punkt für Punkt analysieren? Fragen, wer am Ende die Rechnung bezahlt und wer die Auftraggeber für die markerschütternden Maßnahmen sind? Wo fängt Wissenschaft an und wo wird blinder Glaube zugemutet?

Machen wir noch einen Zeitsprung. Aus der Ferne sieht man manchmal besser.

Das vermeintlich „Goldene Zeitalter“ umfasste etwa die Hugenotten-Kriege, den englisch-spanischen Krieg und die grausam wütende spanische Inquisition. Wie fürchterlich diese bis ins frühe 19. .Jahrhundert andauernde Verfolgung von „Häretikern“ - ganz besonders unter Phillip II - wütete, erfahren wir von unserem Klassiker Friedrich Schiller in seiner historischen Schrift über den „Abfall der Niederlande“, einer sehr lesenswerten, trotz ihrer 200 Jahre erstaunlich aktuellen Schrift. Dort heißt es mit Bezug auf das zerstörerische Wirken der Inquisition „Vaterland und Familie, Gewissen und Ehre, die heiligsten Gefühle der Gesellschaft und der Natur … diese Verbindung musste jetzt aufgelöst, von den heiligen Gefühlen der Natur musste die alte Religion gewaltsam gerissen werden und sollte es selbst die Heiligkeit dieser Empfindungen kosten. ... Schändung der Vernunft und Mord des Geistes heißt ihr Gelübde … Alle Instinkte der Menschheit hat sie herabgestürzt …; ihm weichen alle Bande, die der Mensch sonst am heiligsten achtet.“ (Schiller sämtliche Werke IV, Winkler Weltliteratur. München 1968, S. 55) „ Die Wahrheit des Umgangs war dahin. Alle Bande des Gewinns waren aufgelöst, alle Bande des Blutes und der Liebe. Ein ansteckendes Misstrauen vergiftete das gesellige Leben.“ S. 59 ebd.

Damals war das ungeheuerlichste Übel neben dem Krieg und den Massakern an Andersgläubigen die Inquisition. Es ging gegen Mauren und Juden gleichermaßen, aber auch gegen Protestanten und andere vermeintliche Ketzer. Heute erscheint das Grundübel in Gestalt eines unsichtbaren Virus, das uns vor scheinbar unlösliche Rätsel stellt. Es legt die Weltwirtschaft in Ketten und beschwört die Vernichtung von Millionen Existenzen herauf. Hunger folgt ihm auf der Spur und die Aushebelung sämtlicher konstitutionell verbriefter Rechte trägt es im Handgepäck. Eingriffe in die körperliche Unversehrtheit mittels Tracking und Impfzwang werfen ihre düsteren Schatten voraus. Der Rückfall in die längst überwunden geglaubte Barbarei, in den Zustand vollkommener Gesetzlosigkeit zeichnet sich ab am Horizont. Diese Bewegung erfolgt allerdings so schleichend, dass Millionen Erdbewohner ihre völlige Entrechtung noch nicht einmal spüren. Scheinbar freiwillig legen sie den verordneten Maulkorb um, der Nasenring wurde ihr liebstes Schmuckstück („der nasenring euer teuerster schmuck, keine täuschung zu dumm, kein trost zu billig, jede erpressung ist für euch noch zu milde“, heißt es in Hans Magnus Enzensberger „Die Verteidigung der Wölfe gegen die Lämmer“).

