Wednesday, February 12, 2014

President Obama in his Recent Encounter with President Hollande of France cannot see a military solution of the Syrian conflict - a challenge to pressure for non intervention !

President Obama in his recent encounter with President Hollande cannot see a military solution of the Syrian conflict … now. This admission must be interpreted as good news.

Syria is one of hottest spots in world politics at this moment with the Geneva talks going on. We must react as educators, telling the true story behind the conflict and demand an end to  terrorism, infiltrated from the outside. The  recent massacre committed  by such  terrorists in the village Maan in the province of Hama cost the lives of of 25 civilians among them at least 11 women. The names of the families affected are documented.

And yet, a  military solution is not possible now, says Obama, but he also claims that his country  retains the right to conduct a military operation in Syria. Peace workers must  therefore ask that this option is taken off the table and that funding terrorism in sovereign countries must be ended.

As long as terrorists are  being funded and petted, the talks in Geneva cannot contribute much to stop the violence inside Syria. The so called "coalition" delegation needs  a proper mandate and must be equipped with  influence on their terrorist half in order to help stop acts of terrorism inside their  country. Or at least  we must ask from them to condemn acts of rebel terrorism.

 Clearly this is a precondition to peaceful success and peace people must opt for it.

The positive news is that talks take place at all and the government delegation works hard  in order to to achieve positive results for their people at home. But to establish peace, two sides much be prepared for it.

Those forces who can not see now that peace will serve their needs, too, are  stepping up  the pressure on the official  delegation with more allegations against president Assad.  But who can believe those false accusations? Allegations of  his "unwillingness  to fulfill the removal of the country's chemical arsenal within the proposed time frame" are farcical given the enormous efforts under way to fulfill the agreements to the point and with Syria being assisted by Russia and China in this endeavor.

Let us not allow ourselves  to be fooled by  the French assistance to  the US with a  policy based on violence and military interference. Let us examine the  wording  of their press releases and interpret them in a positive light. The  warriors hands are bound. Their destructive efforts  based on violence and war have  not been successful in the past  and will not be so in the future. They do not meet the needs of anyone involved.  Obamas attitude may seem ambivalent. But his French colleague  Hollande, who stands alone with his back towards the wall  will do better to understand the undertones of Obamas declarations with respect to recent diplomatic solutions.  Efforts  to copy  hegemonic efforts  in the past, imperial as well as militaristic postures have failed their objectives and have  in the end lead to the weakening  of the empire.

Official Germany, another superpower  in wishful thinking, should also learn her lesson from history, rather than denying or even glorifying the bloody past. If she will follow the triple advice of Munic from Gauck, Steinmeier and von der Leyen, she will eventually stand alone,  or left  behind with  such lame allies that cannot provide the "robust" support they are being asked for.

More  military threats and  the policy of sanctions, the policy of creeping genozide, has definitely failed.

The  sanctions against Iran will be gradually lifted soon and the same will become true for Cuba, a nation that has been suffering for decades under its crippling effects.

Gradually more people will see the weakening powers of the Western block, and will comprehend  the necessity to let go the recourse to violence and war wit reference to the command of  the clarity  of international law. They will  consequently organize in support of change towards  DIPLOMATIC SOLUTIONS.

Hollande's position in his own country has  already  reached its weakest  point.

Let him play a little muscle play side by side with  big brother, the nobel prize winner  Obama, who  on his behalf, seems to have understood the necessities of history,  necessities, that demand halting war policy.

Let us take that message home and organize for peace with justice based on the UN Charter. The only lasting peace possible.

Irene Eckert, Berlin

"A draft UN resolution on aid access in Syria is aimed at creating grounds for military intervention" says Moscow

Moscow to veto Syria aid resolution in current form

News | 12.02.2014 | 12:07
Russia has warned a draft UN resolution on aid access in Syria is aimed at creating grounds for military intervention and will veto the document in its current form, Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said Wednesday, as cited by RIA Novosti. “It is unacceptable to us in the form in which it is now being prepared, and we, of course, will not let it through,” Gatilov said, commenting on a Western-Arab draft that was debated in the UN Security Council on Tuesday. He described the proposed draft as “politicized.”