Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Turkey and Israel in Liaison with US-NATO are Supporting the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria

U.S. Allies Support the Terrorists We’re Supposedly “Fighting”

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The Jerusalem Post reports that an ISIS fighter says that Turkey funds the terrorist group. Turkey is a member of NATO and a close U.S. ally.
A German news program – with English subtitles captions – shows that Turkey is sending terrorists into Syria:
Opposition Turkish lawmakers say that the government is protecting and cooperating with ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists, and providing free medical care to their leaders.
According to a leading Turkish newspaper (Today’s Zaman), Turkish nurses are sick of providing freemedical treatment to ISIS terrorists in Turkish hospitals.
According to Pulitzer-prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh and leaked phone calls between top Turkish officials, Turkey also carried out the chemical weapons attack which has been blamed on Assad, and has planned other “false flag attacks” within Turkey.
Foreign Policy documents that Israel is also treating ISIS terrorists for free in its hospitals:
Israel is  …  providing medical care and other unidentified supplies to the insurgents ….
In the past three months, battle-hardened Syrian rebels have transported scores of wounded Syrians across a cease-fire line that has separated Israel from Syria since 1974, according to a 15-page report by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Once in Israel, they receive medical treatment in a field clinic before being sent back to Syria, where, presumably, some will return to carry on the fight.
U.N. blue helmets responsible for monitoring the decades-old cease-fire report observing armed opposition groups “transferring 89 wounded persons” from Syrian territory into Israel, where they were received by members of the Israel Defense Forces, according to the report. The IDF returned 21 Syrians to armed opposition members back in Syria, including the bodies of two who died.
“Throughout the reporting period, UNDOF frequently observed armed members of the opposition interacting with the IDF across the cease-fire line,” according to the report. “On one occasion UNDOF observed the IDF on the Alpha side [inside Israel] handing over two boxes to armed opposition on the Bravo side [inside Syria].”
The Israeli government has been providing medical assistance to Syria’s wounded for more than a year. In February, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a visit to a military field hospital in the Golan Heights.
The Times of Israel reported last month:
A Free Syrian Army commander, arrested last month by the Islamist militia Al-Nusra Front, told his captors he collaborated with Israel in return for medical and military support, in a video released this week.
In a video uploaded to YouTube Monday … Sharif As-Safouri, the commander of the Free Syrian Army’s Al-Haramein Battalion, admitted to having entered Israel five times to meet with Israeli officers who later provided him with Soviet anti-tank weapons and light arms. Safouri was abducted by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front in the Quneitra area, near the Israeli border, on July 22.
“The [opposition] factions would receive support and send the injured in [to Israel] on condition that the Israeli fence area is secured. No person was allowed to come near the fence without prior coordination with Israel authorities,” Safouri said in the video.
In the edited confession video, in which Safouri seems physically unharmed, he says that at first he met with an Israeli officer named Ashraf at the border and was given an Israeli cellular phone. He later met with another officer named Younis and with the two men’s commander, Abu Daoud. In total, Safouri said he entered Israel five times for meetings that took place in Tiberias.
Following the meetings, Israel began providing Safouri and his men with “basic medical support and clothes” as well as weapons, which included 30 Russian [rifles], 10 RPG launchers with 47 rockets, and 48,000 5.56 millimeter bullets.
In March, Haaretz reported:
The Syrian opposition is willing to give up claims to the Golan Heights in return for cash and Israeli military aid against President Bashar Assad, a top opposition official told Al Arab newspaper, according to a report in Al Alam.
The Western-backed militant groups want Israel to enforce a no-fly zone over parts of southern Syria to protect rebel bases from air strikes by Assad’s forces, according to the report.
Other close U.S. allies – including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar back ISIS – back the ISIS terrorists as well.
What’s really happening?  It’s all about pushing for regime change in Syria … AGAIN.

Obama the American Salesman of War at the UN

Finian Cunningham (SCF) : In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly last week, Obama sounded less statesman and more salesman, with the usual pitch that American leadership is all benevolent and virtuous. America is pursuing, America is committed, America is prepared… and so on and on went the tiresome egocentric rhetoric. But like a dodgy More...
by Finian Cunningham | Published 19 mins ago

L’Occident découvre l’ampleur du terrorisme en Syrie. De qui se moque-t-on ? Michel Collon

30 septembre 2014

42 mois après le début du chaos syrien, Obama reconnaît au micro de la CBN News que son chef du renseignement James Clapper a sous-estimé la menace djihadiste en Syrie. 

