Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wir müssen unsere Geschichte neu begreifen! Von Stalingrad lernen!

Wir Erdbürger müssen die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts neu lesen, um zu begreifen, um was   für Chancen für eine Neuordnung menschlicher Belange wir gebracht wurden.

 Erst wenn wir begreifen, dass  wir massenweise genasführt wurden mit der Verteufelung all dessen, wohinter die Herren  Sozialismus witterten oder eine Bedrohung ihrer Ordnungsvorstellung, erst dann können wir wieder erfolgreich  eine Neuordnung gestalten.

 Die Vernichtung des "jüdischen Bolschewismus" und die Versklavung  der "Ostvölker" war  der Hauptsinn  des deutschen faschistischen Nationalsozialismus.

 Mit der aberwitzigen Begriffsbildung wurde den Menschen  raffinierter Zucker  in die Augen gestreut. Es wurde ihnen vorgegaukelt, der Sozialmus werde unter deutscher Führung, im Zeichen der deutschen Nation angestrebt. Was für ein hanebüchener Unsinn, was für eine raffinierte Verkehrung von Sinn. 

Auf den  siegreichen Bolschewismus wurde alles Böse projiziert,  der germanische Sozialismus aber sollte den Völkern  das Heil bringen, mit Flamme und Schwert.

In offener Schlacht war die neue menschheitliche Ordnung im Osten   nicht zu besiegen. Zu tapfer kämpften die Menschen dort  für eine  lang ersehnte menschenwürdige Ordnung, die ihren Kindern eine  Zukunft bot.

Erst mit der  schleichenden Zerstörung der Sowjetunion von Innen heraus begann  der Niedergang einer neuen Weltepoche im Aufbruch. 

Erkennen wir endlich:

Der "Archipel Gulag" des gekauften Schreiberlings Solschenizyn ist in weiten Teilen eine Projektion. Sein wahrer Ort ist und war niemals im Osten angesiedelt. Der Blick gen Westen kann uns  dagegen die Augen öffnen: Baghram, Abu Graib  und Guantanamo, diese Orte sind der Schlüssel zum Verständnis.

Es lohnt sich Josef Conrads "Herz der Finsternis" wieder zu lesen, um einen  realistischen Blick auf das heraufdämmernde 20. Jahrhundert  zu werfen.

Nicht dort, wo ein neues Gesellschaftsmodell gegen den erbitterten Widerstand durch die alten Ordnungshüter und seine Profiteure geschaffen wurde, ist der GULAG angesiedelt. 

Die starrsinnigen  Feinde des Menschengeschlechts finden sich vielmehr  im arroganten Westen, dort wo der Wohlstand die Herzen und Hirne der Menschen hat vernebeln helfen, dort wo das Profitsystem seine Wurzeln hat.

Unsere Solidarität mit den von  Kriegen heimgesuchten  Völkern  des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens,
Solidarität mit den bedrückten und leidenden Menschen in Palästina, mit den Gequälten und Verfolgten und den Opfern von Massakern in Syrien  erfordert von uns in die Tiefe und in die Weite zu schauen und Zusammenhänge in Geschichte und Gegenwart zur Kenntnis zu nehmen. Gekaufte Söldner müssen herhalten, um das negativ geprägte Bild der Muslime in der Welt weiter zu verheeren. Gekaufte Staatsdiener  und Lakaien müssen herhalten um das Bild einer bösen Muslimbrüderschaft oder Talibanbande zu schmieden.

Die heutigen Juden sind die Muslime. Sie werden in Goebbelscher Manier  als Terroristen gebrandmarlkt. Dem muss  entschieden Einhalt geboten werden.

Fikenschter/Neumann "Nie wieder so ein schweigendes Deutschland!"

Anneliese Fikentscher, Andreas Neumann: “Nie wieder so ein schweigendes Deutschland”

Anneliese Fikentscher, Andreas Neumann: “Nie wieder so ein schweigendes Deutschland”
Protest gegen das neueste Verbrechen Israels in Gaza Palästina von der Landkarte tilgen: das ist die Politik Israels seit nun mehr als sechzig Jahren. Dieses von langer Hand geplante Verbrechen hatte vom 14. bis 22. November einen neuen bösartigen Höhepunkt. Unter dem falschen Vorwand, Gaza habe mit den Feindseligkeiten begonnen, schickte Israel – gedeckt durch die USA und die anderen i ...
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Russian expert warns of major escalation in the Middle east

Russian expert warns of possibility of large-scale war in Middle East

"As you know, the opposition is losing its support, and Assad has a military superiority in Syria now, an Oriental studies expert, Azhdar Kurtov, says.