Diese Überlegungen basieren durchaus auf Informationen, die durch unsere Medienzentren über die Regierung und regierungsnahe Institutionen auf uns hernieder prasseln. Deren Informationen widersprechen sich zwar immer mal wieder, sind inkonsistent, aber sie beanspruchen absolute Deutungshoheit. Ihre Daten dürfen nicht durch andere Fachleute, als die von ihnen bestimmten angezweifelt werden. Wer immer Einwände gegen die vorherrschende „Faktenlage“, die offiziell verkündete Wahrheit vorbringt, wird ausgegrenzt, dessen Karriere wird zerstört. Auszugsweise füge ich stellvertretend Argumente und Beweisführung von Stephen Karganovic an. Es sind Grundlagen, die ich so auch anderwärts gefunden habe, etwa beim brasilianischen Journalisten Pepe Escobar oder beim Franzosen Thierry Meyssan oder was den medizinischen Teil angeht, beim kalifornischen Epidemologen und Praktiker Dr. Erikson, dessen Videos prompt von You Tube gesperrt wurden. Die Liste ließe sich endlos fortsetzen. Es geht nicht um den Schutz unserer Gesundheit, sondern um Machtpolitik. Es geht um ein ungeheuerliches Sozialexperiment, um Folgsamkeit, um beabsichtigten Impfzwang, um Digitalisierungszwang im Interesse von Jeff Bezos, Chef des Amazon-Konzerns und Konsorten. Es geht auch um Bevölkerungsminimierung im Interesse einer oberreichen Pseudoelite, die offenbar glaubt, für sich auf Erden ein Paradies der Wenigen errichten zu können und dergleichen bösartigen Unsinn mehr. Sie sprechen ganz offen über ihre Pläne. Man muss nur recherchieren und das erfordert ein bißchen Surfen im Netz. (Die Rot unterlegten Stellen im nachfolgenden Text kann man im Netz anklicken, d.h. selber weiter suchen und überprüfen.) Stephen Karganovic führt übrigens als 'Zeugen' international renommierte Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kontinenten an.

Die ziemlich üble Unterstellung, die dahingehend lautet, wer Einwände gegen das regierungs- und RKI-offizielle Narrativ vortrage und wer die Politik auf dem Verordnungswege anzweifle, spalte die Gemeinschaft, ist irreführend und zutiefst undemokratisch. Demokratie lebt vom Widerspruch, von der Debatte, vom kritischen Diskurs verschiedener Stimmen. Wer diese zu unterbinden sucht, ist Gegner einer demokratisch verfassten Gesellschaftsordnung, die sich gerade in Krisenzeiten zu bewähren hat. Das Gegenteil von Demokratie ist Autoritarismus, Totalitarismus, Faschismus. „Glauben heißt nichts wissen“ war das Leitmotiv, das mir mein Vater einst auf den Weg gab und mein literarischer Ziehvater Brecht riet uns kleinen Leuten: „Prüfe die Rechnung, du musst sie bezahlen“. Der von mir immer wieder geschätzte Volksmund sagt im gleichen Sinne zu recht: “selber denken macht schlau.“

In diesem Sinne bitte ich herzlich die unten angeführten Argumente von Karganovic kritisch zu überprüfen .

Irene Eckert Potsdam-Neufahrland am 11. Juni 2020

„The Corona virus put-on job has now been exposed for the brazen social engineering scheme, potential vaccination rip-off (and here), and ideologically driven mass population reduction project that it had always been, from the start.

We now have all the basic facts we require to deconstruct the mendacious, hysteria inducing narrative that was concocted to bludgeon (Schlag versetzen) the imprisoned world into submissive acquiescence to its self-destruction.

The key fact that the Covid-19 virus is a laboratory product and therefore man-made was authoritatively established by French Prof. Luc Montagnier who recently disclosed the results of his laboratory analysis of the virus genome. He found it to be laced with spliced-in HIV sequences, which effectively excludes the possibility of its being the product of a natural process. (Prof. Montaigner put it extremely delicately: “in fact, part of the virus, not the whole, has been manipulated”.) Was it manipulated by bats in some Chinese caves? Prof. Montaigner, incidentally, is eminently qualified to speak on the subject as he was in 2008 a recipient of the Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying the HIV virus. The fact that as soon as he let the cat out of the bag he became subjected to harsh denunciation (here and here) by all the right circles lends powerful support to the credibility of his findings.

Essentially the same conclusions were reached even earlier, in February, by a group of Indian scientists and published in a paper entitled “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HI,V-1 gp120 and Gag”. Reassuringly, under ferocious pressure and ridicule by fake news commissars (and here), the scientists were compelled to withdraw their bold paper, because it appeared to have crossed the line of permissible Corona virus discourse even before Prof. Montaigner came out with his assertions. All the more reason to pay serious attention to the glaringly obvious and undeniably significant implications of these fully congruent findings.

Underlining the fact that we have been plunged, without consent and mostly without awareness, into a post-truth world, facts have largely been supplanted by narratives. And narratives are essentially politically convenient fairy tales that nobody sincerely believes but practically everyone must publicly adhere to in order to hold on to what little reputation and dwindling benefits they’ve got left. Team player adherence to public lies (sorry, fairy tales) is a test of good global citizenship. It is a test that to their moral credit the French professor and the Indian researchers have obviously and perhaps to their lasting professional detriment – failed.