42 mois et 200.000 morts plus tard, il serait sans doute temps de se réveiller...

Nous le disons depuis 42 mois. La révolution syrienne n’en est pas une. Il s’agit d’une contre-révolution pressée d’abattre le pire peut-être mais aussi et surtout le meilleur de la Syrie moderne.

Ce printemps de l’Apocalypse a dès ses premières manifestations, affiché sa volonté de détruire la nation syrienne, la citoyenneté syrienne, la culture syrienne, la civilisation syrienne et la résistance syrienne à Israël.

Nous étions les premiers à observer que la Syrie était déjà une société clivée non pas sur base confessionnelle mais sur base idéologique bien avant 2011 entre d’une part une population urbaine ou littorale, patriote, éduquée, multiconfessionnelle, tournée vers le monde et une autre population suburbaine, rétrograde, mono-confessionnelle et tournée vers la péninsule arabique.

Bien avant 2011, nous avons pu constater de visu l’extinction du paradigme baassiste dans cette Syrie profonde où très vite, le djihad armé a pu installer ses quartiers.

Dans cette Syrie-là, depuis la nuit des temps, l’alaouite est considéré comme un impur.

Dans cette Syrie-là, on ne salue pas l’alaouite. Sa main est jugée impure, sa nourriture est impure, sa descendance est impure.

Dans cette Syrie-là, tous les malheurs du pays, tous les manquements, les abus et les crimes de l’Etat sont imputés aux alaouites.

Dans cette Syrie-là, le mythe du complot alaouite à la tête de l’Etat syrien, de l’alaouite fourbe qui contrôle tout et tout le monde ont la cote.

Dans cette Syrie-là, les alaouites sont tenus collectivement responsables de la sanglante opération de Hama menée en 1982 par l’armée nationale en représailles à un massacre commis par les Frères musulmans contre les sunnites baassistes de la ville.
Dans cette Syrie-là, dès avril 2011, les manifestants reprenaient en chÅ“ur des slogans génocidaires comme « les alaouites au tombeau, les chrétiens à Beyrouth » (El alawiy ‘al tabout wal massihiye la Beyrouth) ou encore « Pacifistes, pacifistes, jusqu’à l’extermination des alaouites ».

Tout cela, les médias inféodés à l’Elysée ou à la Maison Blanche ne vous l’ont pas dit ni montré.

Comme on ne vous a pas montré les rassemblements patriotiques monstres où des centaines de milliers de sunnites, alaouites, chrétiens, chiites, Arméniens, Arabes, Kurdes et Turkmènes manifestaient main dans la main contre le faux « printemps syrien ».

Quant à la « bobosphère » française qui hurle au moindre début de soupçon de préjugé antisémite, elle a totalement ignoré les ratonnades et lynchages anti-alaouites qui précédèrent la campagne actuelle d’extermination de cette minorité syrienne.

Leur historien préféré Jean-Pierre Filiu a osé déclarer qu’il n’y avait « pas un seul djihadiste en Syrie » en mars 2011 (Antoine Ajoury, L’Orient le Jour, 28 août 2014).

Ainsi donc, selon le grand « spécialiste », cette Syrie qui cumule toutes les « vices » de la « mécréance », à la fois laïque, nationaliste et peuplée de « minorités infidèles » et qui de surcroît fut le berceau du califat omeyyade, aurait été délaissée par les djihadistes alors que tous ses voisins en regorgeaient (Al Qaïda au pays des deux fleuves en Irak, El Kaide Türkiye Yapilanmasi en Turquie, Asbat al Ansar, Fatah al Islam, Jund al Cham au Liban, Brigades Tawhid et Jihad en Palestine etc).

Plus fou encore, ces mêmes « experts » qui prétendent qu’il n’y avait « pas un seul djihadiste en mars 2011 » vous disent également qu’Assad les a libérés en 2011 pour « pervertir la révolution syrienne ».

Il eut sans doute été utile de leur demander un minimum de cohérence.

Piégés par leurs propres contradictions, ces « syrianologues » ont tardivement avoué du bout des lèvres que les djihadistes étaient bien là mais marginaux. Puis ils ont inventé une connexion entre Assad et les djihadistes.

