Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fünf Gründe dafür, dass auch die jüngste Story über syrische Kriegsverbrechen wieder nicht wahr sein könnte

Von Brandon Turbeville

Information Clearing House, 22.01.14

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In einem kürzlich zum genau passenden Zeitpunkt veröffentlichten Report, in dem auch Hinweise auf Nazideutschland und die Konzentrationslager nicht fehlen, wird nicht nur Stimmung gegen die geplante Syrien-Konferenz Genf II gemacht, gleichzeitig soll damit auch ein militärisches Eingreifen (des Westens) provoziert werden. In dem von drei briti- schen Staatsanwälten, die gegen Kriegsverbrecher ermittelt haben, und drei "forensischen Experten" verfassten Bericht wird behauptet, es gebe belastbare Beweise dafür, dass auf Anweisung der Assad-Regierung mehr als zehntausend Menschen gefoltert und getötet wurden.
Dieser Report, der unter aufzurufen ist, soll Beweise dafür liefern, dass die Assad-Regierung Menschen foltern, ermorden und verhungern ließ.Obwohl die syrische Regierung die Richtigkeit der in dem Report aufgestellten Behauptungen bestreitet, geben die westlichen Medien die Anschuldigungen ungeprüft weiter und tun so, als lägen unwiderlegbare Beweise dafür vor.

1. Die feudale Monarchie Katar am Persischen Golf hat diesen Report gesponsert:
Katar ist einer der Hauptförderer der Invasion Syriens durch "syrische" Rebellen und hat eine wichtige Rolle bei der Finanzierung, Ausbildung, Bewaffnung und beim Einsatz der Todesschwadronen gespielt, die derzeit von Truppen die Regierung Assad aufgerieben werden.

2. Der Report stützt sich auf nur eine anonyme Quelle: 

Der Report ist auch deshalb kritisch zu hinterfragen, weil er auf Material aus nur einer einzigen Quelle basiert – auf den Bildern eines angeblich desertierten Offiziers der syrischen Militärpolizei, der ein ganzes Jahr lang Tausende von Mordopfern fotografiert haben will. Unabhängig von der Frage, warum der desertierte syrische Militärpolizist ganz plötzlich von "moralischen Skrupeln" befallen wurde, ist auch diese Story wieder ein Paradebeispiel für einen notorisch einseitigen Journalismus, der sich nur aufs "Hörensagen" verlässt; auch diesmal ergreifen die westlichen Medien wieder Partei für die Rebellen und verbreiten einseitig und ungeprüft nur deren Behauptungen.

3. Assad wurde auch vorher schon für "Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit" ver- antwortlich gemacht: 

Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass Assad vom Westen auch schon vorher vorgeworfen wurde, für "Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit" verantwortlich zu sein; anschließend hat sich stets herausgestellt, dass sie von Todesschwadronen (der Rebellen) und nicht von Truppen der syrischen Regierung begangen wurden. 

Es liegen eindeutige Beweise dafür vor, dass der syrischen Regierung weder das Massaker von Hula (s. schung-11784434.html ), noch die Gasangriffe in Ghouta (neueste Infos dazu s. unter htt- ps:// of-bad-intelligence.pdf ) anzulasten sind. Den Todesschwadronen konnte an Hand ihrer selbst gedrehten und bei YouTube eingestellten Videos (s. sults?search_query=Untaten%20syrischer%20Rebellen&sm=12 ) nachgewiesen werden, dass sie diese unvorstellbaren Verbrechen selbst begangen haben. Bei den Kämpfen zwi- schen dem syrischen Militär und den Todesschwadronen der Rebellen werden zweifellos auch viele unbeteiligte Menschen getötet, die westlichen Medien lasten das Blutvergießen in Syrien aber immer nur den Regierungstruppen an.
Wir sollten auch nicht den Codenamen (des berüchtigten Agenten) "Curveball" vergessen (s. und ), der eine Hauptrolle bei der Anzettelung des imm noch nicht beendeten Irak-Kriegs gespielt hat, später aber als Lügner entlarvt wurde. Der Versuch, die Welt zum zweiten Mal innerhalb weniger Jahre mit ähnlichen Propagandalügen hereinlegen zu wollen, ist eine unerträgliche Zumutung.

