Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Putin Expresses Condolences Over Total CEO Death in Moscow Plane Crash

News | 21.10.2014 | 12:57
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday expressed his deep condolences to his French counterpart Francois Hollande over the death of Christophe de Margerie, the head of French energy giant Total.
“Please convey my sincerest condolences and sympathy to the family and friends of Christophe de Margerie - a prominent French businessman who pioneered many of the major joint projects, which laid the foundation for many years of fruitful cooperation between France and Russia in the energy sector … We have lost a true friend of our country and his legacy will remain with us,” said the telegram Putin has sent to Hollande, according to Kremlin.
“Vladimir Putin has long known de Margerie and had a close working relationship with him," presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov added.
"The president highly appreciated de Mergerie's business skills and his continued commitment to the development of bilateral Russian-French relations on multifaceted levels," Peskov also said.
Earlier in the day, Hollande expressed his condolences over Margerie’s death.
“The president was shocked and saddened by the news of the death of Christophe de Margerie. Christophe de Margerie dedicated his life to French industry and the development of the Total group…” the statement said.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in a statement that the country has lost "a great industry captain" who turned Total into a world giant. Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said that de Margerie "did a lot to attract investments to Russia."
The Falcon 50 business jet crashed late Monday night at the Vnukovo-3 Airport in Moscow after the aircraft hit a snow removal vehicle on takeoff. The aircraft was flying from Moscow to Paris with de Margerie as the only passenger on board besides three crew members, also French citizens. All four people died in the crash.
Four theories as to the cause of the accident are currently being investigated - a mistake by air traffic control, the actions of the snowplow driver, bad weather conditions and the possibility of a mistake by the pilot.
De Margerie was born in 1951. He joined Total in 1974 after graduating from the Ecole Superieure de Commerce in Paris. He served in several positions in the Finance Department and the Exploration & Production division. In May 2006, he was appointed to the company’s board of directors. He became chief executive of Total on February 14, 2007. Since May 2010, he served as chairman of the company.

Fathi Akins neuer Film" The CUT": moderne Christus-Adapation und Hymne auf auf die Menschlichkeit in Zeiten roher Gewalt

Spiegel-Redaktuer Wolfgang Höbel bringt zwei interessante Beiträge zu Fathi Akins neuem Filmkunstwerk. 

Für mich ist der Film aber  noch mehr und enthält eine  Botschaft, die der Produzent, Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor selbst nicht so verbalisiert.  Neben der großartigen und  beeindruckenden filmkünstlerischen Leistung ist der  Streifen jenseits aller in ihm gezeigten Gewalt vor allem ein Hymnus auf die Menschlichkeit, die sich der stumme Held bis zum Ende hin erstaunlicherweise bewahrt. Seine Menschenfreundlichkeit behält er bei, selbst nach dem er seinem Gott die Gefolgschaft aufkündigt. Tahar Rahims Verkörperung des armenischen Schmiedes, den es in seiner Odyssee in den Midwesten der USA verschlägt, erinnert an die stumme Kathrin in Brechts Mutter Courage. Der Filmemacher Akin zeigt sich hier von seiner menschlichsten Seite wirkt wegweisend für eine Kunst in Zeiten der Ausweitung der Kriegszonen. Seine Armenier Parabel ist von höchster Aktualität.

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