Et enfin, quand leur propagande a été démasquée, ces mêmes « experts » ont tenté de nous convaincre que le calife Baghdadi est moins pire qu’Assad.

De son côté, incapable de mener la lutte des classes dans son propre pays, l’extrême-gauche française s’est réfugiée dans son monde imaginaire, s’inventant une lutte des classes entre une dictature bourgeoise cupide et un peuple opprimé vibrant au son de l'Internationale, confondant Brigades internationales antifranquistes et eurodjihadistes, les nouveaux SS mobilisés sur le Front de l'Est.

Or, contrairement aux affabulations des groupes trotskistes européens, le conflit syrien n’a jamais épousé les lignes des fractures sociales. On trouve en effet prolétaires et bourgeois, ouvriers et paysans de part et d’autre de la ligne de front. Quant aux prolétaires qui combattent dans les rangs djihadistes, ils sont loin, très loin de lutter pour l'instauration d'un paradis ouvrier.

42 mois et 200.000 morts plus tard, il serait sans doute temps de se réveiller.

Certes des milliers de démocrates honorables ont dès le début du mouvement, lutté avec courage pour mettre fin à la dictature baassiste avec la volonté sincère de créer un gouvernement civil.

Mais dès le début, ces militants ont été doublés par des djihadistes revanchards rêvant d’exterminer les non-musulmans et d’ériger un califat.

Les premiers n’avaient guère les compétences organisationnelles requises, ni les moyens humains de leurs ambitions.

Quant aux seconds, ils avaient le peuple de la Syrie profonde avec eux, l’argent des Etats et des donateurs du Golfe et les armes de l’Occident.

En somme, depuis 42 mois, hélas, les démocrates syriens anti-Assad en costume cravate que l’on promène devant nos caméras servent en fait de cache-sexe aux bourreaux de la Syrie plurielle.

Et voilà que 42 mois après le début du chaos syrien, Obama reconnaît au micro de la CBN News que son chef du renseignement James Clapper a sous-estimé la menace djihadiste en Syrie.

De qui se moque-t-on ?

D’abord des 200.000 martyrs de la guerre de Syrie. De 320 millions de citoyens américains. De milliards de musulmans et des chrétiens. En fait, de l’humanité toute entière désormais confrontée à une nouvelle guerre de 100 ans. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Auflösung aller US-Militärbasen und Abzug aller US-Truppen und US-Atomwaffen aus Deutschland

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland fordert die USA auf, alle Militärbasen in Deutschland aufzulösen und sämtliche Truppen aus dem Territorium der BRD abzuziehen. Hierzu nimmt die Bundesregierung unverzüglich Verhandlungen mit der US-Regierung auf, um den Abzug der US-Truppen in einer realistischen Frist zu ermöglichen. Sämtliche kriegsvorbereitenden oder kriegsunterstützenden Maßnahmen der US-Armee von deutschem Boden aus werden mit sofortiger Wirkung untersagt.
US-Militärstützpunkte in Deutschland dienen den USA nicht nur als Ausgangspunkt für weltweite Kriege und feige Mordangriffe mit Hilfe von Drohnen gegen Zivilisten in Pakistan oder Jemen, sie sind auch ein Instrument der Herrschaftsausübung auf die Staaten der EU und der militärischen Machtprojektion in Richtung Russland. Die USA hintertreiben absichtlich das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker Europas. Ziel der US-Außenpolitik ist es, eine friedliche Zusammenarbeit der EU und Russlands zum gegenseitigen Nutzen zu verhindern bzw. zurückzufahren und einen neuen Kalten Krieg auf dem europäischen Kontinent anzuzetteln. Stattdessen soll zum Nachteil der Völker Europas die Transatlantische Freihandelszone forciert werden, nur damit die EU als Vorposten für US-amerikanische Interessen an die USA gekettet werden und der zunehmende weltweite Machtverlust der USA aufgehalten wird. Aktuell wurde deshalb mit intensiver Beihilfe der USA ein Regime aus militanten Nationalisten und Neonazis in der Ukraine an die Macht geputscht, welche Millionen ethnische Russen und russischsprechende Ukrainer diskriminiert und die Ukraine dem wirtschaftlichen Ausverkauf durch westliches Kapital preisgibt. Hier wurde die Saat für einen Bürgerkrieg und einen neuen Kalten Krieg ausgebracht, welche nun aufgeht und perspektivisch in eine direkte Konfrontation von NATO und Russland führen kann. Die unmittelbaren Folgen von Wirtschaftssanktionen und damit der Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen und der Energiesicherheit sowie die Folgen eines Krieges werden zuerst die Europäer zu spüren bekommen. Seit Jahren betreiben die USA und ihre europäischen Verbündeten eine Ausdehnung der NATO nach Osten und bedrohnen damit die berechtigten Sicherheitsinteressen Russlands. Jetzt sind wir an einem Punkt angekommen, bei dem die offene kriegerische Konfrontation zwischen Atommächten droht, und die USA in unverantwortlicher Weise den Konflikt weiter anheizen. Die Politik der USA schadet den Interessen der europäischen Völker und ist eine Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden!