4.) Möglicherweise haben die Todesschwadronen der Rebellen die in dem Report gezeigten Opfer auch selbst umgebracht:

Die in dem Report gezeigten Opfer sind offensichtlich gefoltert worden oder verhungert. Bevor wir uns aber zu falschen Schlüssen über die Verursacher des Leidens dieser Unglücklichen verleiten lassen, sollten wir uns vielleicht mit den Todesumständen schon vorher zu beklagender Opfer befassen. Wie bereits erwähnt wurde, konnten den in Syrien operierenden Todesschwadronen der Rebellen schon wiederholt Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit nachgewiesen werden, bei denen sie sehr viele Menschen gefoltert und ermordet haben. Sie haben nachweislich damit an- gefangen und immer wieder neue Gräueltaten begangen.
Auch wenn viele Opfer verhungert sind, ist damit noch nicht erwiesen, dass die syrische Regierung sie verhungern ließ. Weil immer wieder Städte von Regierungstruppen oder Rebellen belagert wurden und die Rebellen auch bewusst ganze Stadtteile von der Ver- sorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln abgeschnitten haben, konnten mache Gebiete längere Zeit nicht versorgt werden [s. death-squads.html ]. Es gibt auch zahlreiche Beweise dafür, dass Todesschwadronen grö- ßere Gruppen unbeteiligter Menschen umgebracht, ihre Leichen arrangiert und für Propa- gandazwecke fotografiert und gefilmt haben. Der Gasangriff auf Ghouta ist ein schreckli- ches Beispiel dafür, dass Rebellen unbeteiligte Zivilisten ergriffen, verschleppt und getötet haben, damit sie die Leichen als tote Statisten für ihre Propagandavideos verwenden konnten.
Es ist auch wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass die Todesschwadronen selbst Menschen unter schrecklichen Bedingungen gefangen halten. Erst vor wenigen Monaten konnte das syrische Militär mehrere syrische Frauen befreien, die von den Todesschwadronen mona- telang in unterirdischen Tunnels gefangen gehalten und sexuell missbraucht worden wa- ren. [s. ]

5.) Der Report wurde bezeichnenderweise erst zwei Tage vor der Syrien-Konferenz Genf II veröffentlicht, die Syrien eigentlich den Frieden bringen soll
Erst wurde der zu der Konferenz eingeladene Iran wieder ausgeladen [s. dUSBREA0J01K20140120 ], und dann tauchte genau zwei Tage vor Beginn der Konferenz der von Katar bezahlte Report auf. Zu glauben, das sei reiner Zufall, ist doch absurd. Warum wurden die angeblich so "stichhaltigen" Beweise nicht schon früher vorgelegt? Warum erfährt die Öffentlichkeit erst jetzt von den "Beweisen", wenn führende Politiker sie schon früher gekannt haben?
Wir sollten diesem Report mit seinen ungesicherten Informationen, der von Feinden Syri- ens derart gezielt vorgelegt wurde, mit großer Skepsis begegnen.
Weil uns die westlichen Medien in der Vergangenheit schon bei so vielen Gelegenheiten belogen haben, sollte niemand glauben, dass sie ausgerechnet diesmal die Wahrheit ver- breiten.
Der Autor Brandon Turbeville stammt aus Florence in South Carolina. Er hat seinen Ba- chelor an der Francis Marion University gemacht und sechs Bücher veröffentlicht, darunter folgende: "Codex Alimentarius – The End of Health Freedom", "7 Real Conspiracies", "Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2" und
"The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria". Turbeville hat über 275 Artikel verfasst, die sich mit der Gesundheit, der Wirtschaft, der Regierung, der Korruption und den Bürgerrechten befassen. Er betreibt die Website  

Die US-Regierung beliefert wie unter http://ww- nachzulesen "gemäßigte syrische Rebellen" wieder mit Waffen.


