Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vortrag Der zionistische Siedlerkolonialismus: Apartheid und ethnische Säuberung in Palästina

Petra Wild aus Berlin: Vortrag
    Der zionistische Siedlerkolonialismus:
    Apartheid und ethnische Säuberung in Palästina
am DONNERSTAG, 13.Juni 2013 um 19.30 Uhr
im Saal der Initiativgruppe (IG), Karlstr. 50 (Rückgeb.)
2. Seminar mit Petra Wild
    Themen (u. a.):
    Der jüdische Staat als Ethnokratie   
    Gaza als Ghetto
    Entkolonialisierung als politische Aufgabe....
am FREITAG, 14.Juni 2013 um 19.30 Uhr
im Eine Welt Haus, Schwanthalerstr. 80
Bitte beachten: Wir haben zwei verschiedene Veranstaltungsorte,
weil es von der Raumbelegung her nicht anders zu machen war!
Petra Wild hat kürzlich ein bemerkenswertes Buch
über den Palästina-Konflikt veröffentlicht:
"Apartheid und ethnische Säuberung in Palästina.
Der zionistische Siedlerkolonialismus in Wort und Tat".

Erfreulicherweise ist es mir gelungendie SZ anzuregen,
dieses Buch von Freund Moshe Zuckermann, Historiker
und Philosoph von der Universität Tel Aviv
, besprechen
zu lassen. (siehe SZ vom 4. 6., S. 15, bzw. Anhang 1) 
Bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema fand Petra
Wild heraus, dass weder Apartheid, noch ethnische
Säuberung das Wesen der israelischen Politik aus-
machen. Es sind Ausdrucksformen, Folgen, Symptome
einer tieferen Ur-Sache: des zionistischen Siedlerkoloni-
alismus. Dieser Begriff - so schreibt sie im Vorwort - "war
der Schlüssel, um die Logik, die der Apartheid und 
nischen Säuberung in Palästina
zugrunde liegt,verstehen   
und die konkreten Ausprä
gungen der zionistischen Kolo-
nialpolitik miteinander in
 Bezug setzen zu können". 
Weiteres findet sich im Einladungsschreiben (Anhang 2),
in dem auch die mitgeschickten Vertiefungstexte kurz
erläutert werden. 

Leonard (Leibl) Fein über die die Besatzung "Sie korrumpiert Herz und Verstand und ist Hohn für jede Empathie."

Ein besonnener Mann von Peace Now in den USA (jüdische Medien) lässt sich sehr besorgt aus über die immer noch anhaltende Besatzung Israel-Palästina. (Siehe heutiger Eintrag auf Englisch)

Die Bloggerin meint:  Wunde Nahost blutet und  überzieht weite Kreise damit. Die Ereignisse in Syrien und der Türkei  müssen im Lichte des euphemistisch "Nahostkonflikt" genannten Welttheaters  gelesen und begriffen werden.

In Syrien ist Solidarität mit der Regierung  Assads geboten, einer Freundin des palästinensischen Volkes.
 In der Türkei gehört  unsere Solidarität dem Widerstand gegen die aggressive, volksverachtende Politik Erdogans, der uns lange Sand in die Augen gestreut hat oder besser raffinierten Zucker. Die islamistische Regierung Erdogans steht auf der Seite der Aggressoren, ja beteiligt sich an der Aggression.

Im Iran ist die Regierung der Solidarität würdig, denn sie steht fest an der Seite der palästinensischen Sache, der Sache des Friedens.

Im Libanon trägt die  nationale und internationalistische Befreiungsbewegung einen Schleier und agiert im Zeichen des Islam.

In Gaza wiederum hat die islamische Hamas (übrigens einst von Israel ins Leben gerufen gegen die Fatah) eine sehr problematische Wende  eingeleitet, indem ihre bis zum Ausbruch der Kämpfe in Syrien  beheimatete Führung nach Katar übersiedelt ist, dem Lakaien der USA. Das kann ihrer Sache kaum Nutzen bringen.

Wir aber haben die Aufgabe, die Situation zu begreifen und angemessen Stellung zu beziehen.


An important announcement has arrived from Turkish Doctors’ Union (TTB) about the bill of attacks of AKP which started with Gezi Park protests and continues all around Turkey. The data from Union displays the fascism of AKP.

Following the attacks of AKP, the numbers of wounded and dead accounted for so far is as follows:

- It has been reported that there are wounded in 12 cities (Mersin, Antakya, Çanakkale to provide counts)
- A total of 4177 people sought attention as wounded,
- 2 patient have lost their lives,
- There are 43 patients gravely wounded,
- There are 3 patients in critical condition, 2 in Ankara, 1 in Eskişehir,
- There are 15 cases of grave head trauma with multiple fractures,
- 10 patients have lost their eyes.

Is being unorganized a virtue?