PS. Diese Petition richtet ausdrücklich nicht gegen die amerikanischen Bürger, welche zudem selber unter der Überdimensionierung ihres Militärapparades und Kriege leiden, sondern gegen die Politk der US-Regierung und dahinter stehender wirtschaftlicher Interessengruppen.
Im Namen aller Unterzeichner/innen.
Regenstauf, 23.04.2014 (aktiv bis 22.10.2014)

Kalkar, Africom, Eucom, Ramstein - die militärische Oberhoheit der USA und Nato auf deutschem Boden

(Trotz der folgenden infos dürfen wir uns nicht den Mut und die Hoffnung nehmen lassen: Widerstand ist möglich, eine andere Welt ist nötig und möglich!  Bloggerin)

Bernhard Trautvetter erläutert in diesem Film die forcierte Aufrüstung von USA und Nato in Westdeutschland. Kalkar wird derzeit zu einem Luftwaffen-Führungsquartier umgebaut. In Ramstein und Spangdahlem sitzen die Stützpunkte der US-Atombomber. Von Ramstein in der Pfalz, Eucom und Africom in Stuttgart wird der Drohnenkrieg der USA geführt. Deutschland und Mitteleuropa ist die kriegsbastion der USA und Nato und somit Brennpunkt aller kriegerischen und terroristischen Anschläge. Deutschland, Polen ist nach US-Plänen Zentrum eines künftigen Kriegsschauplatzes. Wacht auf Leute !
Zusatzabkommen und Geheimverträge mit der USA und den “Siegermächten des 2.WK” setzen jegliche Souveränität des Staatsvolkes Deutschlands außer Kraft. Deutschland ist nach wie vor ohne Friedensvertrag und unterliegt der Feindstaaten-Klausel der Charta der Vereinten Nationen (Artikel 53 und 107 / Stand 2014) !

Saturday, September 27, 2014

"Whatever it is that the US and its “Arab partners” are attacking in Syria at the moment, it is assuredly not ISIS" Tony Cartlucci