Fortunately, the ranks of non-team players in the Corona virus controversy, with all the lurking personal perils that poses, have actually been growing, rather than shrinking.

We are indebted to Dr. Shiva Ayadurai, a brave Indian-American scientist, for making us aware that immunological deficiency is the principal condition propitiating the spread of the Corona virus and that mass lockdowns, causing sun and vitamin deprivation, as well as depression and other debilitating psychological conditions, has the effect of increasing instead of reducing the immunological vulnerability of the human organism.

Another scientist with impeccable credentials, Dr Rashid Buttar, has argued compellingly that the prevalent Corona virus narrative does not add up. Predictably, this non-team player has also been subjected to brutal media assaults and his public statements have provoked the fury of the political correctness commissariat. In Dr Buttar’s view, anyone who is supporting the use of vaccination to combat COVID-19 is either ignorant or has some hidden agenda or is financially motivated. The basic fundamentals of how the human body works are, he argues, ignored and in the process, and while ostensibly treating patients infected by the virus, basic neurological, physical, virological and medical principles are being violated or simply put aside. Not without reason, Dr Buttar points out that people with expert knowledge are silent either because of social pressures or fear of losing their license.

The concerted effort to blot out every opinion, no matter how qualified, which does not conform to the narrative, on the specious pretext that it “violates YouTube’s terms of service” or the mysteriously undefined “community guidelines,” is undoubtedly the most persuasive indication of the narrative’s extreme fragility. While some competent critiques still manage to squeak through the “bodyguard of lies” (herehere, and here), all the algorithms have been activated to keep non-conforming, question and doubt-provoking opinions off the table and out of the purview of the immature and irresponsible masses. ...

The dark intimations that in “elite” circles there may be an intense interest in reducing the excessive number of useless eaters to a smaller and more docile cohort of helot-like servants are not without empirical basis. Why the fanatical insistence on mass vaccination on a global scale, for our own good of course, although the concept would not even pass the scrutiny of an alert high school biology student, who is well aware that vaccination does not work for prospective or mutated new viruses? Or are we all expected now to fall prey precisely to Covid-19 and be vaccinated willy-nilly against its ravages? On whose authority are wealthy private individuals with no medical training but close financial ties to the pharmacological industry announcing public health policy measures and determining the particulars and duration of their application? What arcane foreknowledge enabled them to presciently predict the current pandemic several years ago and then suspiciously again, last year several months in advance of its appearance? May the health and welfare of billions of human beings be safely entrusted to self-proclaimed “philanthropists” whose actions are driven entirely by the profit motive, in its various financial, ideological, and perhaps even occult forms? Will billions of people succumb to a corporate media induced mass hysteria and allow profit-making unknown substances to be injected into their bodies, in complete disregard of the fact that on previous occasions similar forms of “relief” had wrought devastation and havoc throughout Asia and Africa, and wherever else they had been administered?

Humanity has good reason to fear and tremble, not so much at the dreaded disease as at its potentially terrifying cure, which we are told is in the making (perhaps in the same laboratories where the disease was concocted) and undoubtedly will soon be unveiled. (Stephen Karganovic)

Just as a reminder, as the publisher points out in its blurb, “Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor for the German main daily newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), has first-hand knowledge of how the CIA and German Intelligence (BND) bribe journalists to write articles free of truth and with a decidedly pro-Western, pro-NATO bent or, in other words, propaganda. In his bestselling book Bought Journalists (“Gekaufte Journalisten”), Dr. Ulfkotte explains in great detail the workings of the U.S. and NATO s propaganda campaign and how a lack of compliance with it, on the part of a journalist, can cost a career.”

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, whatever one may think of it, has exposed a situation in Western science that is ominously analogous to what Ulfkotte had described in what passes as its “journalism”.

One of quite a few (but never enough) scientists in the U.S. with integrity to resist the intense career-costing pressure to distort scientific data and conform it to the marketing requirements of huge pharmaceutical concerns is renowned microbiologist Dr. Judy Mikovits. Dr. Mikovits played a leading role in HIV research in the 80s and was fulsomely praised at the time for her contribution to suppressing that epidemic. But her stellar scientific credentials notwithstanding, she quickly became persona non grata for the gekaufte scientific establishment once she started to question some of the sacrosanct verities of the current Corona commotion. “The hammer began to fall,” she explains, “and I was told to deny the data, to misrepresent the data, to throw the data away, and when I refused to do so I was fired. My lab was locked down on September 29 [2019] and my two offices and my entire 30-year career and everything, my notebooks, was confiscated.” 

