Wednesday, July 10, 2013

People's Movements Must Get Organized and Develop Programatic Demands!

Economic and political powers are motivated by profit-greed and their striving for more power and influence.
Ordinary people are driven by survival instincts.
People's survival instincts can never been blown out by force. No power in this world can hinder people from struggling for bread, shelter and peaceful survival in a livable environment. But they eventually will have to form an organized body, if they want to be effective and reach their respective goals. To this end they have to by and large develop leadership and programs that will meet the interest of the largest possible majority. These programs have to cover the basic social and human needs, they must put peace, bread and shelter in the first place. They must cover health insurance and education. To simply demand the removal of certain politicians is by no means a positive program. These characters are altogether replacable. Neither  is it  helpful  to demand  yet another election. Respect for fundamental ethics as laid down in the UN-Charta, in the International Declaration of Human Rights and the follow-up Covenants are a key to progress. Constitutional Rights in every country concerned must be held up by any serious people's movements.
Without a clear minded leadership every movement can be mislead, can go astray. This is especially so in countries that play a pivotal role within geopolitical strategies and are therefore targeted by the imperial powers.
What can be done so that the rightful people's protest will not be highjacked by the Empire? Their agents will naturally try on this.
We need more Edward Snowdens and his like.
People's movements need strong and experienced leadership. Personalities are wanted with expertise, a class oriented political analysis and backbones that cannot be broken. These personalities must be willing and capable to cooperate and share their knowledge. People who take on leadership roles must be sure that they are protected by their constituency.

Of course the example that Edward Snowden sets is formidable and gives us inspiration and courage. We must certainly build up a solidarity movement to support  persons like him.

Some of us have been working  hard and are doing a very good and important job in their  respective country. But let us reach out more. We need to encourage each other and become a collective that can  involve more devoted women and men of all ages.

We must, also see to it, that we do not ignore people's feelings and their need for traditions and rituals that grew historically  out of religious practices.  Strong identities are grounded in regional and national traditions. These are values, people want to protect. We must,  however,  denounce the misuse, the violation and distortion of religions for the sake of those in power. Let us not  allow  religion or ethnicity or  nationality or personal subjective preferences to become  an issue.
Let us rather focus on demands that we can  reach  only if we act in common.

The situation is indeed  grave and the world must not and cannot be governed forever by the greed of one percent of the global population. Their course leads to total destruction. Let us therefore join hands and stop them. Let us talk truth to power and to the people. Let us be precise and truthful in what we say and do. Let us begin at home.
Let us  get in touch with each other, support each other and keep up the spirit. In solidarity and comradeship.

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