"The Syrian-Turkish border has a sophisticated mountain relief. Under such conditions, combat aviation is a very effective method of fighting against the rebels. Thus, if Turkey deploys the Patriot Missile Air-Defence Systems on its territory, it will be able to block Syria using its own aviation in the border regions on its own territory, which may change the turn of military developments in the region. When the overthrowing of the Gaddafi regime was under way, a no-fly zone was established over Libya. Something like that may be created near the Turkish-Syrian border".

Ilan Pappe: The Ten Mythologies of Israel

Ilan Pappe: The Ten Mythologies of Israel

Ilan Pappe: The Ten Mythologies of Israel
Any attempt to solve a conflict has to touch upon the very core of this conflict and the core more often than not lies in its history. A distorted or manipulated history can explain quite well a failure to end a conflict whereas a truthful and comprehensive look at the past can facilitate a lasting peace and solution. A distorted history can in fact do more harm, as the particular case study of Israel and P ...
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... "The PLO was, in fact, recognized as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people by more states than have recognized Israel. It is noteworthy that this demonization continued even after the Oslo Accords of 1993, through which Israel supposedly recognized the PLO as a legitimate partner. Even the Palestine Authority is still depicted by Israel as an outfit that supports terror. The worst kind of demonization, which convinced the Western world to resort to political boycott, was directed at the Hamas. While international civil society continues to question such a characterization, mainstream media and politicians still fall foul to this slander." 

Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and socialist activist. He is currently a professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter  in the United Kingdom, director of the university's European Centre for Palestine Studies, co-director of the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies.
Source: Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Israel bombardierte ihren GULAG GAZA

es gibt eine neue Fotogalerie in der Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung:

Protest gegen das neueste Verbrechen Israels in Gaza
„Nie wieder so ein schweigendes Deutschland

Palästina von der Landkarte tilgen: das ist die Politik Israels seit nun mehr als sechzig Jahren. Dieses von langer Hand geplante Verbrechen hatte vom 14. bis 22. November einen neuen bösartigen Höhepunkt. Unter dem falschen Vorwand, Gaza habe mit den Feindseligkeiten begonnen, schickte Israel – gedeckt durch die USA und die anderen imperialistischen Mittäter inklusive Deutschland – seine Tod bringende Fracht und zerstörte wichtige Teile der Infrastruktur. 170 Menschen wurden dabei ermordet, ca. 1000 verletzt. Große Teile der Friedensbewegung blieben zuhause. Aber hier und da erhob sich doch Protest – so z.B. am 21.11. in Köln.

weiter hier:

Und es gibt den folgenden neuen Artikel in der Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung:
Palästinensische Autorin Sumaya Farhat-Naser auf Deutschlandtournee
Mädchen steh auf!

„Wir bleiben im Kreislauf von Gewalt und Gegengewalt. Aber dieses Rezept ist falsch“, lautet die fundamentale Äußerung der 64jährigen Biologieprofessorin, Friedens- und Versöhnungspreisträgerin und Buchautorin Dr. Dr. hc Sumaya Farhat-Naser aus Bir Zeit/Palästina. Ihre 1995 erschienene Autobiographie "Thymian und Steine“ wurde vom Verein Literaturhaus Köln und dem Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger als „Buch für die Stadt“ 2012 ausgewählt. In all ihren überfüllten Veranstaltungen in Köln und Umgebung erfuhren die Menschen Unfassbares aus dem alltäglichen Leben der Menschen unter israelischer Besatzung.

weiter hier:

Der Bundesverband Arbeiterfotografie trägt die folgende Protestnote mit.
Den Friedensnobelpreis an die EU zurückzuziehen!
Protestnote an das Nobelpreiskomitee bezüglich der Vergabe des Friedensnobelpreises an die EU

Mit besten Grüßen
Anneliese Fikentscher und Andreas Neumann
  Arbeiterfotografie - Forum für Engagierte Fotografie
  Anneliese Fikentscher
  Andreas Neumann
  Merheimer Str. 107
  D-50733 Köln
  Tel: 0221/727 999
  Fax: 0221/732 55 88

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Commemorating the First World Zionist Congress in Basel

The founding Congress of World Zionism in Basel 1897 is strangely being commemorated these days on public radio in Germany.

