Saturday, June 1, 2013

Solidarity with protesters on Gezi Park Istanbul,

Zeynep Beşpınar
Peace Association, Turkey :
"The people of Turkey are saying enough is enough"
They are resisting the neoliberal plunder of their living space.
They are defying the authoritarianism of the police state.
They are opposing the Islamisation of their everyday lives.
They are confronting the warmongering foreign policy in their region.
In one word, they are fighting against Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party.
Show your solidarity with the people Turkey.

AKP is to beat it
They wanted to furtively pocket extra profits. While plundering Istanbul, they tried to stall off the people.
They attacked. They used chemical weapons. Their masked monsters attacked furiously.
Αnd they managed to exasperate the people.
Currently in Istanbul thousands of people fill the streets opening to the Taksim Square.
In İstiklal Street, Harbiye and Dolmabahçe thousands of people have gathered and tens of thousands of people are on the roads trying to join them.
We are talking about hundreds of thousands of people girt with determinacy and legitimacy.
We call whole Istanbul to leave their homes.
We call the tens of thousands of people that the government is trying to suffocate and stop to trust our comrades redirected to Taksim.
We wish a fast recovery for those who were traumatized.
We call the government to do immediately what the slogans chanting in the streets of Istanbul demand: The government should resign.
You picked a civil war in Syria and your policy crashed and burnt.
Now you declare war against the people of Turkey. This will too crash and burn but this time only you will be held responsible.
The AKP is to beat it.
Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)
Central Committee

Washington Post

A guide to what’s going on in Istanbul’s Gezi Park

Istanbul was rocked by a violent police crackdown Friday when Turkish police moved in on the thousands of demonstrators who have been protesting in a downtown park since Monday.
Reuters reports that police fired tear gas and a water cannon at protesters in Gezi Park around dawn; 100 sustained minor injuries. But if some of the messages circulating on social networks are any indication, the so-called occupiers may persist, even now that the park is clear: more than 61,000 tweets have been sent with the hashtag #geziparkı, and photos and videos from the crackdown are trending worldwide. In fact, as of 11 a.m. on Friday, five of the 11 trending terms on Twitter related to the protests.
While the protests evolved into a full-scale demonstration against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan (more on that later), they started out much smaller. The peaceful sit-in began on Monday to counter planned construction at the park, which would replace one of downtown Istanbul’s few green spaces with a shopping mall. The scene looks similar to what cities like New York and D.C. experienced during the Occupy protests: large crowds of people milling around, playing instruments and sleeping in tents.

GEZI PARKPolizeigewalt in Istanbul

De Demonstranten wollen verhindern, dass Bäume für ein Einkaufszentrum gefällt werden.  Foto: AFP
Im türkischen Istanbul demonstrieren Naturschützer und Regierungsgegner gegen die Räumung eines Parks. Die Situation eskaliert.
ISTANBUL –  Die Polizei hat in Istanbul einen aus Protest gegen ein Bauprojekt von Demonstranten besetzten Park gewaltsam geräumt.
Bereitschaftspolizisten setzten am Freitag Wasserwerfer und Tränengas ein, um hunderte Menschen von der Grünfläche am Rande des Taksim-Platzes gewaltsam zu vertreiben. Dabei seien mindestens zwölf Menschen verletzt worden, berichteten türkische Medien. Menschenrechtsorganisationen kritisierten, es sei übermäßige Gewalt gegen friedliche Demonstranten eingesetzt worden.

Bäume statt Einkaufszentrum

Mit einem Protestcamp hatten die Demonstranten seit Anfang der Woche versucht zu verhindern, dass Bäume und Grünflächen im Gazi-Park für den Bau eines Einkaufszentrums mit Wohngebäuden zerstört werden. Umweltschützer kritisieren, dass in Istanbul immer mehr Grünflächen für Neubauten geopfert werden. Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hatte erklärt, die Pläne für den Bau im Gezi-Park würden ungeachtet der Demonstrationen durchgesetzt.
Am Abend demonstrierten auf der zum Taksim-Platz führenden Einkaufsstraße Istiklal mehrere tausend Menschen gegen den Polizeieinsatz. Die Polizei versuchte mehrfach, die Protestierer mit Wasserwerfern und Tränengasgranaten abzudrängen, berichteten Augenzeugen. Die Demonstranten skandierten Parolen gegen die Regierung. (dpa)

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