The symbiosis of “Big Science,” “Big Pharma,” and their executive committee (unfortunately the Leninist expression does work best here), also known as “the government,” manifested itself vividly in the Neil Ferguson Oxford College fiasco, using a rigged mathematical model and disregarding hard data to conjure up a phantasmagorical pandemic disaster scenario which subsequently resulted in a genuine economic, social, and for hapless millions personal, disaster of incalculable magnitude. In a shameless puff piece devoted to the quack Ferguson, he was praised by Business Insider for having “modeled the spread of all those outbreaks, advising five UK prime ministers in the process. But all that seems like a practice run for 2020.” Indeed, it was, as we are finding out. Left unmentioned, of course, was the appalling track record of Ferguson’s infelicitous consultations, all his predictions in previous epidemics (as well as the current one) having proven flat out wrong every single time. In the end, hemmed in by irrefutable facts, Ferguson was obliged to admit, with the “greatest respect” for Swedish scientists, that Sweden had managed to suppress the Corona virus without resorting to tough restrictions, and he even had the effrontery to add – after the damage caused by his recommendations had turned irreversible – that Sweden had used “the same science as the UK” to achieve a successful public health result at a far lower social cost. But as Ferguson’s like-minded friend George Soros, unequivocally and with amazing frankness, recently put it, “even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary.” The agenda indeed must be advanced at any cost, and as another person from the same unsavoury circle observed not long ago, “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

So now we come to one of the gekaufte Wissenschaft sources of the current global hysteria, as unexpectedly revealed by a most unlikely journalistic authority, The Guardian: “A Guardian investigation can reveal the U.S.-based company Surgisphere, whose handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model, has provided data for multiple studies on Covid-19 co-authored by its chief executive, but has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology.”

It turns out that this obscure outfit’s impact on the policies and practices of governments and international organizations has been nothing short of spectacular: “Data it claims to have legitimately obtained from more than a thousand hospitals worldwide formed the basis of scientific articles that have led to changes in Covid-19 treatment policies in Latin American countries. It was also behind a decision by the WHO and research institutes around the world to halt trials of the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine. On Wednesday, the WHO announced those trials would now resume.” In other words, what The Guardian uncovered within the Western scientific and governmental nexus was a huge, utterly discreditable case of fraud.

But it was not fraud just in the abstract sense of the word. It had tangible consequences in the real world, affecting directly the life and health of countless human beings.

As when, on May 22, 2020, and entirely based on the “scientific” findings put forward by Surgisphere Corporation, Britain’s prestigious medical journal The Lancet published “Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine With or Without A Macrolide For Treatment of COVID-19: a Multinational Registry Analysis”.  It was described (and later the article was mercifully retracted) as an observational study purportedly involving more than 96,000 hospitalized Covid-19 patients in 671 hospitals across six continents. What was not disclosed is the fact that the two lead co-authors have significant, relevant financial conflicts of interest that just may have biased the reported findings.

As if on cue, within days of Lancet’s publication of these bogus data, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), referring to HCQ, declared on CNN “The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy.” A media blitz against hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) created a panic: clinical trials aimed at testing hydroxychloroquin for COVID-19 were suspended by international public health institutions, including the World Health Organization, the UK government regulatory agency, and the French government. As Stephen Smith, a U.S. doctor with professional integrity, has pointed out “COVID-19 Patients Died Because of Bogus Lancet Study that Disparaged Hydroxycholorquine.”

It all makes solid financial sense, of course. Hydroxychloroquin is a dirt cheap, widely available remedy the proceeds from which would not fill anybody’s coffers and which would not lend itself to any of the further “crisis exploitation” agendas Messrs. Soros, Gates, Ferguson et al. might have in mind. The threatened globally injected vaccine in the making, however, meets all their sinister requirements, and it offers the prospect of virtually limitless juicy profits to boot. Case closed.

But that is just one of the things that happens when nations and their gekaufte governments allow rascals and charlatans to bamboozle them.