As we strive for a peace in justice and for human and humane survival, we have to come to an  realistic and truthful understanding of the material forces behind "Zionism".
Zionism is contradictory to Judaism says Israeli historian Shlomo Sand. Judaismus is therefore not identical with Zionism - on the contrary.
Judaism is  the oldest monotheistic religion. This  religion laid the ground for Christianity and Islam. Like all religions Judaism strives universally for a  better,  a human life on earth. Judaism  is as universal  as the religions that followed on is foot-prints. Therefore it  cares for and  respects humanitarian and international law. The UN-Charter is the embodyment of such a universal moral. Therefore  the Charter is respected by all nations, no matter how disrespectful some "leaders" my treat this precious document at times.

Zionism  is contrary to the UN-spirit, a nationalistic, even chauvinistic  and racist philosophy. In its essence it is as  much a distortion of Judaism as is "Islamism"  is with respect to Islam.  All  such  comparable antihuman, aggressive  and shrewd ideologies  can easily  lead to terrorism.

Zionism, Islamism, like  the chauvinistic Hinduism  of  the Hindutva and Christian fundamentalism and comparable  forms of fundamentalism are  contradictory to any humanistic attitude.  Such ideologies hurt their  adherents and their families and friends as much as they  consequently hurt  neighboring  peoples.

"National-Socialism" was as an ideology with alleged  high aspirations as  contradictory to Socialism as the above mentioned ideologies are to what they claim to be. NS-ideology led the German people into a  catastrophic defeat  and it led the world to the brink of total destruction. It was an ideology that had put into practice lethal  consequences for all Jewish people and  on the long run  it would have been lethal for  the rest of humanity.

"National-Socialism" was  the most extreme form of German fascism. Yet, it is not the only and not the final form of fascism. For an indepth definition of fascism see Georg Dimitrov (1935).

 Today Zionism is one of the most dangerous  ideologies. Islamism in the form of Wahabism or Djihadism is nothing much better. They are altogether inventions of Western colonialist spirits. They are aggressive and brutal mind sets and they tend to violate the most basic human values as substantial to  all world religions.

 Put into  political practice all the above mentioned ideologies are threating  neighboring countries with war. Even nuclear warfare is one of their options. However, Zionism was not invented by religious or socially conscious Jewish people. Imperialist colonialists of various nations stood at its cradle, let us not forget this.  God-parents of the above mentioned mind sets are colonialists  and fascists. Such  harmful world views dictated by bought up intellectuals are twin-sisters and brothers  of fascism. Zionism put in action brings quasi necessarily dangerous  new waves of anti-semitism as a logical result with it. It is  therefore contradictory to anything human and certainly not in the service of the nation of Israel, nor in the interest of Jews any where in the world. We must hence learn how to comprehend its true nature and see clearly who  keeps feeds it. We need to construct a peaceful future without  fundamentalist ideologies and its terroristic results.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Remember Stalingrad: Fascism is not yet defeated

Stalingrad was only the beginning of its defeat 

The Womb this crawled from is still going strong.“ (Bert Brecht)

This Brechtian line from the epilogue of his play 'Arturo Ui' refers neither to a single man nor to a woman. The metaphor rather epitomizes an economical and political system that has performed at its „best“ during the NAZI-period between 1933 to 1945.

The English translation below does not adaequately reflect the meaning of Brecht's precise and dialectic wording in German.

Therefore learn how to see and not to gape

To act instead of talking all day long
The world was almost won by such an ape!

The nations put him where his kind belong.

But don’t rejoice too soon at your escape

The womb he crawled from is still going strong.