5 Reasons The Latest Report On Syria War Crimes Might Not Be True

By Brandon Turbeville
January 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House – In a recently released and conventiently timed report, complete with references to Nazi Germany and concentration camps, efforts to ramp up support for a “tough line” against Syria at the upcoming Geneva II confe- rence and even possible military intervention, are once again moving into high gear. The report, compiled by three British war crime prosecutors and three “forensic experts” claims that it has demonstrable proof that the Assad government is guilty of torturing and killing over ten thousand people.
The report (accessed here) claims to show evidence of physical torture, murder, and star- vation.
Of course, the Syrian government denies the veracity of the claims of the report and Wes- tern media outlets repeat the claims as incontrovertible proof.
As Reuters reports,
A Syrian military police photographer has supplied "clear evidence" showing the syste- matic torture and killing of about 11,000 detainees in circumstances that evoked Nazi death camps, former war crimes prosecutors said.
Syrian officials could face war crimes charges as a result of the evidence provided by the photographer, who has defected, the three prosecutors said.
One of the prosecutors said the evidence documented "industrial scale killing" that was reminiscent of the World War II concentration camps of Belsen and Auschwitz.
The trove of harrowing photographs ratchets up the pressure on Syrian President Bas- har al-Assad, who the United States and its Western allies say has committed war cri- mes against his own people during the civil war. ...
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55,000 images provided by the photographer, who fled Syria after passing the pictures to Assad's opponents, show emaciated and mutilated corpses.
Bearing signs of torture, some of the corpses had no eyes. Others showed signs of strangulation or electrocution.
"There is clear evidence, capable of being believed by a tribunal of fact in a court of law, of systematic torture and killing of detained persons by the agents of the Syrian govern- ment," the three prosecutors said in the 31-page report.
"Such evidence would support findings of crimes against humanity against the current Syrian regime. Such evidence could also support findings of war crimes against the cur- rent Syrian regime," they said.
However, while the final determination of whether or not these claims are accurate is yet to be made, there exist ample reasons to question the assertions made in the report.
1. The Gulf State Feudal Monarchy Qatar is the sponsor of the report. Qatar is, of course, one of the major sponsors of the Syrian invasion (aka the Syrian “rebels”) and has played a massively important role in financing, training, arming, and directing the death squads currently being mopped up by the Assad government.
2. The source of the report. One would be justified in questioning the nature of the report since the sole source of the material comes by virtue of an allegedly “defected Syrian mili- tary police officer” who was apparently fine with photographing thousands of dead victims for over a year until now. Regardless of the possibility for such a “moral” conversion, taking information from a “defected” member of government forces once again returns us to the realm of the “activists say” school of journalism – a notorious method used by Western media outlets to promote the side of the death squads and only the side of the death squads as fact in popular reports.
3. Past claims of Assad’s “Crimes Against Humanity.” It is important to remember past ex- periences with Western claims against Assad for alleged “crimes against humanity,” all of which turned out to have been committed by the death squads, not the Syrian government. From the Houla massacre to the Ghouta chemical weapons attacks, the Syrian govern- ment has been exonerated by all credible evidence. The death squads, however, have been proven guilty by virtue of their own video tapes and Youtube accounts, guilty of some of the most horrific acts imaginable. While many innocent people have no doubt been kil- led in the crossfire between the military and the death squads, the Western media has done everything in its power to place the blood of each and every death inside Syria in the hands of the government.
Let us also not forget the other famous Codename, “Curveball,” that played a major role in the initiation of a previous and still ongoing conflict that was later admitted to be a fabricati- on. Being fooled by the same type of propaganda twice in ten years is indeed a humiliation too great for a country to bear.
4.) Possibility that the death squads could have killed the victims shown in the report. The victims shown in the report have clearly been abused and starved. However, before jum- ping to conclusions about just how these unfortunate individuals met their fate, perhaps it would be a good idea to look back at the context of the victims. As mentioned earlier, the death squads operating in Syria are no strangers to crimes against humanity, murder, and torture. In fact, they have been both the initiators of such depravity and overwhelmingly the largest proprietors of it.

Furthermore, the fact that the victims were starved does not necessarily mean that they were starved by the government. Indeed, it is important to remember that, due to the siege of a number of cities by both the military and the death squads as well as due to death squad cruelty and attempted cordoning off of specific areas, food shortage has been a se- rious concern in some areas for some time. There is also plentiful evidence of death squad groups killing innocent people and shipping their bodies to the places where cameras are set up, waiting for the recording of the propaganda piece. The Ghouta chemical attack is just one instance in which innocent civilians were captured and killed by the death squads and used as stage props for propaganda purposes.
Indeed, it is also important to remember that the death squads themselves are quite adept at keeping prisoners in atrocious conditions. Only a few months back, it was reported that the Syrian military was able to free a number of captive Syrian women from the hands of the death squads who had kept them in captivity in underground tunnels for months on end for the purposes of using them as sex slaves.
5.) The report was conveniently released just two days before the Geneva II Peace Confe- rence meeting on Syria. After the retraction of an invitation to Iran to attend the peace con - ference, the Qatari-funded report was released just two days before the peace conference was scheduled to take place. With such evidence being studied and analyzed and a report being compiled, to believe that it was only a coincidence that the information was released two days before the conference is absurd. If this evidence was real and of such grave im- portance why are world leaders only learning of it now? If world leaders knew, why are we only learning of it now?
Considering all of the information provided in this article, taken in conjunction with the “convenient” timing of the release of the reports (convenient, at least, for the enemies of Syria), such reports should be taken with a large grain of salt.
The Western media has not only been wrong, but has lied on so many occasions in the past, that it cannot be expected to tell the truth now.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's De- gree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-Ameri- can Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 275 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Bran- don Turbeville's podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) -

