Sunday, April 12, 2015

Yemen, Muslim Brotherhood and Geopolitics: The Middle Eastern Quagmire Created By Imperialism

Saudi Attempts to Use the Houthis against the Muslim Brotherhood Backfired in Yemen

Yemen is being bombed into accepting a Saudi-mediated pseudo-dialogue that really aims to reinstate Al-Hadi and restore Yemen as an authoritarian state that follows Saudi Arabia and the US. In this context, a mixture of Arabian intrigues, petro-politics, and geopolitics are all at play... The Israeli-Saudi alliance in Yemen is being relieved as the Kingdom and Israel have united with the US against the Houthis. Like the Cold War, mercenaries and foreign fighters will eventually enter the picture too. 


Imagery and Empire: Understanding the Western Fear of Arab and Muslim Terrorists

It has been claimed that if all terrorists are not Arabs or Muslims, that most terrorists are Arabs or Muslims. Is this true or another myth? An empirical look at data compiled in the US and Europe will help answer this question. In the US... the majority of terrorists are not non-Muslims according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). While Muslim terrorist comprised 6% of the attacks on US soil from 1980 to 2005, Jewish terrorists and Hispanic terrorists respectively comprised 7% and 42% of the terrorist attacks in the US during the same period. There, however, is no fear mongering about Jews or Hispanic people... 


The Geopolitics behind the War in Yemen (II)

...The instability in Yemen is being caused not by Iran or the Houthis, but by US and Saudi interference in Yemen — from Saudi Arabia’s 2009 invasion to US drone attacks — and the decades of support that Saudi Arabia has provided for authoritarian and unpopular rule in Yemen...  


The Geopolitics behind the War in Yemen (I)

...The truth has been turned on its head about the war in Yemen. The war and ousting of President Abd-Rabbuh Manį¹£our Al-Hadi in Yemen are not the results of «Houthi coup» in Yemen. It is the opposite. Al-Hadi was ousted, because with Saudi and US support he tried to backtrack on the power sharing agreements he had made and return Yemen to authoritarian rule. The ousting of President Al-Hadi by the Houthis and their political allies was an unexpected reaction to the takeover Al-Hadi was planning with Washington and the House of Saudi... 


Netanyahu’s Speech to the US Congress Really Helps the Obama against Iran

...The disagreements between the Obama Administration and Netanyahu do not signal a divide between Israel and the US. The strategic relationship between Israel and the United States is still intact. Nor does the gap between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party over Netanyahu’s March 3 speech reflect divisions between Israel and the US as much as it represents divisions among the US political establishment, specifically between the realists and the neo-conservatives... 

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