(International Socialism, February 1977
Bryan Rees, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
Brecht's wording offers a key to comprehension and opens the path to the transformation of an unhealthy state of social affairs.
Hitler as an individual certainly was a most disagreable creature, but he was no „ape“. The jobless survivor of World War I was definitely manoeuvred by the social forces who had carried him to power. Under their well defined terms he did his job 'well' up to his undignified end. He had served and was easily to be discarded when no longer wanted. A sentence at the International War Tribunal in Nuremberg would have been much better for the world. His principals would have to be named.
However the undignified death of the 'dictator' and the defeat of Nazi-Germany symbolized the weakening of the economical system Hitler had stood for.
In 1935 the Bulgarian communist, Georgi Dimitrov (1882˗1949), had called fascism “the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance capital.”
This definition had set the ground for the most powerful resistance movement finance capital has ever met.
Comprehending the current war drive demands a closer look at the implications of Dimitrov's once popular definition.
It seems impossible to challenge the profound economical, politicial and cultural decay the world is confronted with without analyzing its systemic root causes. Global militarism and the death toll it entrenches cannot be confronted successfuly without limiting the profit making mechanism. Peace and justice will come only as a result of such a policy.
For too long now has the world been duped, for too long now have most scholars neglected the study of three precious volumes of the CAPITAL by Karl Marx. And yet the present state of affairs shows the profound forsight of this German scholar of Jewish origin. By discarding the relevance of Marxens studies many other great analysts and strategists, like Lenin and Stalin have been discarded.
Stalingrad had earmarked a historic turn. An army of one million excellently equipped soldiers had been forced there into defeat. The greatest army of world history had eventually been crushed in a joint effort.
And yet, Brecht's prophetic epilogue of his Arturo Ui can open up our minds into seeing that facism as a system with all its lethal consequences has not been overcome on a global scale.
On the contrary - Nazy Germany has almost reached posthumously some of its major goals.
Nazi-German Fascism from an early stage onwards had focused on whiping out what they qualified as „Jewish Bolshevism“ and consequently wanted to enslave the peoples in the East of Europe, namely those who had put into practice many of Marxens ideas. They wanted of course essentially to get hold of the precious natural resources of Russia, but also did they yawn for taking their soil for settlements for the „nordic race“. These new settlements were meant to feed their home based population. They strived at world rulership for German capital. „Jewish Bolshevism“ that had gained power in Soviet Russia and enormous influence in the world was a major barrier to this end.
In deed many leaders in Soviet Union were of Jewish origin. The fact that Jewish people had been discriminated against heavily might have driven them to communism. Communism is also grounded spiritually in the Jewish-Christian heritage and the universal strive for justice and truthfulness is rooted there.
Bolshevism, in the eyes of the NAZI- rulers of German was almost identical with Judaism. This is why the Jews were to be exterminated.
The other reason for going after the Jews of Europe was the Zionist project.
More to follow soon.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kosten für die "Wolkensäule"

Kosten für die "Wolkensäule" berechnet
Es sind die Gesamtkosten für die israelische Aggression "Wolkensäule", die gegen die Palästinenser im Gazastreifen gerichtet ist, berechnet worden, teilte der Radiosender der IDF. Während der 4 ersten Tage gab Israel dafür knapp 63 Millionen US-Dollar aus. Wenn die israelische Offensive genau so intensiv weiterhin geht, betragen ihre wöchentlichen Kosten ungefähr 100-150 Millionen US-Dollar. Wenn dazu noch eine Bodenoffensive in den Gazastreifen kommt, können die Kosten bis 1 Milliarde US-Dollar steigen.

 Israel: Ermordungen vom Zivilisten sind "Technische Probleme" 
Im Gazastreifen ist am Sonntag eine 12-köpfige Familie auf einen Schlag ausgelöscht worden, als israelische F-16 Kampfjets drei Raketen abfeuerten, von denen eine in ein dreistöckiges Wohnhaus einschlug. Im Innern befanden sich die fünf Frauen, vier Kinder und drei Männer einer Familie - die drei Generationen wurden unter den Trümmern begraben und konnten nur noch tot geborgen werden.

Israel teilte unverschämt mit, der Angriff auf das Haus sei ein Fehler gewesen, es habe "technische Probleme" gegeben.
FP/AG, 19.11.2012

Brave Israeli soldier speaks out against the War Crimes

Thursday, November 22, 2012

"Israels Weg führt in die Selbstzerstörung"

