Friday, February 21, 2014

Our demands in Commemoration of One Hundered Years of International Women's Peacework

As educators from Boston and Berlin that the following  principles towards programatic strategies should be paramount :

  • In order to meet women's needs the military machinery must be stopped
  • Tax money is to feed the cities and not the  Pentagon
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction must be eliminated
  • Zones of Peace are to be established, the CELAC-intitiative and the call from Haifa are positive examples to be followed
  • New weapons systems have to be opposed
  • Investments in civil infrastructure are key for women's progess in order to help create jobs and to ease women's chores
  • Women's rights on paper are all well, but not enough. The material wellbeing of women, their safety, their human dignity and their specific needs must be taken care of by public money, by public programs. This can be done, if the funding of wars, the funding of terrorism are  stopped immediately and unconditionally.
  • 'Women' Budgets' are the demand of the day.
  • The debasement of culture has to be stopped. Women will contribute to a culture of peace. Women will not accept media that denigrate and dehumanize women, nor any human being.
  • Women say Yes, to gender equality, No to racism, No to class privileges.
  • The road to democracy must be re-opened on all leves of society. What we need, is not more top down control but the taking into consideration of grass roots and membership activities.
  • Law and international law are to be defended. They are our shield. We will not allow the UN Charta to be underminded or turned into a machinery to welcome new wars under a humanitarian or other pretexts.
  • The digital revolution can help enormously to promote international cooperation. We defend whistleblowers and constitutional  citizen's rights and freedom of information.
  • Education and historical knowledge are keyfactors for social and political commitment. We therefore pledge to educate each other and provide material for the  younger generation  to ease their access to historical knowledge.
  • We encourage historical research into women's contribution to peacework and will provide funds.
  • We maintain the knowledge of our foremothers that an economical system based on profit making cannot fulfill women's needs. It bears the potential for ever more wars. It is historically outdated. It must be overcome if wars are to be done away with. 
  • As mothers, as healers, as professionals, as social workers, as conerned human beings we will defend environmental rights against greed and destruction through warfare.
  • We renew hereby  our pledge to work for a more just  ecnomic world order.

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