As the people’s movement raises the struggle, the attempts by some to create an antagonism between the “citizens” and “organizing” also intensify.
These are either the government officials, or the so called intellectuals full of ego without any understanding of the “collective” culture or the members of the Trojan-horse style organizations within the people.
What do the people want?
They want the government to resign.
What will fill the vacuum if the government resigns?
A political alternative…
A political alternative cannot be without an organization.
As AKP relies on being organized, the people must also organize. Unions, mass organizations are crucial but they are not enough… It is a must to organize politically. The most advanced tool for organizing politically is the party.
The people are seeking an alternative. Those that are breeding “animosity towards organization” are the ones that are afraid of that alternative.
Last week in Turkey was more intense than the sum of past 35 years in Turkey. I am not even saying “the people have been transformed”… Let’s also leave the uprising aside. At the end of this week, a real people have emerged. A sum of individuals that does not demand rights, that inures or submits cannot be called people.
Real people are what we saw this week!
These people have been forming their own local committees. They are forging the culture of solidarity and the ability to move forward together.
All this is very important. But along with this, it is also important for the people to organize politically.
Those who promote un-organization, spreading animosity towards organization are the brothers in arms of Bülent Arınç. They are in alliance with those who want to break the popular resistance.
Erdoğan, Gül, Arınç and all their chums are free to organize, they are free to take over the state organization and the “citizen” will have to be content with a few innocent demands! You gotta be kidding me!

Kemal Okuyan, member of CC of TKP

Israel: The occupation Corrupts Hearts and Souls

Image of Leonard Fein in header
Dear Hedwig,

The first slogan put forward by Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) was hakibbush mashchit – the occupation corrupts. Now, as we approach the 46th anniversary of the corrupting occupation, we can understand how prescient that slogan was.

Set to the side the manifest corruption involved in retroactively “legalizing” settlement outposts that had been slated for demolition. Set to the side the preferential treatment offered settlers, at the obvious expense of citizens within the Green Line. Set to the side the displacement of Arabs or their separation from their lands.
Instead, consider the deeper corruption that comes of ruling another people. Consider what it does to an 18 year-old’s soul to find himself, herself, in charge of a check point, deciding whether a pregnant woman really requires clearance, an elderly man warrants courtesy. Consider the transition that 18 year-old must experience as s/he returns home from his or her duties, back to hearth and family, the abrasions of service temporarily interrupted.
It is sometimes proposed that Israel’s strength is represented by the normalcy of everyday life within the Green Line, and there is some truth in that. But the price of that normalcy plainly involves a closing of the eyes to the insult and injury visited upon the Palestinians, whether explicitly or simply by the fact of occupation. So it is that Israel fails in its promise of equality even to its own Palestinian citizens; so it is that racist habits are formed and develop unimpeded; so it is that “price tag” attacks multiply, as do vigilante assaults, as do mean-spirited attacks on olive trees, now and then on mosques, and above all on people.

Elie Wiesel long ago observed that “Words name things and then come to replace the things they name.” The word “occupation” is a telling example of that truth. By now, it rolls trippingly off our tongue, replacing the affront it signifies, enabling us the illusion of normalcy.

That illusion is, in a word, corrupting. It corrupts the intellect, it corrupts the heart. It makes a mockery of empathy, that sixth sense on which so much else – including, not least, civil society – depends.

Forty-six years and counting. A resolution of the conflict becomes more remote with the passage of time. Earlier hopes come to seem naïve. The status quo governs, and few ask whether it is sustainable. Even when the erstwhile directors of the Mossad, all of them, caution unambiguously that Israel’s policies imperil the country, their message does not resonate. Nor is there sufficient recognition of the fact that the status quo is not stable, not at all, that it generates a coarsening of attitudes that gathers momentum and finds increasing expression in behavior.

That is the heart of the corruption. And that is the heart of the ongoing threat, the threat not merely to the Israel of our dreams and sometimes fantasies, but to the quotidian Israel, the everyday Israel to which we are so resolutely attached.

Hakibbush mashchit. 

Leonard (Leibel) Fein

Leonard Fein In 1974, he founded Moment magazine, which became America's leading independent magazine of Jewish affairs, and which he served as editor and publisher for 13 years. In 1985, he founded Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger, which is the American Jewish community's principal vehicle for participation in the campaign against world hunger. And in 1996, he founded the National Jewish Coalition for Literacy, a project for mobilizing the American Jewish community to provide volunteer reading tutors for 2nd and 3rd graders, principally in inner-city schools. Fein is a longtime member of APN's Board of Directors.

P.S. For an opportunity to hear about the impact on Israel of 46 years of occupation and ways in which Americans who care about Israel could help end the occupation, please join us for a briefing call with Israeli political psychologist Daniel Bar-Tal on Thursday, June 6th, at 2:00pm Eastern Time.
One of Israel’s leading psychologists and sociologists and an expert on the socio-psychological foundations of intractable conflicts and peacemaking, Bar-Tal is the co-editor of the recently-published "The Impacts of Lasting Occupation," a book that examines the impact that 46 years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip has on Israel’s society.

The details of the call are as follows:

Date: Thursday, June 6th
Time: 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058
Participant Access Code: 147414