Gaza und die Israel-Lüge Anis Hamadeh, 20.11.2012
Kein Land würde einen Beschuss der eigenen Bürger von außerhalb der Grenzen hinnehmen, sagte US-Präsident Obama vor seiner Reise nach Birma, und hielt damit seine schützende Hand über Israels andauernden Angriff auf den abgeriegelten Gazastreifen, bei dem schon mehr als hundert Bewohner getötet wurden. Die meisten Medien und Politiker in den USA, in Westeuropa und anderen Ländern halten sich an die traditionelle These, nach der sich Israel verteidigt. Das Problem mit dieser These ist, dass sie unhaltbar ist.
Es ist zu offensichtlich, dass im Nahen Osten eine der stärksten und modernsten Armeen der Welt mit großer Gewalt auf eine weitgehend unbewaffnete Bevölkerung eindrischt, die sie vorher selbst eingesperrt und ihrer legitimen Rechte beraubt hat. Die meisten Zuschauer verstehen ohne Schwierigkeiten, dass die israelische Praxis der so genannten "gezielten Tötungen" eskalierend wirkt, ebenso wie die Blockade des Gazastreifens, die Erweiterungen der illegalen Siedlungen und der Land raubenden Mauer, der Wasserdiebstahl, die Razzien und Hausabrisse, die Schikanen und immer wieder das doppelte Maß. Es ist überdeutlich, dass es hier nicht um zwei Konfliktparteien geht, die man mit dem Begriff "beide Seiten" fassen kann. Vielmehr steht eine auf Gewalt bauende Macht, die international jenseits konsequenter Kritik und faktisch über dem Recht steht, am längeren Hebel. Obamas Kommentar ist also scheinheilig und lässt ihn lächerlich erscheinen.
Dass sich Israel stets verteidigt, ist ein Mythos. Bereits die Gründung des Staates war bei Licht betrachtet ein aggressiver Akt, weil sie unilateral und ohne Übereinkunft geschah, weil sie auf einem weitaus größeren Gebiet ausgeführt wurde als die entsprechende UN-Resolution es vorsah und weil sie in Zusammenhang mit den brutalen ethnischen Vertreibungen stand, die bereits ein knappes halbes Jahr unter dem Namen "Plan D" im Gange waren. Die Darstellung, nach der das arme Israel sofort von den bösen Nachbarstaaten angegriffen wurde, kaum dass es das Licht der Welt erblickt hat, ist nicht mehr schlüssig, wenn man die ganze Geschichte erzählt ... 1948 wurde zum Präzedenzfall, denn die Verantwortlichen in Israel konnten ja sehen, dass sie straffrei entkamen. Was also sollte sie davon abhalten, noch mehr Land zu nehmen und noch mehr Einheimische zu marginalisieren? Besonders dann, wenn man dabei in der Rolle des Starken sein Trauma immer wieder durchspielen konnte, wie eine Wunde, die man gebannt immer wieder aufkratzte. Es gab und gibt nämlich Hunderte von israelischen (und nicht nur israelischen) Zitaten aus allen Bereichen des Lebens, in denen Palästinensern/Arabern/Muslimen die Rolle des Nazis zugewiesen wird. Manchmal in Form von Erinnerungen, die wieder hochkommen, mal durch Vergleiche, auch Gleichsetzungen, und latent in eigentlich jeder pro-zionistischen Argumentation. In Deutschland wird gern die historische Verantwortung gegenüber den Juden ins Feld geführt, um die Israel-Lüge zu übertönen oder von ihr abzulenken. Da werden munter Juden und Israelis gleichgesetzt, ja der Staat Israel wird oft genug mit dem Judentum als Gesamterscheinung vermischt. So wird die Diskussion über einen Boykott der illegalen Siedlungen mit "Kauft nicht beim Juden" verglichen und anderer Unsinn. SPD-Chef Sigmar Gabriel schrieb nach seinem diesjährigen Palästina-Besuch in einem Entschuldigungsschreiben (er hatte zuvor Israel kritisiert), dass er künftig enger mit dem Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland zusammenarbeiten werde. Zwischen den Zeilen konnte man lesen, dass er in den nächsten Jahren das Thema Palästina nicht mehr aufgreifen wird, da es seiner Karriere schadet. Karriere gilt uns offenbar mehr als Glaubwürdigkeit und Würde ganz allgemein. Der Zentralrat ist im Schatten des Tabus zu einer einflussreichen außerparlamentarischen Macht geworden. Es muss eine Stimmung der Angst und der Wortlosigkeit in vielen Redaktionen und Konferenzräumen herrschen, denn kaum jemand möchte riskieren, sich dem Antisemitismusvorwurf auszusetzen und diesen ganzen Ärger am eigenen Leib zu erleben, wie ihn Gabriel erlebt hat, oder Grass, die Veranstalter der Nakba-Wanderausstellung, Westerwelle damals, Möllemann, Karsli, Dierkes, Watzal und andere Journalisten, die Bandbreite und andere Musiker und Künstler, einige Campus-Gruppen und so weiter, die Liste ist verdammt lang. Dass dieses Schweigen nur mit einem massiven Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust möglich ist, wird vielen Beteiligten bewusst sein. Dabei ist zu bedenken, dass jemand, der erfolgreich einen Antisemitismusvorwurf ausgesprochen hat, sozial aufsteigt und an Macht gewinnt. Dass wir heute einer weiteren schauerlichen Bluttat (medial) beiwohnen müssen war abzusehen, nachdem der Pogrom von Gaza 1 folgenlos blieb. Ja, wir können weitere Eskalationen und Militär-Exzesse mit poetischen Namen erwarten, die mit Hilfe der Schlüsselbegriffe "Existenzrecht" und "Antisemitismus" eingeleitet werden. In den USA diskutiert man seit August über die Nahost-Politik nach Israel. "Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East" heißt eine 82-seitige Analyse der US Intelligence Community, der 16 US-Geheimdienste
angehören, die Army, Navy, Air Force und andere staatstragende Institutionen. Israels Weg führt in die Selbstzerstörung, das ahnen sogar die Amerikaner. Dies sind keine Szenarios, die man sich in Deutschland oder sonst wo wünschen kann, vor allem all die Toten. Doch unsere traditionellen Nahost-Mantras führen genau dort hin und helfen, den Weg zu ebnen. Es ist notwendig, über das Rassismus-Problem in Israel zu sprechen und über den Unterschied zwischen Angriff und Verteidigung. Wie viele Menschenopfer soll das Tabu noch bekommen?
Anis Hamadeh ist freiberuflicher Künstler, Islamwissenschaftler und Publizist:

