Hewlett Johnson, engineer and theologian, the very Dean of Canterbury calls to action for Justice, Liberty, Planned Production for Plenty, Security and Peace:
"We cannot stand still. We shall be swept down the stream if we refuse to stem it. Liberties on every hand are at stake. The fate of every Liberal principle in Fascist lands is our warning. Efforts will be made, are in the making to lower our standards of living and lengthen hours of work ... monied interests mass themselves against the common man.
Something must be done by you and me, common men and done at once. Raise then your voice on behalf of the common man and demand a government which shall consider his interests and liberties. ...
if pity for appalling needless poverty moves you, if common sense and sense are outraged by destruction and restriction of goods, and the thwarting of science which could produce more ... demand a government which will give you a planned production in the interest of the plenty and not of scarcity, a planned production to abolish poverty ...
Don't delay a day. Speak immediately to a friend ... become a student of real affairs. Educate yoursewlf. Educate others. Seek help...
Let no sense of personal insignificance paralyze you. Of course you are weak if you stand alone ...
You are one of a million. Act at once. By the pains of the past we won our present liberities, by our vigilance alone shall we enjoy them and by our own struggles hand them on enlarged and enriched t our children and our children's children.
... Unity of some sort against fascism is essential...
- ask for a government that will ...end the policy that abandoned Spaniards, Chinese and Czechs of Fascist aggression and organize peace alliance with France and Russia that will rally the support of the United States
- safeguard common people against air attack and starvation in times of war
- lay the foundation of social justice between nations and end exploitation of subject races
- control armament and vital industries, agriculture, mining and finance in the interests of the people
- plan for plenty, employ the unemployed on useful work for the common good and ensure a higher standard of life, leisure and education for old and young."
( Act Now! - An Appeal to the Mind and Heart of Britain,1939)
"We cannot stand still. We shall be swept down the stream if we refuse to stem it. Liberties on every hand are at stake. The fate of every Liberal principle in Fascist lands is our warning. Efforts will be made, are in the making to lower our standards of living and lengthen hours of work ... monied interests mass themselves against the common man.
Something must be done by you and me, common men and done at once. Raise then your voice on behalf of the common man and demand a government which shall consider his interests and liberties. ...
if pity for appalling needless poverty moves you, if common sense and sense are outraged by destruction and restriction of goods, and the thwarting of science which could produce more ... demand a government which will give you a planned production in the interest of the plenty and not of scarcity, a planned production to abolish poverty ...
Don't delay a day. Speak immediately to a friend ... become a student of real affairs. Educate yoursewlf. Educate others. Seek help...
Let no sense of personal insignificance paralyze you. Of course you are weak if you stand alone ...
You are one of a million. Act at once. By the pains of the past we won our present liberities, by our vigilance alone shall we enjoy them and by our own struggles hand them on enlarged and enriched t our children and our children's children.
... Unity of some sort against fascism is essential...
- ask for a government that will ...end the policy that abandoned Spaniards, Chinese and Czechs of Fascist aggression and organize peace alliance with France and Russia that will rally the support of the United States
- safeguard common people against air attack and starvation in times of war
- lay the foundation of social justice between nations and end exploitation of subject races
- control armament and vital industries, agriculture, mining and finance in the interests of the people
- plan for plenty, employ the unemployed on useful work for the common good and ensure a higher standard of life, leisure and education for old and young."
( Act Now! - An Appeal to the Mind and Heart of Britain,1939)
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