US Strike on Syria is Desperation Incarnate

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The West was racing against the clock – attempting to justify war with Syria by allegedly “fighting” the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) in Syrian before the world fully realized the West and its allies had in fact created ISIS in the first place and was to this day arming, funding, and directing them. In haste that can only be described as desperation bordering criminal insanity, the West announced that it has begun air and missile attacks on Syrian territory.
It alleges that it is attacking ISIS, however – and unlike its campaign in neighboring Iraq – the US in particular refuses to provide any details as to what it is actually doing in Syria.
Reuters would report in its article, “U.S., Arab partners launch first strikes on IS in Syria,” that:
The United States and several Gulf Arab allies launched air and missile strikes on Islamic State strongholds in Syria on Tuesday, U.S. officials said, opening a new, far more complicated front in the battle against the militants.
“I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against (Islamic State) terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles,” Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement.
It is these very “Arab partners” that are also on record, arming and funding terrorism along Syria’s borders as well as backing terrorist organizations operating in Syria itself. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in particular, have been providing money and cash, while the US CIA distributed it mainly along Turkey’s border with Syria in the north, and Jordan’s border with Syria to the south.
Despite years of rhetoric attempting to differentiate what the West calls “moderates” from known terrorist organizations including US State Department-listed foreign terrorist organizations Al Nusra, and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), it is clear that literally days before ISIS crossed into Iraq triggering the latest geopolitical crisis in the region, ISIS was fighting alongside so-called moderates in an attack on Syria’s town of Kassab along the border with Turkey. Turkey, a NATO member, would even go as far as providing aircover for the attack which was in fact launched from Turkish territory.
The fact remains that the only genuine fight against Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist groups in the region, has been led by the Syrian government and its military.
Carving Off a “Terror Capital” for the West’s Proxies
Whatever it is that the US and its “Arab partners” are attacking in Syria at the moment, it is assuredly not ISIS. When the smoke clears, we will likely see Syria’s Raqqa region carved off and firmly in the hands of the very terrorists the US claims it is attacking. The only change will be that they now benefit from US airpower, and the Western media will no longer label them ISIS, but rather, as “moderates.” Carving off Aleppo would also be likely, though loftier goal for the West – transforming either it or Raqqa into an “opposition capital” like Benghazi was in Libya.
Carving off territory from Syria and creating “bufferzones” was part of the US agenda in Syria for years – long before the threat of ISIS was wielded as a potential pretext for direct US military intervention. ISIS is simply the latest construct being used to implement the strategy.
While the idea of a buffer zone is meant to look like the latest honest attempt to solve a growing regional crisis and to “win” the war in Syria, in reality this has been planned since at least March of 2012, where the idea was proposed by the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution in their “Middle East Memo #21″ “Assessing Options for Regime Change” where it stated specifically (emphasis added):
“An alternative is for diplomatic efforts to focus first on how to end the violence and how to gain humanitarian access, as is being done under Annan’s leadership. This may lead to the creation of safe-havens and humanitarian corridors, which would have to be backed by limited military power. This would, of course, fall short of U.S. goals for Syria and could preserve Asad in power. From that starting point, however, it is possible that a broad coalition with the appropriate international mandate could add further coercive action to its efforts.”
imageThe Brookings Institution, Middle East Memo #21 “Assessing Options for Regime Change” makes no secret that the humanitarian “responsibility to protect” is but a pretext for long-planned regime change. Failing to sell the “humanitarian intervention,” the old “War on Terror” has been dusted off and utilized as a pretext.
Brookings continues by describing how Turkey’s aligning of vast amounts of weapons and troops along its border in coordination with Israeli efforts in the south of Syria, could help effect violent regime change in Syria:
In addition, Israel’s intelligence services have a strong knowledge of Syria, as well as assets within the Syrian regime that could be used to subvert the regime’s power base and press for Asad’s removal. Israel could posture forces on or near the Golan Heights and, in so doing, might divert regime forces from suppressing the opposition. This posture may conjure fears in the Asad regime of a multi-front war, particularly if Turkey is willing to do the same on its border and if the Syrian opposition is being fed a steady diet of arms and training. Such a mobilization could perhaps persuade Syria’s military leadership to oust Asad in order to preserve itself. Advocates argue this additional pressure could tip the balance against Asad inside Syria, if other forces were aligned properly.
Clearly, a “buffer zone” is the next step for Western designs aimed at exacting regime change in Syria and would be a move the Syrian government would not readily agree to. It was also a step that merely needed a pretext to move forward. In 2012, fabricated border incidents with Turkey were being used to help implement this strategy but failed. Now the threat of ISIS is being used to resell the exact same scheme.
While Turkey and Israel continue applying pressure on Syria’s borders, America’s assault on Syrian territory itself will begin carving out the safe havens and corridors described by Brookings in 2012.
Before Syria and its allies could fill the geostrategic void Western-backed terrorists created in eastern Syria and northern Iraq, the West has moved – but perhaps what would have become a trap for Syrian, Iranian, and other regional forces, may end up a trap instead for Western forces and their “Arab partners.” This however, depends entirely on Syria and its allies’ ability to mire the West in protracted fighting – fighting that may eventually lead to America’s Persian Gulf allies’ doorsteps.
For now, Syria and its allies must formulate carefully a strategy that resists overreaction to immense provocations, understand the true nature of America’s aggression, determining whether it was exercised from a position of strength or immense weakness, and devise countermeasures that accommodate long-term consequences of America’s current campaign. A balance between allowing the West to exhaust its last desperate options, but preventing long-term entrenchment of Western-backed proxies must be struck.
Tony CartalucciBangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.