Anis Hamadeh Moselstr. 1-3 55118 Mainz Deutschland
t 06131-4809263 m 0151-17856928

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 21. 11.12/13:00

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Ref: 136/2012 Date: 21 November 2012 Time: 13:00 GMT
Israeli Offensive on Gaza Ongoing for 8th Consecutive Day and Military Operations Escalate:
Since the beginning of the offensive:
- - -
Palestinian Deaths Rise to 136, Including 91 Civilians, and 941 Wounded, Including 922 Civilians
28 Children Killed and 258 Others Wounded 13 Women Killed and 149 Others Wounded 3 Journalists Killed
Over the past 24 hours, Israeli Occupation Forces have escalated their attacks on houses, streets and civilian facilities located in densely-populated areas.
As a result of these attacks, 31 Palestinians, including 21 civilians, have been killed. The civilian victims include 5 children, 1 woman and 2 journalists.
In Gaza City, 9 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children and 1 woman, have been killed. Israeli airstrikes have also destroyed several service facilities, the most prominent of which is Abu Khadra governmental compound in the centre of Gaza City, which was attacked by 5 missiles that destroyed it and extensively damaged nearby houses, shops, banks and press offices. Israeli forces have also escalated marine and ground shelling. Additionally, Israeli forces have deliberately targeted journalists and their vehicles, killing 3 journalists in Gaza City and Deir al-Balah.
In a very serious development, Israeli forces have forced thousands of Palestinians to leave their homes. On Tuesday evening, 20 November 2012, Israeli aircrafts dropped thousands of leaflets ordering residents of large areas in the northern Gaza Strip and Gaza City, including densely-populated areas, to leave their homes and move towards the centre of the city, amidst violent attacks, which caused widespread panic. At least 3,400 Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip have sought shelter in 3 UNRWA schools. In Khan Yunis, hundreds of Palestinians received phone calls and messages from Israeli forces ordering them to leave their homes, although they are not located in border areas. Many Palestinians refused these orders and insisted on remaining in their homes, because all areas of the Gaza Strip are under Israeli fire. Palestinians still remember the crimes committed by Israeli forces during the
previous Israeli offensive on Gaza against civilians who sought shelter in UNRWA schools, such as the attacks on al-Fakhoura School and Beit Lahia School in the northern Gaza Strip, and Asmaa School in the Beach camp (Operation Cast Lead, 2008-2009).
The latest developments since the press release issued by PCHR yesterday noon, 20 November 2012, have been as follows:
The Northern Gaza Strip:
Israeli warplanes have launched 30 airstrikes targeting houses and members of armed groups. Israeli gunboats stationed in the sea fired at least 60 shells at the shore, and Israeli forces positioned at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel have fired dozens of artillery shells at Beit Hanoun town and the Bedouin village. Many Palestinian civilians have been forced to leave their homes for their safety. As a result of these attacks, 3 Palestinians, including 1 civilian, have been killed, and 27 civilians, including 12 children and 4 women, have been wounded.
On Tuesday noon, 20 November 2012, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at members of an armed group near al-Karama residential compound, killing one of them.
At approximately 13:10, an Israeli F-16 fighter jet fired a missile at a 3-storey house belonging to Mustafa Yousef al-Abed al-Mutawaq in Gaza Old Street. The house had already been evacuated, as Israeli warplanes had fired a warning missile at it. The house was destroyed and 3 nearby houses were extensively damaged.
At approximately 15:45, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at members of an armed group in al-Banat Street in Beit Hanoun, killing one of them.
At approximately 19:50, an Israeli warplane fired a warning missile at a 2-storey house belonging to the Dahman family near al-Khulafa Mosque in Jabalya, but no casualties or damage were reported. Ten minutes later, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a house belonging to the Abu Jubain family near Kamal Edwan Hospital in Beit Lahia, but no casualties or damaged were reported.