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US Decision To Back up Terrorism Not Rejected by "Syrian opposition" Called "Coalition delegation" iN Geneva

Al-Zoubi: US decision to arm terrorist group constitutes backtracking from political solution

Jan 28, 2014

Geneva, (SANA delegate) – Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said that the US decision to arm terrorist groups constitutes backtracking from the political solution by the US.
In statements to the press on Tuesday, al-Zoubi wondered "how can the US position be supportive and initiative in Geneva 2 and aiming at reaching a political solution when at the same time it supports, creates and backs up terrorism, violence and the military option?"
"When we came to the political solution, we were aware that the US won't stop arming, and that its subordinates in the region including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan won't stop sending weapons and terrorists and establishing training camps for them. Despite that, we are still open to political discussion and have no qualms about discussing any political issue," he said.
Al-Zoubi called on the US to present and explanation of turning its stance, noting that it was arming with no stop , but what is new is that its act has  been revealed and it became public.
The Minister pointed out that the Syrian official delegation proposed a statement via UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi for condemning the US decision to arm the terrorist groups which they call "Syrian opposition" but the coalition delegation of the called “the opposition” rejected this proposal.
He noted that the coalition's rejection was direct as usual, as they don't want to condemn the arming of terrorists and the US role, just like they refused the political communiqué submitted by the official Syrian delegation on Monday and rejected it without reading them, adding "had they read it, they would have found out that it's articles are included in the first Geneva communiqué."
He pointed out that the political communiqué presented yesterday  is composed of several points from  Geneva 1 communiqué so that the world discovers that the other side which rejected it did not read Geneva 1 Communiqué, and if it did, it did not read it in political terms.
He added that the coalition delegation's rejection of today's communiqué, on the US decision to arm the terrorist groups, is a rejection to condemn terrorism and arming it as stipulated by Geneva 1 Communiqué and the relevant international resolutions.
Al-Zoubi said, "The communiqué presented today is referred to in UN Security Council resolution No 1373 on combating terrorism and they rejected it… how can such faction of opposition talk to people and address the Syrians or the world countries in light of such political or ideological cover that supports terrorism?"
He added that Brahimi is a mediator between two teams; the first team supports resolution No 1373 on combating terrorism and the other rejects it even inside the headquarters of the UN and rejects to condemn terrorism nevertheless Brahimi continues to play his role and this is his decision.
He pointed out that the political communiqué which was presented by the official delegation is not an alternative to Geneva 1 Communiqué; rather it is a part of providing a political atmosphere for a political process with a political track, adding that had the coalition delegation agreed the communiqué and signed it, there would have been many things that could change because this communiqué is part of the national principles of the Syrian people.
Al-Zoubi added that it's time part of opposition's patriotism become clear now ,not through asking to join the delegation (opposition ) which is in Geneva; the opposition forces should share the Syrian leadership and government the old, new, continuous and permanent opinion, that we should conduct dialogue together directly in Damascus and that dialogue should be serious based on opening all files with no exception, stressing that  "We are ready for that, and we do not need any mediators or sides to interfere."
Al-Zoubi stressed, "We deal with negotiations as a national cause not as a political bourse and shares,  and when we think and work for Syria we work under the title of defending the interests of the Syrian state."
He pointed out that the official delegation is in Geneva to reveal to the world the truth of what is happening in Syria, noting that other countries' hostile media outlets started to change their views as they started to ask questions and talk in a new language since the foreign and expatriates minister delivered his speech during the opening session in which he clarified what is happening in Syria up to the work of the official delegation and the accompanying media team.