At approximately 09:00 on Wednesday, 21 November 2012, an Israeli warplane fired a missile in the vicinity of Dabbour farmland in Jabalya. As a result, Mustafa Awadh Mustafa Abu Hmaidan, 23, was killed.
At approximately 12:15, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a member of an armed group near the desalination plant in the northwest of Beit Lahia, killing him.
Gaza City:
Israeli warplanes have launched dozens of airstrikes targeting houses, service facilities, governmental buildings, streets, cars and press vehicles. As a result of these attacks, 14 Palestinians, including 12 civilians, have been killed. The civilian victims include 2 children and 2 journalists. In addition, 89 civilians, including 20 children and 13 women, have been wounded.
At approximately 13:40 on Tuesday, 20 November 2012, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at members of an armed group in al-Nazzaz Street in al-Shujaiya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City, killing 2 of them.
At approximately 15:30, Israeli warplanes fired 2 missiles at 2 cars that were traveling near the Future Club in al-Sabra neighborhood, in which 5 civilians, including a pair of twins, were traveling. As a result of this attack, 5 civilians were killed:
1) Subhi Nemer Mohammed Dughmosh, 29; 2) Salah Nember Mohammed Dughmosh, 29; 3) Ahmed Jameel Hamdan Dughmosh, 30; 4) Zaki Saeed Mohammed Qadada, 42; and 5) Mosab Mahmoud Rushdi Dughmosh, 25.
At approximately 15:45, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at the garden of a house belonging to Rezeq Kilani Aashour in Kishku Street in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza City. Aashour was killed, and his grandchild, 8-year-old Mohammed Ibrahim Aashour, was wounded while he was playing in the area.
At approximately 16:00, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at the crowded Baghdad Street in al-Shaujaiya neighborhood. As a result, 4 Palestinian civilians, including 1 female teenager, were killed:
1) Saqer Yousef Khalil Bulbol, 57; 2) Yusra Bassel Murtada al-Shawa, 18; 3) Tariq Awni Mustafa Hjaila, 40; and 4) Mahmoud Mohammed Hussein al-Jaru, 21.
Another 2 civilians were wounded.
At approximately 17:45, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a car that was traveling in al- Shifa Street, in which two cameramen of the al-Aqsa Satellite Channel were traveling. The car was destroyed and the 2 cameramen were killed:
1) Hussam Mohammed Abdul Rahman Salama, 30; and 2) Mahmoud Ali Ahmed al-Koumi, 29.
Israeli warplanes attacked the office of Ghazi Sourani on the 6th floor of Neima building in the centre of Gaza City. The office was destroyed and a number of nearby offices were damaged. They also attacked Abu Khadra governmental compound in the centre of Gaza City, destroying it and extensively damaging nearby facilities. They further attacked an uninhabited house belonging to Azzam al-Shawa near the building of the Palestinian Legislative Council in the centre of Gaza City.
The Central Gaza Strip:
Israeli warplanes have launched 47 airstrikes and dozens of marine and artillery stacks targeting houses, including a house belonging to Essam al-Dalis, the advisor of Gaza government, members of armed groups and civilians in the streets. As a result of these
attacks, 5 Palestinians, including 1 civilian, have been killed, and 10 civilians, including 1 woman, have been wounded.
At approximately 12:30 on Tuesday, 20 November 2012, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a number of Palestinians who were near the campus of Palestine Technical College in the north of Deir al-Balah. As a result, the media officer of the al-Quds Brigades (the armed wing of Islamic Jihad) was killed.
At approximately 18:40, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at Mohammed Mousa Abu Eisha, 24, Manager of the al-Quds Educational Television, while he was walking with his friend, Hassan Yousef al-Ostaz, 22, both from Deir al-Balah. Abu Eisha and his friend were killed instantly.
At approximately 20:00, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at 2 Palestinian brothers, one of them a civilian, in the west of al-Zawaida village, killing both of them. The civilian was identified as Mohammed Ahmed Abu Sitta, 21.
On Wednesday morning, 21 November 2012, Israeli warplanes bombarded al-Sikka Bridge, which links al-Nussairat refugee camp and al-Mughraqa village, and the Coastal Bridge, which links Gaza City and the central Gaza Strip, destroying them.
Israeli warplanes also attacked 6 houses, destroying them.
Khan Yunis:
Israeli warplanes have launched 27 airstrikes and some artillery attacks targeting a police station, an agricultural nursery, agricultural plots, and a house belonging to a member of an armed group. As a result of these attacks, 1 elderly man and his grandchild have been killed, and another 8 civilians, including 3 children, have been wounded. 1 child also died of a previous wound.
At approximately 00:45 on Wednesday, 21 November 2012, and over the course of 5 hours, Israeli warplanes launched 5 airstrikes that targeted a police station in the centre of Khan Yunis, destroying it and damaging a mosque. A number of nearby houses and a clinic were lightly damage. Additionally, 6 civilians, including 2 children and 1 police officer, were lightly wounded.
At approximately 01:15, Israeli warplanes fired 2 missiles at open areas in al-Fukhari village, southeast of Khan Yunis, and al-Mawasi area in the west of the town.
At approximately 02:40, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a house belonging to a member of an armed group, in which 16 people live, in Maan area in the east of Khan Yunis. The house was completely destroyed. The house had been previously evacuated as the owner’s wife received a phone call from Israeli forces ordering her to leave.
At approximately 11:15, Ahmed Awadh Abu Olayan, 14, died of a previous wound he had sustained on 15 November 2012.
At approximately 12:20, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a number of Palestinian civilians who were cropping olives in Abu Nasser area in Abassan village, east of Khan
Yunis. As a result, Ibrahim Mahmoud Nasser Abu Nasser, 80, and his grandchild Ameera, 14, were killed, and his son Mohammed, 40, was wounded.
Israeli warplanes have launched 74 airstrikes and some artillery attacks targeting the tunnels area, agricultural areas and paramilitary training sites. As a result of these attacks, 5 Palestinians, including 4 civilians, 2 of them children, have been killed, and 2 women have been wounded.
At approximately 15:45 on Tuesday, 20 November 2012, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a motorcycle in al-Shouka village, east of Rafah. Shawqi Salman Abu Snaima, 28, who was riding it, was seriously wounded. At approximately 21:15, he was pronounced dead.
At approximately 20:05, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a motorcycle on which a member of an armed group and his brother were traveling in al-Orouba Street in the east of Rafah. The member of the armed group was killed and his brother, Khaled Aabed Abu Mur, 24, was seriously wounded. He was pronounced dead an hour later.
At approximately 22:00, an ambulance of Palestine Red Crescent Society traveled to al-Nahda quarter in al-Shouka village, east of Rafah, in an attempt to rescue 2 children who had been attacked by an Israeli warplane at 16:30 near their houses, about 1,000 metres away from the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel. The ambulances were unable to reach the boys for an hour and a half; after this time, the ambulance crew found the bodies of the 2 children, who were identified as: Mahmoud Khalil al-Arja, 16; and Ibrahim Ahmed Hamad, 16.
PCHR reiterates condemnation, expresses utmost concern for these crimes, and:
1. 2.
3. 4.
Warns of deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip in light of this continuous Israeli military escalation, threats to expand military operations, and the continued tightened closure of the Gaza Strip;
Calls upon the international community to act immediately to stop these crimes, and renews the call to the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligation under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure that it is respected at all times, and their responsibilities under Article 146 to pursue perpetrators of serious violations of the Convention, which are determined in Article 147, which lists violations of the Convention amounting to war crimes;
Calls for establishing an international fact-finding mission to investigate war crimes committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, and to take necessary measures to prosecute the perpetrators; and
Strongly condemns statements by some States regarding Israel’s right to defend itself while the number of Palestinian civilian victims, including children and women, is increasing; PCHR believes that such statements provide cover for Israel to continue to commit crimes against unarmed civilians.